
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Counsel of Foreign Affairs has officially announced "The Euro has Failed - The Experiment of A Harmonious Europe has also Failed"

From The Counsel of Foreign Affairs official website they are acknowledging and announcing that the Euro has failed and the experiment of a Harmonious Europe has also failed.

This is huge.

For them to say this, they know much more than we do.  There must be things going on behind the scenes besides the Euro is at a low of 1.28 to the dollar this morning.  It is dropping in value fast.

Greece is also demanding 130 Billion more for a bailout immediately otherwise they are threatening to leave the Euro.

The Euro is finished especially if the CFR is officially announcing it too.

Get ready for a wild ride in the FX and equity markets.  If you thought things were crazy before in the markets you haven't seen anything yet when the Euro goes down completely.  The regular hard working people are going to be impacted the most.

One question.... got metals?

Key sentences  from CFR website article:

The euro should now be recognized as an experiment that failed. 
The political goal of creating a harmonious Europe has also failed. 
The initial impetus that led to the European Monetary Union and the euro was political, not economic.


The international monetary system rests on just two currencies: the dollar and the euro. Together, they account for nearly 90 percent of the foreign exchange reserves held by central banks and governments. They make up nearly 80 percent of the value of Special Drawing Rights, the reserve asset used in transactions between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its members. Of all debt securities denominated in a foreign currency, more than three-quarters are in dollars and euros. The two currencies together account for nearly two-thirds of all trading in foreign exchange markets worldwide. They are the essential lubricants of global trade and finance. Were they not widely accepted, the global economy could not sustain current levels of international trade and investment.
That is why the problems now faced by both currencies are so alarming. Today, more than at any time in recent memory, analysts and investors are voicing doubts about the stability of the dollar and the euro and the international monetary system that depends on them.


  1. It is time to admit that the experiment of private central banks issuing the public currency as a loan at interest, whether ECB, IMF, or the Fed, has also failed.

  2. i would guess that the businesses in Nyc that have been accepting the euro are passing on their losses to the taxpayer .

  3. This was designed to fail!
    Watch how a "solution" of a global currency is offered as those on pensions begin getting hungry and desperate.
    This "solution" is what these globalist control-freaks are salivating over.
    Ideally, this global system will arrive on the scene simultaneously with the collapse of the US dollar.

  4. What we need is social credit and the national dividend, not a global currency.

  5. its time to cut the haed off of the killer snake, the beast must be destroyed, no more central banksters issuing public crurrency.

  6. I'll buy euro's... when they are an old vintage currency for collectors, that 100 euro bill may go for $1.50....

    1. As compared to American dollars? Which are of course still the world standard but certain to lose that status within the next 50 years.
