
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Banks and Stock Brokerages Around the World are DOWN

UPDATE: Everything is back online - from my understanding - BUT why did they all go off line at one time like that? If that is "Normal" then why hasn't this issue come up before? Something happened - but what?

Banks around the World are down: I will Add to the list as I find more - the DOWN banks, include Stock Brokerage Accounts and Credit Card Accounts and Even Small Credit Unions!

I am going to provide links to you - so you can see for yourself - Banks are Down this morning - All the below are from Banking sites - what the sites say!! (what page looks like - someone trying to log into their e - trade account

Go to link - NOT AVAILABLE !!

There are reports all over the net - some have linked to banks - they have not been able to log on to their accounts today - but you can see the Not able to log on page - Unless you have an account.
One report is the ORNL credit union here - I have asked someone to confirm it with me who has an account with it.
I will be sending you other emails as I keep CONFIRMING banks are down.

I just tried etrade and got this: A L E R T

Scheduled System Maintenance Due to scheduled system maintenance, one or more features may be unavailable.

We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have questions or need assistance, please call 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) and a Customer Service representative will be able to assist you.

From TD Ameritrade: [link to]

"Systems maintenance scheduled for Sunday, October 25

Our systems will be unavailable from 12 a.m. to 2 a.m. ET on October 25 while we perform maintenance updates to ensure continued high-level service for our clients. To speak with a Client Services representative during this time, please call 800-669-3900. We apologize for this necessary interruption" /per​sonal-internet-banking/log-on (ornl )

ABN Amro, Huge bank in Holland, with worldwide branches and the likes..

"In verband met reguliere onderhoudswerkzaamheden is Internet Bankieren tijdelijk niet beschikbaar. Wij adviseren u het omstreeks 07.00 uur weer te proberen. Onze excuses voor het ongemak."

In connection with needed (per law?) maintenance, is Internet banking temporarily not possible. We advise you to try again at approximately 7:00 AM. Or excuses for the difficulties.

(Is a rough translation)

I first went to KBC Bank. They have 2 ATM's inside the bank. Never since I'm a customer have both been empty or not working. I CONFIRM THAT BOTH WERE DOWN. A BIG RED BANNER ON THE TOP OF THE SCREEN, (in Dutch)

"This ATM is not working at the moment, please accept our apologies."

I went to another ATM, there were no 50 euro bills left. Now this is not exactly a surprise. During weekends this ATM quite often gets empty, only it usually happens at the end of the weekend.

2 possibilities: 1) A lot of people withdraw money today. 2) They didn't fill the ATM on purpose.

I withdraw €500 in 20 euro bills.

Commerzbank, Germany:

[link to]

General Error

We regret that the application which you have selected is likely to be unavailable until 08:00 h on account of maintenance work.

We trust that you will understand this situation.

Your Commerzbanking-Team
Barclays secure online banking

Online Banking maintenance

We'll be carrying out routine maintenance in Online Banking on Sunday 25 October between 01:45 BST and 02:15 GMT you will not be able to log in during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

HSBC Personal Internet Banking - Log On Maintenance Notice: Due to scheduled maintenance, will be unavailable during the early hours of Monday, October 26, 2009. We apologize for the inconvenience.​sonal-internet-banking/log-on

Add Canadian Banks are Down too

CIBC is down can't access login

citizen's bank of canada also states :

Intermittent debit card service disruptions anticipated in October and November

national bank of canada also down

34 Banks confirmed Down: besides ones listed above.

Belgium KBC bank
WF Investments
Belgian bank
Sweden bank
Holland bank
ING Bank
Slovenia personal NLB
Slovenia business account
Belgium Dexia bank
German Postbank Online
Heritage Federal CU
Financial Horizons CU
alliance CU
BB and T
America First CU
Schwab bank
discover card

Pandemic Exercise Underway

Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity

Nearly 3000 Firms Participating in Nationwide Test

The multi-week, sector-wide pandemic exercise that kicked off on September 24 is underway with 2725 firms registered and participating. The exercise, which is the first of this scope in the U.S., is sponsored by the U.S. Treasury Department, in partnership with FSSCC, the Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee (FBIIC), and with the Securities Industry and Financial Management Association (SIFMA) playing a key planning and project management role.

UPDATE - Some banks are coming back online! I will keep watching!

UPDATE: Another thought - question - due to all the banks being off line at one time around the world - and the webbot predicted that for today, could that have satisfied that prediction, with all the ruckus it caused on the internet boards?


  1. That last pandemic exercise link is 2007

  2. Off topic but something to think about..

    H1N1 - H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, N is the 14th letter of the alphabet.

    8+14= 22

    take the two 1's after the letters to make 11

    22 + 11 = 33!

    Coincidence? Probably not.

  3. hi that is really awesome sherrie. hi i'm DaShawn from the alta forum. I saw your link last week and have been clicking back here and there. your findings are really appreciate thanks - for doing that and sharing with us - good karma to ya =]
