
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fuel Rods have melted in 3 reactors at Fukushima - Reactors 1,2 & 3 (Mox Fuel) - Wind Shift Japan and Asia - Huge amounts of Radiation -

Just released is the fact the fuel rods of reactors 1,2, and 3 (Mox Fuel - link to what Mox Fuel is) have melted and are at the bottom of the reactors. 

This article about the melting says the containment vessels are at risk of the fuel melting and compromising the vessels by melting through them.  The TEPCO people are downplaying that saying it is a uniform melt and the vessels are not at risk.

But if the vessels are not at risk and have not melted through, then why is there so much radioactive water under and around  the vessels?  It seems to me that there has been a melting through.  They are placing a steel barrier around reactor 2 which is the one that was disclosed to have a cracked vessel with melted rods underneath it a couple of weeks ago.

The Japanese Prime Minister Nan said the other day everything was going better at the Fukushima plant, even as the level was raised to the highest possible of a nuclear disaster, to level 7.

What I am reading is the fact the plant is actually had a full melt down in all the reactors (except for 5 and 6) and it is only through information here and there that the whole picture is coming to light.  The TEPCO and Japanese government are  not being honest with the Japanese people nor the world.

With the amount of nuclear radioactivity on the ground around the plant, it suggest to me that the fuel rods have melted through their containment vessels.  It was disclosed 660 tons of radioactive water was pumped out from under the reactors this last week alone and those underground areas filled up once more yesterday with the same level that was pumped out. 

With that information, common sense tells you the only place that water can be coming from is cracked and damaged containment vessels which they keep pouring water in.

Portions from article:

Nuclear fuel has melted in three reactors at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and fallen to the lower sections of their container vessels, raising the specter of overheated material compromising a container and causing a massive radiation release, the Atomic Energy Society of Japan said in a report released on Friday

Workers earlier this week transferred roughly 660 tons of radiation-tainted water out of an underground passage, but fluid flooding the area reached its original depth by Friday morning, Kyodo News quoted the atomic safety agency as saying. Contaminated water has hindered efforts to restore cooling mechanisms needed to help prevent additional radioactive material from escaping the site.

Soil samples taken at the facility between March 31 and April 4 contained small amounts of plutonium, Kyodo News reported on Friday. The finding marked the third detection of plutonium traces at the site (Kyodo News I).

Tokyo Electric Power on Wednesday said the deterioration of spent fuel stored in the No. 4 reactor's cooling pond appeared confined, the Asahi Shimbun reported. Fuel in the reactor was only partly compromised, the company indicated (Asahi Shimbun I, April 15).

So the above information has some truth in it released to the public about the fuel rods being melted.

We know they have been dumping thousands of tons of radioactive water in the ocean for weeks and the Japanese government has not been honest about the amount of radiation around the area and throughout Japan.  The winds have been mostly taking the radiation away from Japan.  That is changing this weekend and today.

Here is where the radiation will be sweeping over Japan and Asia, it looks like North and South Korea will be getting lots of radiation also.

Friday 15th - Winds

Saturday 16th - Winds

Sunday 17th Winds

Monday 18th Winds

Tuesday 19th Winds

I just posted about Morgan Stanley defaulting and handing back the keys to an office building in Tokyo, yesterday the 15th of April, it is the largest default - worth 3.3 billion in Japan's history. 

Why would they do that, unless those at the top of various corporations and banks are getting information the normal people are not getting.  For a bank to walk away from a huge investment like that speaks volumes!

Why is it that governments and corporations always hide the truth from the people?  Do they have the attitude of "You can't handle the truth"?  People knowing the truth then can make up their own mind on what they need to do.  It seems only the elite may be given what the truth is, as they seem to be getting out of Japan in record numbers now.

You will see someone posted this link in a comment below.  It is an excellent link with up close photos and information.  Thank you for the link, to the anonymous who posted it!


  1. Good job of snooping around, Sherrie. I don't know what altitude these images represent, but even at 5000 meters they are a major problem if it rains. If they are ground level then let's face it - time to consider most of Japan about to be Chernobylized. I also expect that outsiders like Greenpeace will measure the radioactivity before the Japanese will, and that TEPCO-Gov will deny any need to evacuate for 2-3 weeks. The world is about to change.

    Also, the images don't represent the Cesium plume, but I think that is perhaps the indicator that a wider evacuation needs to happen.

    So the wind has been kind to them for over a month, but is now shifted. Did they expect anything different? They are trying to salvage fuel and it's quite obvious that they are sacrificing millions of lives before they will give up their vain hope. This is about man's inhumanity to man, isn't it? - Paul

  2. The plutonium found 30 kilometers away from the plant is most likely from the explosion of the spent fuel pool of no 3.
    Judging by the pictures, there is simply nothing left there.
    This would also explain why all the radiation monitors went off-scale for a while.

  3. Thank you for that link, I am putting it in the post! Excellent photos and info.

  4. This is a global catastrophe. The oceans are big but not infinite. At some point this is going to make the world's oceans too toxic to fish. That would mean starvation for billions and the end of civilization as we know it. The ensuing world wars might just go nuclear and then finish off the job that Chernobyl and Fukushima started - turning the world into a nuclear wasteland.

    Send in a supertanker that holds a billion gallons and figure out how to start making caskets for the polluted water.

    This is serious business. Write your congresspersons.

  5. "But if the vessels are not at risk and have not melted through, then why is there so much radioactive water under and around the vessels? "

    It is still possible that the contamination is coming from the so-called 'spent fuel' pools. Something of a euphemism if you take this at all seriously:-

    "Is Japan's Elite Hiding a Weapons Program Inside Nuclear Plants?"

    "Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken factor.

    The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady purpose, an iron will and a grim task unknown to outsiders. The most logical explanation: The nuclear industry and government agencies are scrambling to prevent the discovery of atomic-bomb research facilities hidden inside Japan's civilian nuclear power plants.

    A secret nuclear weapons program is a ghost in the machine, detectable only when the system of information control momentarily lapses or breaks down. A close look must be taken at the gap between the official account and unexpected events."

    Full article at

    How else to explain the apparent 'gross incompetence', tardiness and 'rearguard secrecy'?

    You might also want to revisit the Georgia Guidestones, Clif High's SHAPE reports & Kissinger's Eugenics policies to try and make better 'sense' of this 'unnatural disaster'...

  6. I just posted this morning (17th) about an what might be underneath the nuclear power plant.

    Also I have been to the Georgia Guidestones and reported on them in 2009

    As for Clif High's reports, I have no comment on that since I did an article about him also, which is on the blog, but I won't link here.

    I have not read Kissinger's Eugenics policies, I will need to look those up. Thanks

  7. Many thanks for your response, Sherrie - I fully appreciate that _you_ are up to speed - but some new readers passing through might not have 'joined the dots' yet.

    Another avenue you might wish to explore (or possibly in your case, review ;):-

    John Coleman - Conspirators Hierarchy

    Good luck surviving the psychotics and their fallout,

    In love and peace,

    aldo arisen

  8. What I am reading is the fact the plant is actually had a full melt down in all the reactors

    How, exactly, did the fuel get from the spent fuel pool to reactor number 4 before melting down?
