I am at a loss for words. I don't turn on Cable News due to what Propaganda it is! But I decided to turn it on today, due to all I am reading about the Norwegian Anders Behring who committed a Horrific Massacre yesterday in Norway.
Not one channel of Cable News - CNN - MSNBC - FOX has Norway in their headlines and news for today 7/23/11 now! Yesterday, 7/22/11 they were all over it saying it was an Islamic Terrorist Job. Once it came out it was a Norwegian who is also a Freemason, they are now silent and acting as if Norway did not happen. I have been switching channels and nothing from any of them! (2:20pm est) Finally CNN did just mention the Norway shooting - they said what the numbers are of dead.
What more do they know that they are now acting like Norway did not happen?
Let me link here what all I have found and read off different sites today.
First the kids on the island of Utoya who were shot, happened to have held up this sign the day before the massacre there: It says: BOYCOTT ISRAEL! Link to the article with the below picture in it.
Here is a picture of Anders Behring that he had on his Facebook page which has now been wiped off the net. Someone had gotten complete screen shots of it, before it was wiped off.
The link to the Facebook screen shots of his Facebook page before it was taken down.
There are also witnesses saying there was a second shooter on the Island.
Now what is also interesting is UFO Blogger has put some interesting information together about it, including the numbers of yesterday.
Here is what UFO Blogger has up, in regards to the numbers:
And then there are the numbers…always the numbers

9/11 9+1+1=11
7/22 7+2+2=11
7/22/11 features 22/11
Initial reports: 7 dead in bombing, 9 dead in shooting
Bombing happened 3:26pm local time 3+2+6=11
560 members of the Labor Youth Movement on the Island 5+6=11
Headline reads “Shocked by twin attacks” echoing “attacks on twin towers” , 'Blast scene 'like 9/11':CNN
Now what I had said earlier to someone is watch the numbers of victims - they were at 91 earlier today and now they are at 92 - with 4 missing. Previously, the media/governments do not add the missing to the number of dead ever. So what does 9+2 equal?
So the numbers all around, seem to be hitting 11. 11 is the "master" number of those who wish to sacrifice others at various times in the year and they do it on 11 days.
Two different articles about his Freemason position:
This news site has lots of information about it and they even have the picture of him in his Freemason Apron.
He says Islam has caused the most deaths in the world over all others. He seems to not like Islam at all.
The question is, did he commit this horrific act against Norway and the Kids on Utoya Island due to Norway's position on Israel and the children on the Island agreeing with the position (due to the sign they held up - pictured above)?
My Thoughts and Pray and Love is with the Norwegians. I can't imagine the terror the children felt on the island of Utoya for the hour and half to two hours before anyone else got there. I have to say, I don't understand that part either. It seems the kids were calling their parents letting them know what was going on. Why did it take so long for authorities to get there?
I also think Anders Behring will most likely be "suicided" in the near future. He must know a lot of information. The news has said that he has never given a "reason" for him doing what he did. But I don't believe that. That would have been the very first thing they got out of him. Like I said, I don't expect this to go to trial ever, he will be taken out beforehand. There is most likely information he has that is not suppose to get out. It also seems the whole set up may not have gone the way it was suppose to go, for those who planned it.
The Friends of Jihad had immediately taken credit for the bombing and massacre and the MSM media was all over it. But when Anders Behring was caught alive on the island, they had to back track and then they have become almost silent about it all. So, I doubt he was suppose to have stayed on the island and gotten caught. He most likely did not follow the plan of getting off the island before the authorities got there.
But again the BIG question is: What took the authorities 2 hours to get to the island, when the kids were immediately calling their parents telling them there was a shooter/shooters on the island?
One other oddity - Seems the Oslo Police had conducted a Bombing exercise the day before. They had forgotten to tell anyone they were going to do so. Seems people had freaked out when hearing explosions. Of course the police apologized for their oversight. Then the next day a real explosion happened. Kind of reminds you of past exercises and then the real thing happening at the same time or next day. Like 9/11 and 7/7 London bombing. Pretty funny how horrible terrorist attacks happen at the same time or right after the military or police practiced for them.
UPDATE 7/24/11 - Behring wrote a 1500 page manifesto - if you so desire to read it, Zerohedge has it in one of their posts.
Update on Manifesto - 7/25/11 - it seems it may be almost the exact manifesto of the unibomber. So it begs the question - was this a planted manifesto or did Behring really write it?
UPDATE 7/24/11 - An article on Yahoo this morning, says the Police were 90 minutes late because they could not find a boat or helicopter to get to the island!
Portions from Article:
Police arrived at an island massacre about an hour and a half after a gunman first opened fire, slowed because they didn't have quick access to a helicopter and then couldn't find a boat to make their way to the scene just several hundred yards (meters) offshore. The assailant surrendered when police finally reached him, but 85 people died before that.
UPDATE 7/24/11 - Behring wrote a 1500 page manifesto - if you so desire to read it, Zerohedge has it in one of their posts.
Update on Manifesto - 7/25/11 - it seems it may be almost the exact manifesto of the unibomber. So it begs the question - was this a planted manifesto or did Behring really write it?
UPDATE 7/24/11 - An article on Yahoo this morning, says the Police were 90 minutes late because they could not find a boat or helicopter to get to the island!
Portions from Article:
Police arrived at an island massacre about an hour and a half after a gunman first opened fire, slowed because they didn't have quick access to a helicopter and then couldn't find a boat to make their way to the scene just several hundred yards (meters) offshore. The assailant surrendered when police finally reached him, but 85 people died before that.
A SWAT team was dispatched to the island more than 50 minutes after people vacationing at a campground said they heard shooting across the lake, according to Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim. The drive to the lake took about 20 minutes, and once there, the team took another 20 minutes to find a boat.
Footage filmed from a helicopter that showed the gunman firing into the water added to the impression that police were slow to the scene. They chose to drive, Sponheim said, because their helicopter wasn't on standby.
"There were problems with transport to Utoya," where the youth-wing of Norway's left-leaning Labor Party was holding a retreat, Sponheim said. "It was difficult to get a hold of boats."
UPDATE - 7/25/11 - Another Oddity - Police knew EXACTLY who was doing the shooting before they got to the island! They called out his name and that is how they caught him on the Island. So.... HOW did the Police KNOW who it was, when all the media at the time were saying is was an Islamic group doing it? The Norwegian people need to demand answers to what sounds like the Police Stood Down for Behring to massacre children.
UPDATE - here is a video at the very beginning showing a helicopter overhead filming Behring killing kids on the island. Again WHY didn't the police use this helicopter and get on it to take Behring out? How could someone be filming this and not try and help the people? Short video of Police staged bombing in Oslo, the day before the real bombing
Man, how those jerks must DESPISE the internet! Their lies get shredded to pieces in less than one day, GO BLOGGERS!
ReplyDeleteHey Sherrie Q&A,...Excellent coverage.
Good stuff here Sherrie. best-donna/mg