
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Video of a TSA Pat Down AFTER a Mother and Sons got OFF a Train in Savannah, Ga! What right do they have to do that?!

UPDATE 3/1/11 - Full First Hand Account of TSA Pat Down at Savannah Train Station

This is so mind boggling to me!  I am still trying to figure out within WHAT law or right would the TSA have to pat down people AFTER they got OFF a train in Savannah, Ga.?

Where is the sense in patting down people when they have gotten to their destination?

But, more importantly what RIGHT OR LAW allows TSA to pat down people riding on trains?

If all of this is true, then we are so down the rabbit hole in being a POLICE STATE in the United States!  All of this invasion of privacy and having to SUBMIT to other people feeling us up all in the name of keeping us "safe from terrorism"?

It seems to me there is one terrorist that is standing above all others now!  After watching this, I believe those who are reading these words know exactly who/what I am claiming is a terrorist!

If that had been me,  I would have demanded what right they had to do ANY pat down and REFUSED to allow it being done to me or my child! 

I believe as many people as possible need to reproduce this video, in case youtube decides to take it down.

Description at youtube link of the Video, from the person who submitted it:

The only bad thing on our trip was TSA was at the Savannah train station. There were about 14 agents pulling people inside the building and coralling everyone in a roped area AFTER you got OFF THE TRAIN! This made no sense!!! Poor family in front of us! 9 year old getting patted down and wanded. They groped our people too and were very unprofessional. I am all about security, but when have you ever been harassed and felt up getting OFF a plane? Shouldnt they be doing that getting ON??? And they wonder why so many people are mad at them.

Is this picture what they want people to get used to where ever we go?  We Have Rights to say NO and question WHY they are even doing this outside of Airports?


  1. Submit now ....

    and repent later ...

  2. Welcome to your new Orwellian world, America! Soon they will be patting you down anywhere they want....

    Wake up and take your country back!

  3. TSA pedophiles, yet another violation of our rights. Add it to the list of gov’t violations of our right:
    They violate the 1st Amendment by placing protesters in cages, banning books like “America Deceived II” and censoring the internet.
    They violate the 2nd Amendment by confiscating guns.
    They violate the 4th and 5th Amendment by molesting airline passengers.
    They violate the entire Constitution by starting undeclared wars for foreign countries.
    Impeach Obama and sweep out the Congress, except Ron Paul.
    (Last link of Banned Book):

  4. She allowed it, that says a lot right there. Contemptible sheep.

  5. What would they have done had this person said no? It seems at airports, they make you leave. Would they have made her stay?

  6. America is a POLICE STATE because AMERICANS ALLOW IT! Wake the hell up people. The "War On Terror" is a massive LIE! The criminal UNITED STATES CORPORATION who is POSING as a government is literally a CORPORATION. Look it up. They want YOU to give up your freedom for SECURITY. The CIA CREATED the fake Taliban and Al-Queda!
    The Republic for the united States HAS BEEN RESTORED!
    This is our ONLY REMEDY. Do not fear, that is what they WANT!

  7. Anonymous said...

    What would they have done had this person said no? It seems at airports, they make you leave. Would they have made her stay?

    Great question?
    Make her get back on the train? Would they have had her arrested? I assume they would have threatened arrest. But under WHAT grounds could she be arrested or anyone who had submitted that day? How many did submit? How many went through that? Where else are they doing the same thing? Why Savannah?

    There are so many questions regarding this event! BUT the BIGGEST Question is: WHAT RIGHT under WHAT LAW do they have a right of searching like that?!


  8. People! Stop travelling!!! That is the only answer!! if you cannot get there by car, do not go!!! If you own a business do not allow TSA employees into it, that is YOUR right as the business owner. Things do not change on their own. Affect their bottom dollar.

  9. Soon there will be random traffic stops, pat downs and naked body scanners at sporting events, the mall, bus stations, train depots, etc. Just wait for the unveiling of the facial nervousness and lie detection trailers. An itch will get you flagged for further investigation. But don't take my word on it, Big Sis has already stated that is the long term goal.

    I'm going to teach my kids to punch TSA in the groin if they try this sort of thing with them. Arrest a four and two year old, I dare you! Kids are supposed to be exempt from screening. This is child molestation.

  10. And we have all been brought up in the USA with the constant demonization of the Nazis and Adolph Hitler? Looks like we LOST WW2!

  11. Now now people . . . those kids could have eaten drugged candy provided by Al Qaeda designed to make them Manchurian candidate terrorists! We can't have that in Amerika can we? Besides, these TSA goons can go home at night and have great sex after feeling little kids up and down! Where is the blood test to determine if they ate some Qaeda candy?

  12. > Make her get back on the train?

    > Would they have had her arrested?
    Yes. Here's how:

    The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is warning that any would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint and then refuses to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.

    That person will have to remain on the premises to be questioned by the TSA and possibly by local law enforcement. Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest.

    "Once a person submits to the screening process, they can not just decide to leave that process," says Sari Koshetz, regional TSA spokesperson, based in Miami.

