
Sunday, October 11, 2015

NBC and Saturday Night Live Wants Constitution Gone and 2nd Amendment/Guns Rights Wiped Out. Implied Gun Owners 'Extremist'

I watched SNL last night, though I don't normally do so because they are so one sided politically.  Their segments always are very liberal.

I was completely outraged at what they said on Weekend Update. But before that, they had a segment about guns and it implied people were over the top and reckless regarding them.  After weekend update they had yet another segment about guns that made those who stand by their rights as complete and total nuts, besides being extremist, using a 9 year old character played by Amy Schumer

Watch the weekend update at 32 seconds they begin their rant that we should not have gun rights and the constitution needs to go.   I was literally shocked!

This is what they said, among other things in the segment:

The two Weekend Update hosts joked about the role of the Constitution as it pertains to the right to own guns. Che joked, “There’s a gun for every man, woman and child in this country; what are we preparing for, a rap beef?”.
He continued, “I know the forefathers said you have a right to own guns, but they also said you had a right to own people… the Constitution is a lot like our grandfather, he’s wise, we love him, and he means well, but he’s getting really, really old.”

For NBC/SNL to have 3 segments against guns and implying anyone who owns a gun is a nut, shows those at the top are desperate for people to give up their rights!

There is a real push now for the U.S. citizens to give up our 2nd amendment rights and our freedoms.  The Pope is even pushing it, by saying those who own guns are not Christians. 

All I can say, for those who believe in our Constitution and our Rights, the more we are pushed, the stronger and firmer we will stand with our determination to keep our Freedoms and Rights that our Forefathers gave us!

Those in power want all of us to give up our right to defend ourselves and our nation.

History has shown over and over again when people of a nation give up their right to guns, the country becomes a country based on fear of the officials through tyranny.  Genocide is the next step and easily accomplished, against the people.

Look at the Middle East, ISIS has declared no guns allowed outside of their members. 

The Commonsense site has an article form 2012 about the history of gun confiscation and what happened afterwards. 

1. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves against their ethnic-cleansing government, were arrested and exterminated.
2. In 1929, the former Soviet Union established gun control as a means of controlling the “more difficult” of their citizens. From 1929 to the death of Stalin, 40 million Soviets met an untimely end at the hand of various governmental agencies as they were arrested and exterminated.
3. After the rise of the Nazi’s, Germany established their version of gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves against the “Brown Shirts”, were arrested and exterminated. Interestingly, the Brown Shirts were eventually targeted for extermination themselves following their blind acts of allegiance to Hitler. Any American military and police would be wise to grasp the historical significance of the Brown Shirts’ fate.
4. After Communist China established gun control in 1935, an estimated 50 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves against their fascist leaders, were arrested and exterminated.
5. Closer to home, Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayans, unable to defend themselves against their ruthless dictatorship, were arrested and exterminated.
6. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves from their dictatorial government, were arrested and exterminated.
7. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million of the “educated” people, unable to defend themselves against their fascist government, were arrested and exterminated.
8. In 1994, Rwanda disarmed the Tutsi people and being unable to defend themselves from their totalitarian government, nearly one million were summarily executed.
The total numbers of victims who lost their lives because of gun control is approximately 70 million people in the 20th century. The historical voices from 70 million corpses speak loudly and clearly to those Americans who are advocating for a de facto gun ban. Governments murdered four times as many civilians as were killed in all the international and domestic wars combined. Governments murdered millions more people than were killed by common criminals and it all followed gun control.

What history shows us is more people are murdered through gun control and confiscation than if the people had been able to bear arms.  Those murdered were 70 Million by their governments!

 If people are paying attention, our government is not exactly "For the People and By the People" anymore.  In fact if you read what Boehner wrote about resigning all you need to do is read between the lines.

"The first job of any Speaker is to protect this institution that we all love. 

He did not say "Country or People" but he said Institution!  That is what it is all about.  Those in power are there to protect the "institution" and themselves.  We simply need to read and listen to what people are saying carefully to understand what they are really saying.

Our government is out of control, in my opinion.  It is not about the people at all, it is about control and power.  Those at the top obviously have a plan and to fully implement that plan they need us to give up our guns.  Their plan may also be 20 years down the line as they think and plot years/decades ahead of time.  All you have to do is look at 9/11 and how long it appears that plan had been in place.

I am sorry to all those who lose their lives through guns, no violence is acceptable!  But please read that more people lose their lives through chemicals, ie: pharmaceutical drugs, than guns.  Is anyone pushing to outlaw prescription drugs?

What is also crazy is the fact that pharmaceutical companies were given immunity from law suits by the people when their drugs cause death.  You can not sue a drug company.  Yet Hillary Clinton was gun manufacturers responsible and sue able for gun deaths.  

Here are the other skits by SNL last night about guns:

The gun part starts at 2:40 seconds in the video

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Government Chart of Gun Murders - A Complete Lie! Real Statistics from FBI. Real Truth through real charts on gun violence/murders.

