
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Home SEIZURES Reach RECORD! Despite the FRAUD! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP! The banks can NOT keep getting away with this! EVERYONE STAND UP!

Bloomberg has an article that HOMES WERE SEIZED AT A RECORD LEVEL LAST MONTH!  

This is Sickening!  ALL OF THOSE Were Most Likely Based on FRAUD BY THE BANKS!  THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!  People can NOT keep being Thrown out of their Homes and out on the street!  The banks are doing the largest transfer of wealth ever in History by STEALING!  They are Literally STEALING FROM THE PEOPLE - THE INVESTORS and DEFRAUDING THE STATES!


HOPEFULLY HELP ON A NATIONAL LEVEL IS ON IT'S WAY!  (Some things are being worked on!)



Latest complete updates and past information - Everything About MERS and the Foreclosure Fraud - How to Fight a Foreclosure - At this Link!


  1. Well! that isn't actually true. In all the
    documents it defines the owner (the bank)
    or "a successor or assign". The bank can
    assign or designate an agent. What the courts
    and states are looking at right now is whether
    the MERS system or any of the foreclosure mills
    are legal "Assigns" or agents. The ownership of
    the note/mortgage may or may not have been
    transferred correctly but that is an equity
    issue not necessarily an agency issue. If bank
    "A" didn't transfer it properly to bank "B"
    Bank "B" may not legally be able to benefit
    from the equity but that does not necessary
    affect the agency assignment rights and
    collateral liquidation rights of bank "A".
    Those rights and the intersection of those
    rights via the transfers are what the courts
    are looking at. It is not as simple as "Do you
    own the note" and consequently the mortgage
    rights. Are the banks sleaze balls, sure
    because the capitalization we defend so
    steadfastly here knows no morality, it knows
    only profit by any means necessary. The sleaze
    factor is not a matter of law. Be very careful
    for what you seek, you might just get it.

  2. Two banks stole money from me because I have uncovered multiple frauds taking place in British Columbia and in other perts of Canada. They simply stole my money, leaving me to try to get it back.
    They made the mistake of stealing from someone who knows how to shut down any of their bank buildings quicker than they can create a false document.
    I decided to make some youtube videos to let the bankers see how vulnerable their fraud system is to being shut down. So far I have posted parts 1 through 5 of what I know, to give the banks a chance to smarten up. Part 6 will show how a child can easily shut down an office tower with no danger to himself. I have these videos on the youtube channel called patthespark. Spark is a British word used to describe an electrician and I am Pat. After I post part 6 I will move on to communications systems. If some of the millions who have been robbed decide to fight back it will be game-over for bankers.

  3. Maybe you should protest against the cable TV companies and the NFL. THEY ARE YOUR REAL ENEMIES- not the bankers.

    America is willing to scream, stand up, rant & rave for the interests of those 2 distractions more so than for any righteous enemies.

    You say you want a revolution? Just unplug their modems.

  4. Sherrie,Sherrie, Sherrie, what can I tell you??

    Do some research lass, and you will discover that 89 to 91% of American mortgages have multiple assignments. Not as in sold then resold, and then sliced and diced and sold again, but as in the same note being sold to multiple entities, then sliced and diced and sold to multiple entites again.

    So its not just that its hard or impossible to unravel the due holders in course, its a matter of if you find them there will be many, all believing they own the note or portion thereof.

    Dominoes is a simple game.

    The first one was tipped when one took out a mortgage that was intended to fail wether you knew or not, had good intent or not.

    The next one fell when the note was MERSed, sliced and diced, and sold to multiple entities, thus ensuring clouded title.

    Then came the "realization" that all this "bad debt" was gonna collapse the system giving leverage to demand 2 trillion plus of "good debt" to fix.

    Now comes this domino, and the next, and the next.

    Soon They fall on you, and all America, much to the amusement of those that set the pieces.

    What did you think would happen when 3% of the population decides to steal 25% of the worlds resources with worthless paper while spending twice what the other 97% spends on arms and war with quadruple the laywers of the other 97% to make it all legal?

    Probably wasnt a good idea to let a small group of foreigners control your currency now was it?

    This truth will come out on its own, dont fret your pretty head about it.

    America runs on Peter paying Paul. Thwart this via a moratorium on foreclosures and all you do is hasten your own destruction.

    The dominoes were lined up long ago and are now in motion. All you should be thinking about is how to not get squished and not trying to make them fall faster which despite your apparently honorable intentions is all you are advocating.

    Its simply to late to make a difference. The dominoes will fall whatever you do.

  5. An Australian Bank 'Relationship Manager' assisted in tricking my wife into agreeing to release our Family Trust's holding in a commercial building valued at $3.4Million.

    He then FORGED my own signature and dated it on a day I was having a HIP REPLACEMENT in hospital. It has left us penniless unable to take Legal action.

    They are ruthless swindlers, all of them.

  6. I would think an attorney would be able to prove that, especially since you were having surgery that day.

    For the other comment. "Too late to make a difference"? Really? Considering those attorneys who have stood by the law, even though judges were ruling against them, they STOOD UP For what they believed in, as did the people! It is NEVER Too late to STAND UP for what you believe in! If we all just laid back, there would not be justice! If everyone STOOD UP, then we would not have let the govt. and banks take us down the route they have! I completely but respectfully disagree with you.

    And I will "fret my pretty head" about it! I will Fret Until JUSTICE is served and the Fraud is completely uncovered!

  7. I dont think you understand Sherrie; this was done by design, on purpose, to destroy America, and it worked. 89 to 91% of your countries mortgaged real estate now has irrevokably clouded title. All these notes are in the hands of multiple buyers, who all believe, and technically do, own the note. But how can 2 or 5 parties all own the same note? Who gets precedent over who? Irrevokably clouded..