    Koshetz said such passengers would be questioned "until it is determined that they don't pose a threat" to the public.

    > But under WHAT grounds could she be arrested
    I guess,
    1. disorderly conduct
    2. contempt of justice
    3. assault on officer, when applicable

  13. You did lose WW2. You misunderstood what (and who) you were fighting for. You are now also Palestinians.

  14. Ray Bradbury was right. This country is in need of a revolution.

  15. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is warning that any would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint and then refuses to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.

    That person will have to remain on the premises to be questioned by the TSA and possibly by local law enforcement. Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest.

    The above is true when FLYING - BUT getting OFF a train - What F-ing Right could TSA have to arrest someone for NOT submitting to them feeling you up and searching your bags!? TSA had NO right to do this! I feel this needs to get to the highest places of the government and make them EXPLAIN this! Tell the people "We have no rights to privacy anymore - tell the people we are now Nazi Germany".

    When will they start stopping us as we walk down the street, When we they stop us when we are driving and do the same things? They will Unless WE DEMAND this to STOP! This is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Yeah, I know our govt. doesn't know that word anymore, even though they had it read at the start of this new CONgress.

  16. > the above is true when FLYING - BUT getting OFF a train

    very simple, actually, the answer is on their blog. Due to "geometry" of some airports, and in this case obviously a train station, the passengers on their way out are crossing the sterile zone. And once you are in sterile zone, you must be searched.

    As for flight vs. train, pay attention to the word "Transportation" in their name. Actually, they are already doing it in some Greyhound stations, also setting up checkpoints for the drivers on highways, feel free to google that

    > I feel this needs to get to the highest places of the government

    actually it _is_ coming exactly _from_ those very places.

    The Obama administration is seeking a total of $45.8 billion in discretionary spending for DHS, a 6.1% increase over the current year's budget of $43.2 billion. TSA would get the biggest slice of the boost, seeing its budget rise to $7.79 billion, up from $6.99 billion this year, or about 11%.

    Within TSA, most of the additional funds, or about $565.4 million, would be set aside for buying and installing explosive-detection equipment to screen checked baggage at U.S. airports.

  17. You guys should realize that you are in tiny minority.

    Most OK with TSA full-body scanners

    WASHINGTON — Air travelers strongly approve of the government's use of body scanners at the nation's airports even if the machines compromise privacy, a USA TODAY/Gallup poll finds.

    In the poll, 78% of respondents said they approved of using the scanners, and 67% said they are comfortable being examined by one. Eighty-four percent said the machines would help stop terrorists from carrying explosives onto airplanes. The survey was taken Jan. 5-6 of 542 adults who have flown at least twice in the past year.

  18. someone can start a website
    tsa agents identified dot com
    with picts donated by travelers and then local business can deny them service like the cafe in Seattle did.
    Shame them

  19. What is happening is that TSA is evolving into a modern-day Gestapo, plain and simple.

  20. When one is ignorant and nobody has to take this kind of jobs. All those people who scan and touch people at airports are illiterate and people without education, what else can they do besides doing that dirty job or cleaning some toilet at the airport and the worse of all, they look all ugly to me. Look at those women and those male bastards, sick, ugly and dirty

  21. Do they have the same system in Russia, China or North Vietnam?

  22. The Zionists are insane and hell bent on ruling the world. They own the banks, bully Congress, indoctrinate police chiefs, control mainstream media and their strongest lobby, AIPAC burns anyone that dare speak out against Jewish Supremacists. Kind of bizarre, kind of scary for the average American to wrap their lips around the length and width of the tyranny.

    The Rothschilds are so bold, so confident that they already built the world court in Joorusalem in 1994. The roof has a pyramid with the eye of Lucifer proudly displayed for the world to see.

    Don't take the your soul. Like Solzhenitsyn offered...if we fight when the thugs come to take us to camps, we will soon decimate their ranks. Else, like in Stalinist Russia, were 60 million were butchered, perhaps 200 million will be killed in the USA...again, if we just submit...more of us will be murdered. Chose wisely and may liberty be truly a part of the American nightmare.

  23. It has nothing to do with Zionists or Rothschilds. Federal Government has become a big business on its own (with the average salaries already twice exceeding the private sector), and like any American business it's trying to create new demand out of thin air, create a problem to resolve that did not exist to begin with, scam the customer when it it finds a legal loophole and get away with it, and every other trick in the thick book. Fed is only a mirror of what every other business is doing - go to any progressive website, whatreallyhappened, infowars, any one, and try to find a single ad that is not an obvious scam. If every business is allowed to lie and cheat, could the government be any different? If Kellog can produce "Total Blueberry Pomegranate Cereal" without a trace of blueberry or pomergranate, and they aren't bankrupt when it's found, why can't TSA produce their anti-terrorist product without a trace of a single caught terrorist in 9 years? They are the same cheats and liars as everybody else, and there's no way the nation where cheating and lying has become the ethical norm, would have an honest government. TSA will do that as long as they can get away with it, creating contracts, jobs, promotions and careers. If you make them stop, they will reemerge fighting something else - global warming, swine flu, anything. And if you think that this is terrible, good start is to look at the ads of your own company where you work, and ask if the level of honesty in them is much different from TSA scam.