I am seeing this chart about how guns have been used in murders of more people than anything else in the world in the U.S., including Terrorism. (7 Terrorism murders???  I will get to that little fact and have something to say about it, later in this article).

This is a chart Motherjones is using on their site:

There is a problem with the chart and mind you this is the same chart CNN and all the mainstream media including the government is using.  There were NOT 33636 gun deaths in the U.S. in 2013.

Rolling Stones has the most ridiculous chart there is on gun violence that is an absolute Lie! 

The FBI has the statistics on their site for 2013

  • There were an estimated 14,196 murders last year.

That is TOTAL murders for 2013!  That includes ALL forms of murder, stabbings, blunt objects, strangulation besides guns.  

Now here is another chart from this site:

Murders have been going down since the 1980s.  

Guns are not the big problem that they are made out to be.  The mainstream media and the government are lying about the statistics and those are OUTRIGHT Lies!  If people did not just believe everything they are told and researched the information themselves then they would wake up to how they are being controlled with lies.  

I am going to say this over and over again..... Guns make a person/family Safer!  Having a Gun is a way to be assured you are safe and protected!  

Look at Kennesaw Georgia where the law has been since 1982 that you MUST own and have a gun. 

That chart says it all!  Guns make a community Safer! 

You can go to the FBI site and look at all the statistics by states and the crime.  Here is a link to the 2013 crime statistics by state.    That chart is too big to put in here, so you need to go to it. 

Look at the FBI statistics of deaths by guns for each state.  I want to point out a couple of states that are on the FBI list.  

California has some of the strictest gun laws in the U.S. and yet they have the most murders there of the U.S.  1745 murders were committed in the state in 2013. with 1224 of those being committed by firearms and the rest by other means.   

I have read other articles that proclaim the states with higher gun ownership has higher murder rates by firearms.  That is completely a Lie!  The opposite is true. Criminals know that people can not protect themselves in states that don't allow guns.  The crime rate is higher in those states.  Check out all the real data I have linked from the FBI.  You can look at it in several ways.  

One of the other things that mainstream and the government fail to tell you.  More violent crimes have been stopped by concealed carry licensed civilians thinking fast and shooting a criminal before others can get hurt. 

I can put article after article here about how conceal carry civilians have saved many lives over the years.   The media and government ignore those facts and never report those stories.  They don't follow along with the narrative and falsified information about guns.  What is happening is out right lies and charts are being created to fit their stories and narratives about guns and violence.  

What is the truth is the opposite.  More gun laws create more violence.  If we had a law in the U.S. that required everyone to have a gun and one member of a family has to have a concealed weapons license.  We then would not have the shootings we have now.  A person intent on mass murder would not get far and they would know it. They would be taken out immediately!  We need guns and it is our RIGHT!  

Regarding there have been only 7 deaths from terrorism......  WOW......WHY are we spending trillions on 'The War on Terror'?   Why have we had our freedoms taken away and Why are we tracked with everything we do or say on the internet and our phones?  Why are we treated as criminals now and terrorist and called as such if we don't agree with the government?   What the 7 murders from Terrorism show is that the War On Terror is complete BULLSHIT!  

We are having our money spent and going in debt for Bullshit!  People need to wake up and look at the truth and see with their own eyes the outright lies and information that is being spoon fed to them.  The truth is out there, you simply have to find it!  I will always help when possible to bring the truth out through Real information! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Chris Mercer "Media saying White Supremacist" Truth is Half Black, but not one single picture of his black mom taken.

The government and media has to stay by their 'created' dialog about Chris Mercer.  In fact there must be an unsaid pact to keep that narrative going.  Why, do I say that.  There are many pictures of Chris Mercer's white father but not one picture of his mother on the internet.  Why is that?  Because she is black.

The media headlines are "White Supremacist" leanings for the reason Chris Mercer did what he did.  Are people realizing that he targeted white Christians?

I have even had a family member call me and being upset what I wrote about in my questioning and red flag post about the shooting.   

That family member started yelling at me that Chris Mercer was white and that I needed to get my facts straight and that he was a Nazi White Supremacist.  Mind you, the family member believes the 'official 9/11' story and believes in gun control and that no one should have guns.  They only listen to the mainstream media and government narratives for everything.  So, needless to say, I know they are not really seeing the truth.

Search for an image of Chris Mercer's mother, you will only find one of his father.

Do a search with her name; Laurel Harper, Chris Harper Mercer's mother, for images, again all you get is images of Chris Harper and images of his father.  Not one single image of his mother.  The media is keeping that out of the public on purpose.

Do a search for Chris Mercer White Supremacist and you will find that is the headlines for many articles about the shooter.

The official narrative is; he was a white nazi loving right leaning shooter who killed Christians.  Yet, the first reports were that he was a Black Lives Matter Supporter.  

The official narratives include him being obsessed with guns.

I want to say, the media is not being honest at all by not showing his mother in images.  Chris Mercer was close to his mother.  He lived with her.

