
Friday, October 9, 2009

How the Hell was Obama given the Nobel Peace Prize - He has done NOTHING! Except continue War and Torture!

I am so completely in disbelief!

Obama has done NOTHING to earn the Nobel Peace Prize!! I have now lost all respect for the Nobel Peace Prize with it being given to Obama.

Let's go through all the NOTHINGS he has done. Besides NO Diplomacy (as they are stating for a reason why)

Has he had the talks with Iran and everyone else he promised to do to get elected - NO

Has he stopped renditions - NO - they continue!

Has he ended the war in Iraq and brought home the troops - NO - it continues - No end in sight at this time!

Is the war in Afghanistan getting worst and he is going to consider sending more troops instead of getting out - Yes!

Have the Prisoners of Gitmo gotten their Habeas Corpus as promised - No

Does Torture Continue at Gitmo - Yes

Is Gitmo shutting down as Promised - NO

Has any investigations into torture been blocked by Obama - YES

Is he saber rattling Iran and threatening them - YES!

Is he saber rattling North Korea - YES

Does he saber rattle Russia - YES

Has more rights been taken away from the citizens in the U.S. - YES

Is he continuing the enormous Executive Powers that Bush started - YES

Has he even followed through on ONE promise he made the American people to get elected?

No Transparency - No ending of wiretaps - No investigations into all the things he said he would do - NADA - Nothing!

I now have NO respect for the Nobel Peace Prize!

Please remember - if you read earlier postings of mine - you would know I voted for that man - yet I now see - he is nothing but a Bush in office - Promises with nothing to back them up - and doing the opposite.

To me - he is actually worst than Bush - Because he promised a government that was about the American People once more - yet it has been the opposite! He made people believe and Hope we would get back the Constitution of the United States - Did we ?- NO

What does this say about the Nobel Peace Prize Organization? It says they are blind and strictly a political organization now - In my opinion!

The Nobel Peace Prize now means NOTHING in my Eyes - it is not real - now that they have given a man the prize that has done Nothing to deserve it!

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