UPDATE 8/8/11 - Post with the names of the New Elite Unconstitutional Super CON gress - and a way to stand up - fly your flag upside down - means "Country in Distress".
UPDATE - 8/1/11 - I have been calling my elected officials and talking to their assistants in the offices of Washington DC. First I ask what is their vote on the Debt Ceiling hike bill? I have gotten the response "not sure yet". I then say... they CAN NOT VOTE FOR THE BILL - AS A SUPER CONGRESS IS COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL! IF THEY VOTE FOR THE BILL - THEY ARE THEN VOTING FOR A NEW SECTION OF GOVERNMENT AND IT MAKES THEIR POSITION IRRELEVANT, AS THEY TOO WILL HAVE NO SAY IN ANY BILLS OR LEGISLATION! It seems to have hit a nerve when I have told them that.
I don't know if there is anyway WE THE PEOPLE can take back what the Idiots who only watch out for the banks and corporations do!
The Congress and Senate HAVE NO RIGHT TO FORM A SUPER CONGRESS! It is NOT in our Constitution!
The Super Congress than makes the rest of the elected officials (even though they are all bought and sold by the highest bidders of banks and corporations) irrelevant.
We the People Need to stand up for what is right and what is wrong in what the government is now doing!
There is no doubt they will put those who will not be up for reelection in the super congress. It will be so the rest of them can say "Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with it" to their constituents come election time, when the super congress takes away all of our rights and money!
This is a SAY NO to the Super Congress!
I know those in government don't give a care about what we think - BUT we still need to call them and tell them they have NO AUTHORITY under the Constitution to make a Super Congress!
We have got to rein in the government! The GOVERNMENT IS COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!
Yet, most Americans are going to sit on their lazy ass and let the government do as it will! Later the lazy asses will complain about what the government has done and is doing, when they loose everything and wonder what happened to their rights and freedoms! The people are completely asleep and complete idiots to not stand up for our country, freedom and rights!
The government has taken what used to be a wonder moral country and they have taken down to being the most immoral, warmongering, against the people country in the world.
If you Love your Country you will stand up against what they are doing!
The Federal Reserve and income tax is unConstitutional...so is the Libya agenda, Iraq, Afghanistan, prohibition against marijuana...just to name a few...
ReplyDeleteWashington is run by criminals...under the Council of Foreign Relations and Israel for the sole purpose of corporate interest and the political agenda to create a One World Government, using communism and tyranny to rule.
SHEOPLE...Please take the time to learn about how we live in a plutocracy and that Wall Street is a ponzi scheme, you might not do anything about it, but as least you'll know who's screwing you...
What is a Super Congress?
ReplyDeleteYAWTPR. Yet Another We The People Rant.
Does anyone really believe that by calling your congressman- excuse me- by CALLING YOUR CONGRESSMAN, that they will change their mind?
"What's that? My constituency doesn't want this to go through? Better not vote for it!"
Unconstitutional, unshmonstitutional. They don't care. You can't make them care. They have power, you have none. Calls, faxes, emails, letters, online petitions. All worthless. All.
You say, "Just say no to the super congress". I say, what happens when they do it anyway? You'll write TWO letters to congress? Let them know you are REALLY mad? Put congress on double-secret probation?
Ya got nothin'. No power to change their minds. Nothing.
Prove me wrong.
I know they don't listen, but people still need to do something and I plan on calling my elected officials today. A super Congress is not constitutional. At least I will raise my voice! It is better than just sitting back and not doing a single thing!
ReplyDeleteThe time for millions of Americans to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience is long overdue.
ReplyDelete"I know they don't listen, but people still need to do something and I plan on calling my elected officials today."
ReplyDeleteMe, I'm going to light incense to the Egyptian gods Rhotet and Amun-Ra. Yeah, I know they don't exist, but people still need to do something.
It is better than just sitting back and not doing a single thing!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Reserve and income tax is unConstitutional...so is the Libya agenda, Iraq, Afghanistan, prohibition against marijuana...just to name a few...
Washington is run by criminals...under the Council of Foreign Relations and Israel for the sole purpose of corporate interest and the political agenda to create a One World Government, using communism and tyranny to rule.
SHEOPLE...Please take the time to learn about how we live in a plutocracy and that Wall Street is a ponzi scheme, you might not do anything about it, but as least you'll know who's screwing you...
You are very well informed.....if only more American could see the truth we could take our country back! What you say above I've know since the 80's. But most would look at me like I was crazy.......But now I don't look so crazy!
We should call them and warn them - the democrats are my party and all of them in congress seem to be traitors. The supercongress has to be unconstitutional.
ReplyDeleteJohn Hansen
http://larouchepac.com/node/18977 The Super Congress is Obama's latest unconstitutional effort to work with Wall Street and the corrupt credit rating agencies of London to collapse the U.S. economy. This is a foreign-led British coup against the U.S. Constitution and our sovereign nation. It is unnecessary to sell government bonds to raise capital, when there is a clear directive of the Federal Constitution to have an economic policy based on a credit system. The U.S. government needs a credit system to directly fund the real physical economy in the areas of agriculture, industry, transportation, and scientific research.
ReplyDeletewhere is a petition to send these fools? I will sign it and so will everyone I know!
ReplyDeleteFIRE/REMOVE all government employees tied to corporations/banks! Shut off the freaking electricity and internet/phones WE PAY FOR in OUR offices and buildings!