
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Morgan Stanley Defaulted on a Loan and Walked away from Offices in Tokyo!! Gave the keys back! Biggest Default in Japan's History 3.3 Billion!

Morgan Stanley Defaulted on a Tokyo Commercial office building yesterday (April 15th) they gave the keys back!

It is the biggest default ever in Japan's History - it is worth 3.3 Billion.  Morgan Stanley left their investors high and dry with this default!  Will this information come to light in the U.S. MSM?

Portions from Article:

TOKYO (Reuters) – A Morgan Stanley property fund failed to make $3.3 billion in debt payments by a deadline on Friday, handing over the keys to a central Tokyo office building to Blackstone (BX.N) and other in

The $4.2 billion MSREF V real estate fund missed its April 15 deadline to repay 278 billion yen($3.3 billion) vestors, the largest repayment failure of its kind in Japan.

The refinanced debt was sold in six different tranches by Morgan Stanley to investors.

Now comes the question on WHY Morgan Stanley did this?

Commonsense says they know something we do not or they can read the writing on the wall.  Tokyo is getting a major amount of radiation from the Fukushima melt down.  They have decided to walk away from their investments there.  

I have read this morning (16th) that planes have been chartered with the elite getting out of Japan in a more hurried fashion than before.  

Here is an article on how many of the banks have left Tokyo along with other major corporations and evacuated their top personnel.  It is being denied by those corporations, but with the latest news of Morgan Stanley walking away from an office building, I would wager a bet it is true.

From Article:
Foreign firms are evacuating staff from Japan, after fears of radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi plant escalated further.

German car maker BMW and car part maker Continental are among companies moving employees out of the country.

Others, including software group SAP, are moving staff to southern cities within Japan.

Workers have suspended operations at the nuclear plant after a rise in radiation levels.

Radiation levels in Tokyo were higher than normal, officials said, but not at levels dangerous to humans.

The expatriate staff of international banks, including Morgan Stanley, BNP Paribas and Standard Chartered, have reportedly left the capital city.

Update -I have found information on the building they have walked away from.
Shinagawa Grand Central Tower

2-16-3/4, 2 Konan, Minato-ku
Tokyo Japan

Construction Dates
Floor Count32
Basement Floors3
Building Uses
 - office
 - restaurant
 - retail
Structural Types
 - highrise
 - landing pad

Edit to add - It is Tuesday morning- April 19th,  I have not heard one word from MSM on T.V. or online.  You would think such huge news and information would be mentioned by a financial analyst or expert on CNBC etc.   This is a major default by a major U.S. bank/investment firm, where is MSM on this...... Silent! 

Edit - Wednesday Morning April 20th - STILL SILENCE - NOT ONE MSM media has mentioned this Fact!  Not even Drudge, The Raw Story,  nor Huffington Post or any other alternative news outlet has put this information on their sites!   (But they are pushing the more important distraction information - All about Charlie Sheen, Royal Wedding, etc they think people really need to know about)

Edit Friday April 22nd.- One week has gone by since Morgan Stanley defaulted on 3.3 billion in Japan and not one mention of it in the financial media online or on T.V..  But what is very interesting is none of the big alternative sites as Drudge etc.... have said a word about it either!  To me that shows they too are controlled by others, otherwise why haven't they brought this news up to the public?  This is big news that there is only silence on!  That silence speaks volumes, IMHO!

UPDATE - 4/21/11 - Another 2.2 Billion Loss for Morgan Stanley in Japan! - click to see article 


  1. "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.” Otto von Bismarck

    Otto was a sly SOB.

  2. There are several videos on you tube suggesting Japan is sinking. Could this be a factor in the exodus?

  3. The value of the properties has fallen well below that of the debt, analysts and sources said, raising the prospect that the funds will fail to repay or refinance the loans and hand control of the buildings over to lenders.

  4. People are nuts. Funny how he 'news' of Japan sinking and increased radiation only comes from conspiracy sites...

    I live here and all is fine, Japan is busy fixing the damage of earthquake and tsunami, that includes the power plant. Japan also does not want a repeat of chernobyl where they send many workers in high radiation zones aka into an early grave, so they are going step by step.

  5. this isn't about Japan sinking, but there is confirmation from Green peace that radiation is very high outside the evacuation area. You may think all is fine there, but considering in the U.S. we have radiated milk and water from the winds, that means there is a major amount of radiation coming off Japan.

    You will find the winds are shifting starting today and will be taking the radiation over Japan into Asia.

    I sincerely feel for all who are in Japan, it is very sad what is and has happened. Stay safe.

  6. Charles Frith, it is linked the very first line is the link to the article.

  7. Where are the gods when we need them ? Same as it ever was :(

  8. "People are nuts. Funny how he 'news' of Japan sinking and increased radiation only comes from conspiracy sites...

