Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gulf Of Mexico - Billions of Dead Fish Washing Ashore, Including Whales - Dolphins - Also ABC Reveals Miles of Oil Underwater! U.S. Paid Propaganda Revealed!

No matter how much the government and BP have tried to make the information go away and they tell everyone "Everything is Fine and the Seafood is Great and most of the oil is gone", lying with every breath they take..... The truth can not be hidden for long.

Part of the truth coming out is a video from yesterday.  What looks like a paved road, is actually billions of DEAD fish, which included a whale, dolphin and other mammals, besides various varieties of fish washing ashore in bayous of Louisiana.

Video out Sept 13th:

ABC also did a story releasing the truth about "The oil being gone" as claimed by BP and the U.S. government.

They revealed scientist have found MILES of OIL under the surface.  The scientist have been bullied by the U.S. government in trying to Stop them from releasing this information, but I applaud ABC for actually telling the truth in this situation.

First sentence of article - also video is at above link.

Oil from the BP spill has not been completely cleared, but miles of it is sitting at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, according to a study currently under way. 

Now this is very interesting and revealing!  The U.S. has been PAYING for Media Propaganda on the Gulf Oil Leak (not spill)!  BP has been paying the U.S. government back for lots of the propaganda also, it has been revealed.  BP may also be paying for the Obama's "vacation" down to the Gulf, that included the FAKE picture of Obama and his daughter swimming in the Gulf, of which they did not.  At what point will people WAKE UP to all the lies about the Gulf that the government and BP are Spilling Out?!

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