Through TRUTH we Will Create a Better World Together. There is no real division of left or right, religions, or anything else, it was all created to keep us separated. Coming together as ONE in Truth we are the Power! We CAN and WILL create the world as it is meant to be through Truth of What is and Ourselves! In Truth We Stand!
Friday, October 30, 2009
18.8 Million Homes VACANT from Foreclosures! Sickening!
Bloomberg Fabricates U.S. Housing numbers.
Where are the morals of the United States? What happened to them? How is it the government has happily given Trillions of Dollars to Banks, with the excuse, to ultimately help the people, yet there are 18.8 million homes vacant due to foreclosures!
Where are all those people? Where are those kids? Out on the street, living in cars?
No wonder the UN is starting an investigation of the United States and Human Rights abuses regarding it.
From The Bloomberg article out today:
About 18.8 million homes stood empty in the U.S. during the third quarter as banks seized properties from delinquent borrowers and new home sales fell in September.
The worst U.S. housing crash since the Great Depression has led to a record number of foreclosures and shaved almost a third off property values. The S&P/Case-Shiller Index of 20 cities in August was 29 percent below its 2006 high, after rising for four consecutive months.
I sincerely hope, with all the judges ruling in favor of the homeowner around the United States in cases against MERS and their right to foreclose - that foreclosures are STOPPED!
Where is the humanity and compassion our government says they have?
Instead of having compassion for the people of the United States, they only have compassion for the bankers and their connected friends!
Another article Bloomberg has out today - is about how the bankers are all expecting as large if not bigger bonuses than they got last year.
Of course, lets ask, whose money is that, which will ultimately be used to give billions away in bonuses! Take One big guess!
What this says is, the people of the United States are being tossed to the side, with the government nor the banks giving a Damn about what happens to them, as long as they get their money.
Yet isn't it funny, they switch and have "so much compassion" for the people and their health! In fact they have SO much Compassion - they want to MAKE SURE EVERYONE gets their FLU SHOT!
Let's see, hhhmmm.... willing to throw people/families out on the street - yet they turn around and want to protect the people and give away FREE Swine Flu Shots!
OH YEAH - Let's Trust that!
Speaking of Swine Flu Shots - a Very interesting observation was made in Denmark about the Swine flu vaccine shots!
Link to article: In Danish about Blunt Needles Being Used for the Swine Flu Shot - the doctor says, when they are giving people the shot, there is an "Abrasive Feeling"!
Uhh, Blunt Needles, Abrasive Feeling? For a Liquid Shot? Something doesn't seem right about that! Unless, something extra is in the shot!
Is there anyone in the medical field here in the U.S., that can say what type of needles are being used for the Swine Flu vaccine here? Are they Blunt needles?
Very Odd, Why blunt needles?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
NEED Someone in Central Missouri for Class Action Suit Against MERS
The attorneys in California decided Not to take on a Class Action Suit.
But the attorney's in Nevada which has started a Class Action Suit for the people there - when I talked to them today - they said they are doing it for ALL 29 states that have Non-Judicial Foreclosures.
List of states and how Foreclosures are handled at this link:
The attorney's in Nevada Needs Someone in Central Missouri Now, who have had foreclosure papers filed against them.
If you know of anyone - Please contact me - I will give the attorney's name and number - I will not take any personal information!
I have information below about MERS - Many Links are also here for understanding who they are and what they do!
I have Faith the People Will Win!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Banks and Stock Brokerages Around the World are DOWN
Banks around the World are down: I will Add to the list as I find more - the DOWN banks, include Stock Brokerage Accounts and Credit Card Accounts and Even Small Credit Unions!
I just tried etrade and got this: A L E R T
Scheduled System Maintenance Due to scheduled system maintenance, one or more features may be unavailable.
We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have questions or need assistance, please call 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) and a Customer Service representative will be able to assist you.
From TD Ameritrade: [link to]
"Systems maintenance scheduled for Sunday, October 25
Our systems will be unavailable from 12 a.m. to 2 a.m. ET on October 25 while we perform maintenance updates to ensure continued high-level service for our clients. To speak with a Client Services representative during this time, please call 800-669-3900. We apologize for this necessary interruption" /personal-internet-banking/log-on (ornl )
ABN Amro, Huge bank in Holland, with worldwide branches and the likes..