    I live here and all is fine, Japan is busy fixing the damage of earthquake and tsunami, that includes the power plant. Japan also does not want a repeat of chernobyl where they send many workers in high radiation zones aka into an early grave, so they are going step by step."

    You have got to be kidding? Your completely hopeless and lost.

  9. Embassies are leaving Tokyo as well. Tokyo will be an abandoned city, and radiation will continue to spread throughout the region. No wonder South Korea is incensed at Japan's ineptitude. Only a matter of time before they are adversely affected. It needs to be covered in concrete, once and for all. A former diplomat...

  10. America has it's wish come true here!!! If Japan sinks, collapses or whatever ...
    The US aren't going to pay Japan back the Billions upon Billions the US have borrowed to keep the US economy floating. The US will just write that I.O.U off and continue on like nothing ever happened. So long suckers ..... I mean bye bye Japan.

  11. I'm for every single person to leave the island nation, as an international crew is sent to go about 'fixing' every single aspect of this mess humanly possible.

    AND [this is the important point] this would enable the entire world to see, and experience, a formally organized globally representative body of adults attempt to work in harmony to solve a single issue.

    If they are unable to 'cease and desist' from further nuclear autrocoties, then perhaps they could earn our trust.

    All of our nation's prior 'leaders' had been subjected to the scrutiny of an actually performance review...

  12. If 3 cores have melted through the container's wall, it's game over. The radiation spill in the sea and fresh water source is disastrous but the radiation spill over land will mandate the evacuation of many millions, better to start planning where to send them, home is not an option for them. Life is a gamble, they lost to those who told them it was the safest thing on Earth. Japan will never recover from this disaster. Let's hope the Nuclear Energy either. My thoughts go to the Proud Japanese People.

  13. concrete is half the issue. this isn't Chernobyl. The radioactive core is melted. Without the fire hoses it will slowly burn thru contain, and hit the ocean with tons of radioactive material, which will bio-accumulate. This has nothing to do with the chest x-ray dose nonsense people talk about. Ingesting a radioactive emmitter is like eating cancer.

  14. Here (in Japanese):

  15. Lots of land and clean water here in Prince George BC if they have the money to move here....

  16. Not to worry, 100's of millions of people will die around the globe because of this radioactive death trap. The population control desired by the elite of the world will, go on as planned.

    The bungling and inept planning trying to "shut down" these melted reactors demonstrates that, the controllers of the world knew how to setup a great plan for genocide.

    Building 6 reactors on the worst fault lines on the planet. Having no disaster plans to protect the people of the country. The elite have placed 100s of dirty bomb reactors around the World, waiting for this type of disaster to happen!

    Or, as some people will rationalize, it was just a bunch of bad decisions to build the most deadly, non-green, expensive and unprofitable power stations that can kill the most people!

    Conspiracy or stupidity, the end results will be the same....millions will die. Satan has been released upon the World and he's never leaving!

  17. The One World Government has declined to use this crises to prove their mettle and earn our confidence. On dozens of points, from the calculated, deliberate malfeasance to the govt pre 311 confiscation of all pot iodine pills in US it is clear: This tragedy was planned, which is why it is not being stopped, and it was planned to serve the #1 goal of the UN, IAEA, WHO, CLUB of ROME, Agenda 21, Global 2000...
    DEPOPULATION of the planet. They want it down to less than a billion and in they have directly been quoted very unequivocally saying so for decades.
    This will be a jackpot of pop reduction across the northern hemishpere.
    Such success rate, abetted by no Useless Eaters pushback or resistance, will guarantee the next, far worse depopulation 'accident'.

  18. There is nothing new here. Yes, the reactor cores and possibly spent fuel in the storage areas above the reactors, overheated, emitted hydrogen, and exploded. That is the definition of what happens in a meltdown. There are articles on Japanese news sites explaining that the cores broke apart in some of the reactors, and highly radioactive waste and fuel fell to the bottom of the reactor vessels in pieces. As the workers spray water onto the reactor buildings, that water is carrying waste into the basements, tunnels, and all over the complex. The longer this takes place, the less likely any reasonable closure will come within years.

  19. Someone above posted "If 3 cores have melted through the container's wall, it's game over. The radiation spill in the sea and fresh water source is disastrous but the radiation spill over land will mandate the evacuation of many millions..."

    That has already happened. That is exactly why workers can not go into or near the reactor buildings for more than about 30 minutes. This is all old news. Radioactive waste *has* already been pumped into the ocean. And it is, as we speak, leaking into the ground.

  20. If it is true, that the globalists are seeking to reduce the numbers on the planet..then this is the stupidest way to do it..because the corpses are so radioactive they can't be buried or cremated. This would mean that the globalists themselves are committing suicide..nice world they have created for themselves. NOT!

