
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Credit on Tax Return Given to People for purchasing a house - The IRS - U.S. Govt. says has to be paid back in FULL!


This is NOT money they made but was credited to them off their tax returns - so in essence they saved a few bucks on their tax returns!  They did NOT have it has cash!  

No one got the full amount of that money, it only helped in the amount of taxes paid for the year! 
What a FU**ing SCAM!

This REALLY PISSES ME OFF - If you can't tell!
Trillions given to banks!  YET - a few thousand as A CREDIT on tax returns for people - THEY HAVE TO PAY BACK!

Portion of Article:

It sounded like a great deal: become a first-time homebuyer and pocket up to $7,500 in a tax credit. But if you bought that house in 2008 and received the credit, you're required to start paying it back - now.

That's because the credit was actually an interest-free loan provided by the government to stimulate a near-dead housing market.

The 2008 credit was available to qualified homebuyers who purchased after April 8, 2008, through the end of that year. The IRS has sent letters reminding folks who fall into this category, including 45,865 taxpayers in New York State.

Many have been caught off-guard. They either forgot that the credit was a loan, or believed the loan had been forgiven as Congress subsequently passed different versions of the homebuyer credit that did not require a payback.


  1. Sherrie, thank you very much for all your thoughts and posts. I enjoy them very much having just found your blog in the past few weeks.

    May I make just one tiny structural recommendation? I have 2GB of RAM and even with that I find your blog loads very slow and uses a lot of my computers resources. The number of posts you allow to appear on your homepage is just way too many. When you have many YouTube clips (LOVE the parrots btw!) along with dozens of other posts on the same page, viewers must load all of those every time we visit.

    Please limit your homepage posts to only display perhaps 3-5 of the latest and archive the rest.

    I hope this makes sense. Your blog is one of a dozen I visit and the only one which has this many posts on the homepage.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks for letting me know, I put it down to 5. It should load much better now.

  3. Much better! Thank you and keep fighting the good fight!

  4. You are very Welcome!

    Thank you, for giving me your input as it will help many, when they come to the blog!