"In verband met reguliere onderhoudswerkzaamheden is Internet Bankieren tijdelijk niet beschikbaar. Wij adviseren u het omstreeks 07.00 uur weer te proberen. Onze excuses voor het ongemak."
In connection with needed (per law?) maintenance, is Internet banking temporarily not possible. We advise you to try again at approximately 7:00 AM. Or excuses for the difficulties.
(Is a rough translation)
I first went to KBC Bank. They have 2 ATM's inside the bank. Never since I'm a customer have both been empty or not working. I CONFIRM THAT BOTH WERE DOWN. A BIG RED BANNER ON THE TOP OF THE SCREEN, (in Dutch)
"This ATM is not working at the moment, please accept our apologies."
I went to another ATM, there were no 50 euro bills left. Now this is not exactly a surprise. During weekends this ATM quite often gets empty, only it usually happens at the end of the weekend.
2 possibilities: 1) A lot of people withdraw money today. 2) They didn't fill the ATM on purpose.
I withdraw €500 in 20 euro bills.
[link to]
General Error
We regret that the application which you have selected is likely to be unavailable until 08:00 h on account of maintenance work.
We trust that you will understand this situation.
Your Commerzbanking-Team
Online Banking maintenance
We'll be carrying out routine maintenance in Online Banking on Sunday 25 October between 01:45 BST and 02:15 GMT you will not be able to log in during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
CIBC is down can't access login
citizen's bank of canada also states :
Intermittent debit card service disruptions anticipated in October and November
national bank of canada also down
34 Banks confirmed Down: besides ones listed above.
Belgium KBC bank
WF Investments
Belgian bank
Sweden bank
Holland bank
ING Bank
Slovenia personal NLB
Slovenia business account
Belgium Dexia bank
German Postbank Online
Heritage Federal CU
Financial Horizons CU
alliance CU
BB and T
America First CU
Schwab bank
discover card
Pandemic Exercise Underway
Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity
Nearly 3000 Firms Participating in Nationwide Test
The multi-week, sector-wide pandemic exercise that kicked off on September 24 is underway with 2725 firms registered and participating. The exercise, which is the first of this scope in the U.S., is sponsored by the U.S. Treasury Department, in partnership with FSSCC, the Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee (FBIIC), and with the Securities Industry and Financial Management Association (SIFMA) playing a key planning and project management role.
UPDATE - Some banks are coming back online! I will keep watching!
UPDATE: Another thought - question - due to all the banks being off line at one time around the world - and the webbot predicted that for today, could that have satisfied that prediction, with all the ruckus it caused on the internet boards?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
News and thoughts on the Coming Dollar CRASH and Down Fall of the U.S.
Saying China will use the ASEAN meeting to make the Yuan an International Currency.
The meeting is happening Right Now in Thailand
From another article:
Soros also said he believed the decline of the U.S. dollar would be limited by its tie to the Chinese currency. "As long as the renminbi is tied to the dollar, I don't see how the decline in the dollar can go too far," he said.
So what if they come out of the meeting and say the renminbi/yuan is no longer tied to the dollar? We will hear a HUGE Crash of the dollar that day! The timing can be spot on of when it starts, from clif's warning!
This could be it - they decide to untie from the dollar and let their currency rise - the dollar would IMPLODE immediately!
The general public would not understand the implications immediately - but they would grasp it as the days went by and the media explained it.
Also, out is Lazard Asset Management Fund - over 100 billion dollar fund management company is getting out of the dollar.
I would like to remind you - this is the same company that the CEO just died last week - Bruce Wasserstein. He had an irregular heartbeat. hhhmmmm...... really now? Wonder if there are medications that can make that happen, especially if word gets out a dollar dump is about to happen and people try to make it Not happen? Yep, that is a conspiracy theory. BUT - you have to understand, I have been following the deaths of Many financial people in the last couple of months.
For some reason, being at the executive level of the finance business over the last couple of months have been very detrimental to people's lives. There have been many accidents, suicides and heart problems all of a sudden.
Back to the original posting premise -
The media may be covering their butts with the public, as they have been mentioning the weak dollar to the public. They know if something happens, they would have had to say something beforehand, so the public understands "something" was coming down the line.