    When the lights go out there is an expected 60% casualty rate in the first 60 days, and Americans will do it to one another.

    Then, if you make it thru this bottleneck you will be at the mercy of foreign powers. You already are, but know it not. It will be revealed to you soon enough.

    Do as you will, and I respect your spunk, honestly I do; but the dominoes are already set and I strongly suggest that you save yourself and waste no more time trying to influence the inevitablility of what is coming.

    America as you have known it is over.

    What I believe you miss is that everyone is dependant on Peter paying Paul. It simply matters not wether Paul or even Peter are scoundrels. Failure to pay and the money stops flowing, the lights go out, and then the real fun begins.

    When the lights go out there are no longer any records, and make it this far you will be offered a chance to survive via a world currency. You will take it or starve, the choice is simple, and of course, the majority of survivors will so you only have the choice of accept or starve, much like today, just a different currency.

    The fraud is to be uncovered anyway, its already in the cards. Its much deeper than you know.

    Second week in November will be very revealing.

    But justice as you relate it?? All I can say is good luck with that.

    Try and understand that American destruction is justice, justice for your membership in that onerous 3%, and you have only yourself to blame for allowing it in the first place.

    Yell and scream if you want, but lets be clear on one point. Success for you only stops the flow of money and material sooner, only worsens the ultimate body count. Im sure this isnt what you desire..

    There is a plan, and it involves the previous mentioned estimate of 60% casualty. I really wish you wouldnt try and make it worse..

  8. It is making it worst by Standing UP against the Fraud? I find it amazing that those who stand up and say "NO MORE" are given some blame for it all. I also see, where people would rather "leave it all alone, because things will be worst later". I won't deny things are going to go to hell and back for people on a whole, when the banks go down. But, ask those millions who have been thrown out on the street and are living under bridges with their children, if they are living in Hell now!

    Everyone has a different perspective on the situation. ME? I will continue to do what I feel is necessary to Help get the FRAUD out - For people to FIGHT a foreclosure and keep a roof over their head, for when some tough times arrive.

    No, I don't believe this was a plan, I believe Wall street is ONLY about Paper (money) that they seem to value and not about people and lives. Their Greed of that paper will be their down fall and them feeling they are above the law will also be their Down fall!

    AIN'T KARMA A BITCH, WHEN IT BITES! :) Karma is Taking some Huge Bites and Gnawing off the Skin of Wall Street Right now!

  9. I SUED THE BASTARDS, and still lost because the f#@ck^(g judges had a financial interest and were by their own standards required to recuse themselves. Yea I had PROOF. I am sick the flag waiving boneheads in this country that better take a good hard look at themselves fast and with the rest of us make change that all starts with actually being a responsible juror. READ ...

  10. Wall Street and most of its denziens are but pawns in the game. Its not about the dollar, its collapse is a foregone conclusion. All that can be done is exactly what is being done, ie, getting what you can now as there is tomorrow, as there is no tomorrow. Can you really blame them for extracting every last ounce of profit before our nation is foreclosed upon, and reposessed?

    Bottom line is who owns the land. America was one of the few places left where the little man had a chance, but no longer. The majority of properties are now clouded in title, you really have no idea how bad.

    America is owned wholly by its creditors and they will sieze the land. Its a done deal, and the little man will not overcome.

    After the records are destroyed and the dust settles the new land owners move in, and the new State owns the land, and no American will ever be allowed to own it again on this continent. Period, its a done deal.

    This will be done as there will be no effective government left standing, no army to resist. It is easier this way as American military resistance will but destroy the world. Without its formidable military there is no real resistance possible. Throw rocks at foreign troops if you like, your life will be at their whim.

    Understand that you will make good on your crap money, make good on your promises to pay to the rest of the world. They gave you real things of value, you took them and gave worthless paper in exchange.

    Its now time to pay the piper. Its much bigger than just fraudulent foreclosures.

    Its all a moot point, soon no citizen will own land, it been designed that way since 1913.

    If you want a roof over you head you will pay the lord, as it always has been, excepting the brief abberration of America which is nothing now but a failed experiment awaiting disposal.

    If you need money, you can borrow it from the lord, same as it ever was. Try looking up the origin of the word mortgage. "Death pledge" maybe??

    You obviously are clueless of your true situation.

  11. Let me try and explain this as simply as possible.

    There will be massive outrage when the real extent of the fraud is discovered, it will be so bad as to collapse the dollar, and the US government. This is all in the script, and you are actually helping in your humble way.

    Things will rapidly fall apart here, as I have already said 60% casualty rate is what the research indicates. When things have stewed for awile the UN will form an interim American government and America will become in effect an international protectorate.

    A new currency will be formed and supplied. Just a replay of the last thousand years, with the same players in control. Its not about greed for the big boys, but power. The second tier is the greed driven bunch, but they have only been unleashed for a short while.

    The big difference is that the American people will not own the land, but merely rent from the same banking cartel that engineered this collapse in the first place, and this my dear lass is change you can count on. Its the new order from the coming chaos. The plan all along.

    Dont fret your pretty head, enough will stand up and ensure that the banks, the dollar, and the government fail. Its all been stacked long ago and right on schedule.

    But its not gonna end the way you like. Your only choice will be participate or starve. I personally believe that humanity is doomed without the interest of money becoming property of our commonwealth. Ultimately this will be achieved or we will extict ourselves.

    But not yet, the party is still gathering steam. One cant steer the world in an alturistic direction if one does not own it, and engineering the theft of the land of the United States of America is one major coup...
