
Thursday, October 14, 2010

CNN Article - "Despite Record Gold Prices, Your holdings may Be Worth Less than you think"

MSM is always getting in on the action of Gold and Silver, by trying to get people NOT to purchase it and Scare them away from preserving their Wealth.  They have done it once more. 

CNN has an article about the Record Prices, but saying the IRS will take most of your gains from any Gold and Silver rise.

Yes, there are tax consequences to owning Gold and Silver, BUT there are tax consequences to EVERYTHING!  The U.S. govt. wants people's money in Every Way!  We all know that already and I believe they will even create MORE taxes on Every single thing we do!  They will conceive taxes, that are ridiculous and crazy I am sure in the near future.  Especially with the Mortgage FRAUD coming to Light by the banks... they will think of ways of still taking everyone's money. 

So for CNN to WARN people away from buying Gold and Silver is.... just being an arm of the U.S. government, due to the IRS taxing your gains!  Remember MSM has a job to protect the government and banks and they will write what they are asked to.  So, Ignore those MSM articles warning you about buying gold or silver to protect your wealth!

Protect your wealth NOW - Buy Gold and Silver!  It is the Smart thing to do!

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