Also remember - very important clue with this all - is that State Dept. report of all Embassies needing to have local currencies by Sept. 30th for a years times of money.
What I don't understand is.... The govt. KNEW a few months ago the dollar was going to crash, why the Hell didn't they try and do something about it, instead of continuing what they were doing to cause it?
Is it because - it was all too far gone? They needed to put on a Good face to the public, while they were running up the stock market and getting out of it, yet the public was getting into it more and believing them? They have covered themselves up to this point and know they can't cover anymore and they knew in advance Oct. would be it for covering and then game up?
Everyone does realize that when the events unfold, we will have millions of people whose retirements were blown up by Wall Street and the govt? They blew it up and had people put more money in the market - even though they have known it was all going to fail!! They did this as they were giving billions away of our money as bonuses to make sure Wall Street people's pockets were filled before the Crash Happens!
That is not the govt. protecting the people that is the govt. and Wall Street purposely condemning the people, along with the media being culprits to the crime!
99% of the people in the U.S. are about to lose their wealth, and go nuts without survival means - To say How I feel about that.... well... there are not enough curse words in the language for what I think!
The Warning from the Webbot about the crash coming this week has been updated to the fact "something" will happen around the 5 am hour on the 26th. What 5 am time zone, that is not clear, but lets just say it is EST.
I can tell you one place I will be in 2 mornings - on my computer looking intensely for headlines and information around the world. I will be starting with the Asian news sources.
Friday, October 23, 2009
All Kinds of News has Come out in the last few days - for possible 25/26th Event
It has been hard to keep up with it all.
Many various and different reasons for a lock down in banking and so on have come to light.
An article just came out, saying the While House is going to unveil their "too big to fail" dismantling solution is need be. Everyone is mum on what is in the bill to the media, but Obama will come out with it on Monday.
One, Iran is refusing the UN agreement for Uranium enrichment and walked away from the table.
Could that now lead to the Israel Mistake and Ill Winds?
Volcanoes have been waking up this week too around the world.
One thing that is COMPLETE BIZARRE to me is that MSM is NOT mentioning the Puerto Rico Explosion at 12:30 this morning 10/23/09. Huge Gas Storage tanks exploded - 11 of them and the fire is STILL raging in Puerto Rico. Yet no MSM is mentioning it! WHY? That is VERY SUSPIOUS to me!
It should be a Huge headline on the news - yet they aren't saying a word about it!!
Today Karl Denninger came out with an article about Credit Dislocation!
Also, Citibank just upped and canceled their gas credit cards without warning anyone on Wednesday! People found out only went their cards were denied! Trucking companies are up in arms, because they need the cards to charge for fuel! Some had always paid their bills in full every month, but their cards were still canceled.
Goldman Sachs is giving out 23 billion in bonuses!
OH, I have A LOT to say about that! But I will control myself!
I am still working on getting something started against MERS, but it seems law firms don't want to take it on (they won't make money off it).
Russia, Venezuela, Iran and China have made agreements to buy oil without using U.S. dollars.
Also, to show the U.S. standing in the world now - Hillary Clinton went to Russia, but at the same time Putin went to China to sign trade agreements NOT using the U.S. dollar anymore!
That was an absolute showing to the U.S. they have complete disregard for it now - to insult a Secretary of State by leaving the country to go to another one to drop the dollars used! That right there says a lot in my opinion.
Oh, many banks have announced they will be closed for a few days next week for Computer upgrades and other reasons! hhhmmmm..... interesting timing for that.
I have read some reports of ATMs being out of money now.
I sincerely hope, everyone has taken a simple precaution and have gotten money out of the bank incase credit cards and banks shut down next week!
It is a simple thing to do, that does no harm and protects you, for the "just in case" events!
We will see what happens and if anything does happen - but being prepared for anything is better than being surprised and without money or things to get you by.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
NEED HELP - Important* I need someone who has had Foreclosure Papers Filed against them In California - for a Class Action Lawsuit!
UPDATE: Oct. 16th -
The Law Firm who was seriously considering this, has decided to pass on bringing a class action lawsuit! To say I am disappointed does not even cover how I feel!
I will not give up, I am sorry it had been over a week for them to make the decision, as more people are being foreclosed on and forced out of their house, by MERS.