  21. Denial abounds. I saw. Containment breech March 11th and not a single word has proved me wrong.

    The 11 of march.

    Those who think this disaster is going to just go away would do well to look at the not as bad mess Chernobyl is and will CONTINUE to be for many thousands of years into our future. Try to hear the cries of every mother suffering birth defects. Every child with Leukemia. Every animal being dosed every day. Playing around with atomic power is CONFORMATION the men involved in building and running these serious fragile devices WANT to see mass death and widespread contaminations.

    The A-10 warthog with its GAU-8 uranium bullet Gatling gun was just not getting the job done fast enough.

    Chernobyl was not an accident. Some man did things and set in motion the events that led to the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor ON PURPOSE... for a REASON.

    Japans entire nuclear industry is build in Tsunami heaven on top of the most active earthquake zones these men could find to build these Plants upon.

    Do you think it was an oversight not building the plants with TSUNAMI and EARTHQUAKE event protection and backups to prevent ANY possible leaks or contaminations?

    The entire world is just going to have to sit up take note and DO SOMETHING to reign in the nuclear craziness BEFORE we all receive a toxic dose.

    Look hard at the MEN profiting from this network of yet to be disasters and see the evil they have in mind for YOU!

    400 Plus reactors are running RIGHT NOW as you read this.

  22. "Where are the gods when we need them ? Same as it ever was" :(

    Well the Gods will never be there simply coz they're are no other gods but GOd. Only If japan served teh One true God then i believe things would be so different. clamaties dont come for nothing! Japan do worships all sorts of things and are spiritually very poor, maybe this is the time for some change and some critical thinking. I hope so.

  23. What Radiation Is Hitting North America

    When you hear the news or some Nuclear or Health Official telling you that "only extremely low levels of radiation have been detected and therefore there is no need to be concerned, there is no health threat to the American public."

    Do not be comforted by this false sense of security. The first part of the statement is true, but the remainder is false.

    It's not the loud noise that break glass molecules, it's the frequency.
    It's not the strong microwave levels that cause cellular damage, it's the frequency
    It's not the strong wireless signal that causes cellular damage, it's the vibrational frequency.
    It's not just high levels of radiation that cause damage, extreme low levels of radiation do too.

    These extreme low levels of biologically significant radiation hit North America Mid March 2011.

    North American Radiation
    * Cesium 137 accumulates in fatty tissues, liver, spleen and muscles
    * Iodide-131 accumulates in Thyroid, breast and ovaries
    * Strontium-90 concentrates in your bones and liver
    * Barium-140 causes bone tumors up to 30 years later
    * Tellurium-132 causes cell mutations, repeatedly via replication
    * Yttrium-0 damage to liver and respiration
    * Plutonium-244 concentrates in your liver
    * Uranium 235 accumulates in your bones and liver

    In 1972 Dr Abram Petkau discovered that low levels of radiation, over a longer period of time, were more damaging than higher doses over a short period of time.

    Once you ingest or inhale even very low levels of radioactive particles the Petkau Effect immediately starts potentially lethal tissue ionization.

    The phenomenon of the Petkau Effect basically means that you are ionizing or irradiating yourself continuously from the inside out. This insidious burning at your molecular level will impair your body long before there is a diagnosable disease.

    There is much that can be done to protect ourselves, animals & soil.


  24. Nuclear Power Plants are obvious targets for terrorists. Why would any one want them in Australia, it has been discussed? Only those with ulterior motives !

  25. The report on CBC is interesting: "Markets, dollar drop on U.S. credit warning
    Gold hits record." There is definitely no mention of this default as yet. Thanks for the info!

  26. I hear there are a lot of foreclosed houses in the U.S. that banks hold....hmmmmmm wonder if these houses are clearing the way for elite global refugees. Meet your new neighbors!!!!

  27. Just tax the rich and redistribute the wealth. Hug a tree. Global warming, global warming, global warming. Organize your community. Hide your birth certificate from prying eyes. Problem solved. Thanks, Gary

  28. I hate people who try to get people together to accomplish things as a team

  29. This blog is now showing the Morgan Stanley Defaulted on a Loan and Walked away from Offices in Tokyo. Commonsense says they know something we do not or they can read the writing on the wall.

  30. I notice there are plenty regarding in foreclosure process residences within the Oughout.Azines. that will finance institutions maintain....hmmmmmm question in the event that these homes are cleaning the way pertaining to top-notch world-wide refugees. Satisfy your new neighbours!

  31. It is the biggest default ever in Japan's History - it is worth 3.3 Billion. Morgan Stanley left their investors high and dry with this default! Will this information come to light in the U.S. MSM?loan