I have a real problem with the slanted information about the shooting.  The public is not being told the whole truth.  It is having to fit into a narrative that is contrived.  Is it any wonder I question every single thing that happens?  When I see we are not being given all the information about an event and people involved and things are being hidden, I then doubt all the facts.

I will say over and over again, the only reason we even have some form of freedoms still is the fact that we have a limited 2nd amendment still.  If our right to bear arms is taken away we will immediately lose every other free right we have left, which is not many.

Will an image of Chris Mercer's mother ever be released, or will she stay hidden from the public forever, so people don't question the 'White Supremacist' narrative?

I just want people to think for themselves about everything that happens. I want people to question everything released and look at what is not being released and then ask, Why?  I want people to start understanding we are being controlled to think one way about an event or situation by the government and media.  People need to start thinking for themselves, they need to read between the lines.  Don't just believe everything they are told.  I don't want people to just believe everything I write either.  As I can get things wrong too, though not on purpose, I try to put out the truth at all times.

Friday, October 2, 2015

On CNN; "Problem with Russia in Syria. An Accidental Skirmish With The US LED ISIS Coalition"

Read what it says "U.S. Led ISIS Coalition"!

On CNN's Broadcast, Daniel Drezner from The Washington Post, said that the problem with Russia in Syria is a possible accidental skirmish with the U.S. LED ISIS Coalition!

All the media has already been mentioning how Russia is bombing their CIA "moderate" rebels of Al Qaeda.   Of course they use the word 'rebel' instead of 'terrorist'.  Which is really funny.  Because wasn't it Al Qaeda who used to be called terrorist here?  Weren't they the reason we went to Iraq and Afghanistan?  Really weird.... I wonder if people are noticing that the U.S. now fully embraces and admits arming and supporting Al Qaeda, who were suppose to be our mortal enemies who did 9/11.  Now it seems there is a slip and the U.S. is behind ISIS too. 

In other words.  The U.S. is behind all the terrorist in the Middle East.  But they have to use the excuse of the war on terror, to keep our freedoms locked down.  

Will people understand all of this?  Will they listen to what is being said and the fact the U.S. is behind all the killings and revolutions in the Middle East?  

The only reason we are in Afghanistan is so they completely control the world's heroin production.  But remember we are there "To fight Terrorism/Al Qaeda", that is the official line as the government and media stick to it.    

Here is CNN

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Oregon Shooting at Umpqua College. Here are some immediate red flag questions

  A Chris Mercer, 26 has been identified as the shooter at the Oregon Umpqua Community College

 I have some questions about this already.  

I don't think the media will lead with the fact the Oregon shooter was a "Black Lives Matter" supporter.  He was out to kill whites and Christians.  It does not fit their profiling they want, unlike how they unearthed a picture of the church shooter with a confederate flag a couple of months ago.  

“The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.
 He wrote about killing people at a school/college on a forum the night before.   It is completely disgusting how he was urged to do killings by others on the forum.  

Now the red flags and the questions I would like everyone to think about is the following from this article from the New York Post about the shooting. 

Sometime later, students’ cell phones were confiscated and they were escorted out of their buildings with their hands up as authorities patted them down and lined them up to be evacuated on buses, according to NRToday.

Now read this from the USA article about the shooting.

Hanlin, the Douglas County sheriff overseeing the investigation, has been vocal in opposing state and federal gun-control legislation.
Hanlin registered his opposition this year as state lawmakers considered requiring background checks on private, person-to-person gun sales.
Hanlin told a legislative committee in March that a background-check mandate wouldn't prevent criminals from getting firearms.
He said the state should combat gun violence by cracking down on convicted criminals found with guns, and by addressing people with unmanaged mental health issues.
Hanlin also sent a letter to Vice President Joe Biden in 2013, after the shooting at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school. Hanlin said he and his deputies would refuse to enforce new gun-control restrictions "offending the constitutional rights of my citizens."

First, WHY did they confiscate all the phones from the students that were in the college during the shooting?  I have never heard of phones being confiscated except when there are pictures and videos that authorities do not want made public.

Second,  It happened in the county where the sheriff there stands by the people's constitutional rights to bear arms and refused to enforce any gun control by the federal government.  Is that just a major coincidence?

I just think those two facts are very odd.  Of course this is going to be something that is jumped on by Obama, for gun control.  He has already made a speech about it.  But I seriously doubt he brought up the Black Lives Matter connection.  Of course if it had been someone who had been pictured with a confederate flag at one time, he would bring that up.

Information is still coming in about the shooting, but those are two things that really stood out to me after reading just those two articles too about it.  I wanted to bring those two oddities to people's attention.

I want to send my thoughts and condolences to all those who have been impacted and have lost their lives from this horrible and senseless tragedy.  No one should take another person's life.  I feel for the families involved.

I am not down playing what happened, I am simply asking questions about what I read and the things that don't make sense or is strange about it.  

Update:  The New York Post has now taken out the information about the cell phones being confiscated.  But I had pasted and copied what was written before.