
Saturday, October 24, 2009

News and thoughts on the Coming Dollar CRASH and Down Fall of the U.S.

There was an article out yesterday

Saying China will use the ASEAN meeting to make the Yuan an International Currency.

The meeting is happening Right Now in Thailand

From another article:

Soros also said he believed the decline of the U.S. dollar would be limited by its tie to the Chinese currency. "As long as the renminbi is tied to the dollar, I don't see how the decline in the dollar can go too far," he said.

So what if they come out of the meeting and say the renminbi/yuan is no longer tied to the dollar? We will hear a HUGE Crash of the dollar that day! The timing can be spot on of when it starts, from clif's warning!

This could be it - they decide to untie from the dollar and let their currency rise - the dollar would IMPLODE immediately!

The general public would not understand the implications immediately - but they would grasp it as the days went by and the media explained it.

Also, out is Lazard Asset Management Fund - over 100 billion dollar fund management company is getting out of the dollar.

I would like to remind you - this is the same company that the CEO just died last week - Bruce Wasserstein. He had an irregular heartbeat. hhhmmmm...... really now? Wonder if there are medications that can make that happen, especially if word gets out a dollar dump is about to happen and people try to make it Not happen? Yep, that is a conspiracy theory. BUT - you have to understand, I have been following the deaths of Many financial people in the last couple of months.

For some reason, being at the executive level of the finance business over the last couple of months have been very detrimental to people's lives. There have been many accidents, suicides and heart problems all of a sudden.

Back to the original posting premise -

The media may be covering their butts with the public, as they have been mentioning the weak dollar to the public. They know if something happens, they would have had to say something beforehand, so the public understands "something" was coming down the line.

Also remember - very important clue with this all - is that State Dept. report of all Embassies needing to have local currencies by Sept. 30th for a years times of money.

What I don't understand is.... The govt. KNEW a few months ago the dollar was going to crash, why the Hell didn't they try and do something about it, instead of continuing what they were doing to cause it?

Is it because - it was all too far gone? They needed to put on a Good face to the public, while they were running up the stock market and getting out of it, yet the public was getting into it more and believing them? They have covered themselves up to this point and know they can't cover anymore and they knew in advance Oct. would be it for covering and then game up?

Everyone does realize that when the events unfold, we will have millions of people whose retirements were blown up by Wall Street and the govt? They blew it up and had people put more money in the market - even though they have known it was all going to fail!! They did this as they were giving billions away of our money as bonuses to make sure Wall Street people's pockets were filled before the Crash Happens!

That is not the govt. protecting the people that is the govt. and Wall Street purposely condemning the people, along with the media being culprits to the crime!

99% of the people in the U.S. are about to lose their wealth, and go nuts without survival means - To say How I feel about that.... well... there are not enough curse words in the language for what I think!

The Warning from the Webbot about the crash coming this week has been updated to the fact "something" will happen around the 5 am hour on the 26th. What 5 am time zone, that is not clear, but lets just say it is EST.

I can tell you one place I will be in 2 mornings - on my computer looking intensely for headlines and information around the world. I will be starting with the Asian news sources.

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