I am going to continue the search for a large law firm who would be willing to take this on. If anyone has connections to a firm, please ask them to consider filing a class action against MERS.
The basis is there for a class action suit, per the Kansas State Supreme Court ruling and other rulings around the country.
Please, if people get together, we can stop people from losing their homes and having to live out on the street with their families and kids!
The fraud bankers have committed can not be allowed to continue, besides their receipt of trillions from our pocket books.
Foreclosures by MERS should not be allowed to continue.
| |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Petition In Colorado should be Started - To Lower Govt. Officials Pay - since Worker's Pay is Lowered!
Colorado lowered the minimum wage, because they say cost of living has gone down!
The cost of living has NOT gone down - the government commits Fraud when they valuate pricing indices.
They don't take into account that food is about half it was a year ago in a box etc, but at the same price. Food has gone up tremendously!
What they are using is those oil, vehicles and appliances as saying the cost of living has gone down, but they manipulate the food prices to be what they want them to be. The government will constantly rework the way they figure out the cost of living.
This is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!! People are working Very Hard to make ends meet and the cost of food is rising Tremendously!
So, since the Colorado Government says that the cost of living has gone down - then THOSE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS NEED TO ALSO TAKE A CUT IN PAY!!
If the Government is making the people take a cut in Pay - then the people need to DEMAND the officials do too!
As I see it the annual amount and then percentage of what the hourly worker has to give up - then needs to be applied in a percentage basis to the officials in Colorado.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Oh, I bet the PTB of the U.S. Oil Companies are PO'd! The War in Iraq was All for Naught!
The Billions and Billions spent - besides (which is what matters to us)- the LIVES LOST by our military personnel - how the country of Iraq has been decimated and the U.S. economy has been decimated due to the War in Iraq. It seems it was ALL FOR NAUGHT!
The U.S. DID NOT ACCOMPLISH what they set out to do and the REASON for going to war in Iraq - To GAIN CONTROL OF THE OIL!
It has fallen apart - the whole game and scheme the U.S. had, I am sure they thought they had the right to the oil and there would never be a doubt about U.S. companies gaining control.
Well, they were WRONG - the Iraqi government signed a contract and gave the rights to the oil, to a Chinese company - CNPC and the British company BP!
Iraqi officials have signed a deal with Britain's BP and China's CNPC to develop its Rumaila oilfield, a milestone in Iraq's efforts to renew its oil sector.Officials from Iraq's state-owned South Oil Company and the two oil companies agreed the deal on Thursday, Assem Jihad, an oil ministry spokesman, said. Final approval is still needed from the government.
"The contract will be sent to the cabinet for approval, then a final date will be chosen to sign the contract during an official ceremony," Jihad said on Thursday.
Another article about it:
A consortium of British giant BP PLC and China's CNPC was the only successful bidder.
Its offers for the Rumaila oil field, which holds 17.8bn barrels in crude reserves, beat off competition from US giant Exxon Mobil and Malaysia's Petronas.
The Exxon Mobil-led consortium requested $4.8 per barrel for production over the minimum and BP wanted $3.99 per barrel, al-Shahristani said.
The ministry was willing to pay $2 per barrel.
BP agreed to match the ministry's price and won the contract, with Exxon Mobil refusing to revise its bid.
Now - how Ironic would it be that the oil will not end up trading in U.S. dollars but in other currencies - which is the REASON why we went into Iraq. Saddam was going to drop the dollar and sell oil in Euros!!
With this information coming out now.
I have a few thoughts and questions.
Will the violence in Iraq, all of a sudden become worst now?
Will oil fields once again start being destroyed?
Will China now insert some military forces there, to protect their rights?
Will some of the government people in Iraq all of a sudden start being taken out and assassinated?
In other words will those PTB in the U.S. be SO Pissed Off - they will take vengeance out on Iraq?
I am sure that the Bushs, Cheneys, Exxons, Chevron, Shell etc of the world felt it was their right to the oil of Iraq.
If you start hearing of more violence in Iraq - think about who the oil rights were given to, before you think it is some random events, including fires starting again on the oil fields.
I need Information on Foreclosures - While trying to Reset Mortgages Also any Information on multiple Mortgage Companies Saying Debt Owed to Them.
