
Friday, April 15, 2011

Open Letter to Mr. Obama..... You will NOT Have my Vote this Time!

Mr. Obama,

Do you really think  the people are that stupid?  I can't actually believe you have the nerve "audacity" to run for the Presidential office once more!

You broke every single promise you made during the 2008 campaign, you out Bushed Bush!  You have created the most extreme Executive orders in the line of what Stalin and Lenin only dreamed of doing!  You lied in every way during your last campaign!

Do you think people have that short of memories?

Oh yes, I fell for your "Hope and Change" in 2008, I even sent you money!  I had bumper stickers on my car, which got my car keyed.  But that was okay because I was standing up for what I believed in!  I am in a very conservative area, but I still came out right and stood up for you.

You have proven, you will do and say anything to be President.

What is funny, is I am already hearing the SAME empty campaign promises coming from your lips again.  You are obviously recycling those empty lies.

I don't believe you are going to have those packed stadiums you had in 2008, I don't believe you are going to have all those college kids putting together all the various groups that went door to door for you.  OH, and do you really think all those individual donors are going to throw money at you once more?

I think you will need to look to BP, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, GE, Defense and War contractors, Blackwater/XE militia for hire, and all the banks you have supported and let run over the country over the people who had elected you for money.

Do not think our memories are short!  Do not believe for one second those of us who wanted our Freedoms back and who wanted the U.S. to stop torture and Stop the needless loss of Freedoms due to the "War of Terror" are going to forget how we in fact under your Presidency have LOST MORE Freedoms!

We the people know you will say anything to get elected, also we the people can look at the last three years and see our country has never been in worse shape and our constitution has never been shredded as much as it is now.

When you got into office and immediately started blocking all the investigations into the Bush Waterboard torture, into the illegal wiretapping, into renditions which was totally opposite of what your campaign empty promises is when all Hope was Lost and your promises proven to be lies, just to get elected!

You have left "We the People" with LOST HOPE and Police State Change of which has chained us into slavery to the banks and corporations which run you and all the elected officials in Washington DC.

Have you called for a single banker to be prosecuted for the illegal foreclosures through fraud?  Have you asked for one banker to be held accountable for the outright and purposeful fraud committed upon homeowners?

As I see it Mr. Obama, you committed Fraud upon the people in 2008 by lying to get elected.  I for one, who has always voted Democratic will NEVER Vote for you nor Democratic again!  I am a Constitutional Person - I am of my own - I am not part of any 2 system party anymore!

I will work against your reelection, but besides that I really am amazed you even have the nerve to try and be reelected! 

Mr Obama, you will be going down as I believe the Worse President in History, Welcome to the club that includes both Bush Presidents with your name now at the top of the list!

 Don't bother asking me for one penny!

OH, what will be your slogan this campaign "This Time I MEAN the Promises I make"?

Oh one other question .......  Is it the power of being President for which you sold your soul and made empty campaign promises?  We the people have our soul and We the People know and can see those who have Sold their souls!  We the People are standing up for what is right and what is truth and you sir are neither!

OH One other thing.... the Nobel Peace Prize committee really NEEDS to TAKE BACK your Nobel Peace Prize as the U.S. has NEVER had such a War Mongering President before in our History!  How many countries do you plan to invade that have done nothing to the U.S.?  We have never been in so many wars at one time!  You remind me of how Hitler invaded countries to gain control, that was the last person to invade multiple countries since you.  Congress needs to step up and hold you accountable for invading a country without their approval!

Oh Mr. Obama - seems you are threatening the Congress and Senate, just as Bush always did when he wanted to get his way.  You are doing the same now... saying Congress has to raise the debt limit ceiling otherwise "The global economy will be into a recession".  Oh.... threats are a favorite Presidential pastime it seems.

But lets just look at what you said EXACTLY in 2006!
March 20, 2006: This was the last stand-alone debt limit vote on which then-Senator Obama voted. He
was one of 48 members to vote against the increase, which passed with 52 votes.i He said:The fact
that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.
It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial
assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing
America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops
here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and
grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

UUUHHHH.......... NO NO NO MR. Obama - The Majority of the American public DOES NOT Feel you deserve a second term! In fact I believe you will find those that supported you in 2008 have already walked away, as I have. Only those that are blind to truth will still support you!


  1. I can not believe you voted for him in the first place. No I did not vote for McCain either. I did not believe any of their BS! I voted for Ron Paul. Don't be fooled for the truth. Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. LOL Yep... hey, my excuse is... I wasn't awake yet! :) But now I am!

  3. Good for you! Now let wake-up some more sheep!
    Ron Paul!!!!!!!

  4. So sad... Ron Paul is another player in the dog and pony show. I was a Ron Paul bound delegate to the RNC in 2008, and RON PAUL told us all NOT to protest the war and to start making allies of the neocons. The entire election process is a scam. SELF GOVERNANCE is the only path to liberty.

  5. Must be a different Ron Paul from who I have known for more then 25 years! I don't believe a word of it!

  6. Always felt that this was bigger then Obama, don't be two hard on him.

  7. Osama Bin Barry doesn't have to worry that you/we won't vote for him; he's got the keys to the computers which "count" the electronic voting booths' results. Last election, YouTube was filled with dozens of videos showing vote-flipping at the polls. Beyond polling-place fraud, the largest frauds happen at the central computer sites, where all the polling machines' results are supposedly counted. If you search for it, you may still be able to find a programmer testifying to Congress about how he was hired in Florida to write a program to unnoticeably rig the election. He testifies that he did so, and then was uneasy when the expected request to find a way to make sure that cannot happen never materialized. Poor honest, trusting sap. Poor us, who believe our votes are actually being counted.