  24. > Do they have the same system in Russia, China or North Vietnam?

    No, they don't, and never would. Communist regimes never tried to needlessly demonstrate their power to suppress the population, they already have that power and always look for broadest ideological support, try to appear peoples' best friend, so they would never do something as pointless as this.

  25. what we need is an Arab style uprise!!!

  26. No wonder these creatures do what they want to Americans, your stupidity and lack of awareness is incredible. "Nothing to do with Zionists or the Rothchilds". Obviously someone who knows nothing about the world, or an agent.

    Americans are so stupid that "they" will offer you "peace and security" in a fenced in FEMA camp and you dumb bastards will walk right in.

    Even noticing that the fences are turned inwards at the top, and the machine gun nests point inwards, Americans will still believe they are "safe".

    America is not the "New Nazi Germany".

    Germany delinked from the jewish owned money system and was very protective of it's people. Germany had the worlds first laws dealing with animal abuse. They wanted a safe place free from jewish filth influence (drugs, pornography etc). That is what America needs more than anything. A military dictator that kicks out all the companies and bankers that steal your money. George Patton figured it out after WW2 and they killed him for it. Look for yourself!

    You guys are so slow. You think that by waiting things will get better? The muslims want what you want, to be free from any form of abuse.

    There are only 2 sides. You are either with the bankers (who are 99% jewish) or you are with the people. Take your pick. Everyone must make the choice.

    The TSA goons are for the "government" which is just a company run by the jewish bankers. They take their orders from THEM not you. They have chosen their side long before you even knew you were in a war! Poilce and military must make their choice, just as they are right now in the middle east.

  27. this works because...1-our wallets for the most are still fairly full, so we don't care, got teevee, tweets, facebook, beer sports and shopping. if however our wallets should thin, become light for the many, people will examine reasons why and in examining reasons they'll find the many awful things being done, not just tsa. like said above referring to businesses and the gov, individuals here are driven for gain...gaingaingain moremoremore amass..nobody cares about much because we can outgain it all and buy clean, safe..anythings-foods for instance. but if this dream should show to be not entirely true, or in bad food enacted by congress their sickened so that all gains are funneled to pharma, or their tax break is funneled to oil companies through QE devaluing, when the blinders come off when their wallets are light and the county just sold the public power company to private interests then maybe, maybe they'll wake up. for now it seems tsa is just a hassle to them

  28. Apparently no one commenting has ridden Amtrak. The law that allows all the over-the-top screening at airports also applies to trains. There are signs in every station that tell you before you buy a ticket and before you board that you are subject to full inspection of your baggage, and your person. The same is on the Amtrak website. I have never seen it done, and I have never seen actual passengers being frisked.

    What I have seen is ICE get on board with a dog, and sniff the entire interior of the train for drugs. I have seen a guy get hauled off for carrying a large bag of drugs. I have seen every passenger asked if they were born in this country.

    So, yes it is unnerving. I do not see the point of frisking train passengers. Especially after arrival. A train is in a whole different risk class than a plane. You are far, far more likely to die in an Amtrak crash due to poor track or employee ineptitude than any kind of terrorist act.

    I will say this. There have been suggestions that people who wish to avoid the TSA screening at the airport have been using the trains to get around.

    The way to mitigate some of this is to vote for people who might be sympathetic. I assume everyone commenting has voted, and then expressed their dislike for these practices.

  29. Thanks for posting that! If you like funny videos, check out this funny videos site. BTW. Delete the TSA man groping pic. The copyright owners are suing bloggers.

  30. Video of a TSA Pat Down AFTER a Mother and Sons got OFF a Train in Savannah, Ga! What right do they have to do that?!

    "Travel would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID. This also had connection with something we'll get to later about overall restrictions on travel. Not everybody should be free to travel the way they do now in the United States. People don't have a need to travel that way. It's a privilege! It was a kind of a high-handed way it was put."
    -Jew Odor of the Barbarians

  31. We must all ostracize the TSA agents when they are out and about in their daily lives. Do no serve TSA Agents. Get to know your neighbors and if they are TSA agents, do not have anything to do with them.

    Know what you should say to the TSA agents if you choose not to go through the pat downs BEFORE you even board any sort of transportation whether train or airplane. There was one man who kept reaffirming his constitutional rights when speaking with these shithead fucked up pieces of shit, in a calm manner.

    Clearly, and finally, for those of you still in the US, the time for talk and legislation is past. It's time for what TPTB really don't want.

  32. Looks like this is their practice station....

    next airport near you...

  33. These suckers will be under my bed protecting me from bedbugs by next week.

    Strong Negative Social Preferencing.
    Although I'll likely lose my license to work...