I need information and varified stories of people getting foreclosed on when they thought their mortgage was being reset. I also very much need information of people getting foreclosed on and afterwards other mortgage companies saying they owe them the mortgage, not the companies who foreclosed on them.
There has been one case I read about someone being foreclosed on but a couple of months later they got a letter saying they owe that full amount to another company, as they were the ones who actually owned the mortgage.
Plus any injustices of banks/mortgages that you know of and out right fraud regarding mortgages, Please contact me.
There is a reason for my needing the information above, which I am not at liberty to say right now.
Please trust me, this is not simply for my information.
you can email me at
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Gold Market was almost Busted Sept. 30th - Gold would have Skyrocketed!
The amount of shorts against gold is the highest ever. Those shorts got caught with their pants Down! This might have been a part of why gold has gone up too in the last few days. But if this had been exposed Gold would be who knows how high right now!
A gold buyer on September 30th put a huge order involving tons of gold in the London market.
*Side note* Buyers do that all the time, but they normally do not ask for delivery and eventually the buys expire.
This time, the buyer wanted Immediate delivery! That put the market in a spin and central banks had to come to the rescue to JP Morgan and those other government tool companies who had shorts on the market. They offered the buyer spot plus 25% - but the buyer did not want fiat money, the buyer wanted the gold.
Those shorts of a tremendous amount - did not have the gold being requested and Sold on the market!
So it goes, the fraud of the market - where the JP Morgans, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley put huge amounts of gold shorts on the market (sell offers) and when a buyer finally said "OKAY, give me the gold you are offering for sale". They couldn't come through!
Imagine what would have happened had the demand and actual amount available had been made public... imagine, gold could have even doubled in one day!
link to article:
How the Hell was Obama given the Nobel Peace Prize - He has done NOTHING! Except continue War and Torture!
Obama has done NOTHING to earn the Nobel Peace Prize!! I have now lost all respect for the Nobel Peace Prize with it being given to Obama.
Let's go through all the NOTHINGS he has done. Besides NO Diplomacy (as they are stating for a reason why)
Has he had the talks with Iran and everyone else he promised to do to get elected - NO
Has he stopped renditions - NO - they continue!
Has he ended the war in Iraq and brought home the troops - NO - it continues - No end in sight at this time!
Is the war in Afghanistan getting worst and he is going to consider sending more troops instead of getting out - Yes!
Have the Prisoners of Gitmo gotten their Habeas Corpus as promised - No
Does Torture Continue at Gitmo - Yes
Is Gitmo shutting down as Promised - NO
Has any investigations into torture been blocked by Obama - YES
Is he saber rattling Iran and threatening them - YES!
Is he saber rattling North Korea - YES
Does he saber rattle Russia - YES
Has more rights been taken away from the citizens in the U.S. - YES
Is he continuing the enormous Executive Powers that Bush started - YES
Has he even followed through on ONE promise he made the American people to get elected?
No Transparency - No ending of wiretaps - No investigations into all the things he said he would do - NADA - Nothing!
I now have NO respect for the Nobel Peace Prize!
Please remember - if you read earlier postings of mine - you would know I voted for that man - yet I now see - he is nothing but a Bush in office - Promises with nothing to back them up - and doing the opposite.
To me - he is actually worst than Bush - Because he promised a government that was about the American People once more - yet it has been the opposite! He made people believe and Hope we would get back the Constitution of the United States - Did we ?- NO
What does this say about the Nobel Peace Prize Organization? It says they are blind and strictly a political organization now - In my opinion!
The Nobel Peace Prize now means NOTHING in my Eyes - it is not real - now that they have given a man the prize that has done Nothing to deserve it!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Bombing of Moon commences in 4 days - What Idiots!
I still don't get how other countries are allowing the United States to Bomb the Moon!
It is Not the United States to bomb, it is the world's moon. But it seems like everything else, the U.S. thinks they can do as they please and take what they want.
There are lots of "what ifs" in my opinion.
What if pieces fall off in chunks and are like astroids and hit the Earth?
What if our tides are affected?
What if it causes the moon to wobble and go off it's axis?
In other words what right does the U.S. have to do this and Why aren't other countries standing up to the U.S. and saying "No you can not bomb the moon"!
Link to NASA with more information about who will be able to see what, depending on where you are in the country.