
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Chris Mercer "Media saying White Supremacist" Truth is Half Black, but not one single picture of his black mom taken.

The government and media has to stay by their 'created' dialog about Chris Mercer.  In fact there must be an unsaid pact to keep that narrative going.  Why, do I say that.  There are many pictures of Chris Mercer's white father but not one picture of his mother on the internet.  Why is that?  Because she is black.

The media headlines are "White Supremacist" leanings for the reason Chris Mercer did what he did.  Are people realizing that he targeted white Christians?

I have even had a family member call me and being upset what I wrote about in my questioning and red flag post about the shooting.   

That family member started yelling at me that Chris Mercer was white and that I needed to get my facts straight and that he was a Nazi White Supremacist.  Mind you, the family member believes the 'official 9/11' story and believes in gun control and that no one should have guns.  They only listen to the mainstream media and government narratives for everything.  So, needless to say, I know they are not really seeing the truth.

Search for an image of Chris Mercer's mother, you will only find one of his father.

Do a search with her name; Laurel Harper, Chris Harper Mercer's mother, for images, again all you get is images of Chris Harper and images of his father.  Not one single image of his mother.  The media is keeping that out of the public on purpose.

Do a search for Chris Mercer White Supremacist and you will find that is the headlines for many articles about the shooter.

The official narrative is; he was a white nazi loving right leaning shooter who killed Christians.  Yet, the first reports were that he was a Black Lives Matter Supporter.  

The official narratives include him being obsessed with guns.

I want to say, the media is not being honest at all by not showing his mother in images.  Chris Mercer was close to his mother.  He lived with her.

I have a real problem with the slanted information about the shooting.  The public is not being told the whole truth.  It is having to fit into a narrative that is contrived.  Is it any wonder I question every single thing that happens?  When I see we are not being given all the information about an event and people involved and things are being hidden, I then doubt all the facts.

I will say over and over again, the only reason we even have some form of freedoms still is the fact that we have a limited 2nd amendment still.  If our right to bear arms is taken away we will immediately lose every other free right we have left, which is not many.

Will an image of Chris Mercer's mother ever be released, or will she stay hidden from the public forever, so people don't question the 'White Supremacist' narrative?

I just want people to think for themselves about everything that happens. I want people to question everything released and look at what is not being released and then ask, Why?  I want people to start understanding we are being controlled to think one way about an event or situation by the government and media.  People need to start thinking for themselves, they need to read between the lines.  Don't just believe everything they are told.  I don't want people to just believe everything I write either.  As I can get things wrong too, though not on purpose, I try to put out the truth at all times.


  1. Sherrie, Thanks for your good work and interesting post. You are correct that the jewed media is being deceptive and is running a false narrative. I was able to track down the only photo I know of which shows the alleged patsy's mother and it is contained in another very informative article at Red Ice Creations. Here is the link:

  2. Don't forget his direct connection to known Mujahideen supporter Mahmoud Ali Ehsani on Myspace. It's also reported elsewhere that the Russians have Mercer and Ehsani on the Terrorist watch list and INTERPOL. None of this is being mentioned in the mainstream media! He killed Christians I'm afraid because of his Islamic Extremist agenda! Where is this Ehsani now? Out of the country? Something sticks about this whole thing........
