
Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Oregon Shooting at Umpqua College. Here are some immediate red flag questions

  A Chris Mercer, 26 has been identified as the shooter at the Oregon Umpqua Community College

 I have some questions about this already.  

I don't think the media will lead with the fact the Oregon shooter was a "Black Lives Matter" supporter.  He was out to kill whites and Christians.  It does not fit their profiling they want, unlike how they unearthed a picture of the church shooter with a confederate flag a couple of months ago.  

“The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.
 He wrote about killing people at a school/college on a forum the night before.   It is completely disgusting how he was urged to do killings by others on the forum.  

Now the red flags and the questions I would like everyone to think about is the following from this article from the New York Post about the shooting. 

Sometime later, students’ cell phones were confiscated and they were escorted out of their buildings with their hands up as authorities patted them down and lined them up to be evacuated on buses, according to NRToday.

Now read this from the USA article about the shooting.

Hanlin, the Douglas County sheriff overseeing the investigation, has been vocal in opposing state and federal gun-control legislation.
Hanlin registered his opposition this year as state lawmakers considered requiring background checks on private, person-to-person gun sales.
Hanlin told a legislative committee in March that a background-check mandate wouldn't prevent criminals from getting firearms.
He said the state should combat gun violence by cracking down on convicted criminals found with guns, and by addressing people with unmanaged mental health issues.
Hanlin also sent a letter to Vice President Joe Biden in 2013, after the shooting at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school. Hanlin said he and his deputies would refuse to enforce new gun-control restrictions "offending the constitutional rights of my citizens."

First, WHY did they confiscate all the phones from the students that were in the college during the shooting?  I have never heard of phones being confiscated except when there are pictures and videos that authorities do not want made public.

Second,  It happened in the county where the sheriff there stands by the people's constitutional rights to bear arms and refused to enforce any gun control by the federal government.  Is that just a major coincidence?

I just think those two facts are very odd.  Of course this is going to be something that is jumped on by Obama, for gun control.  He has already made a speech about it.  But I seriously doubt he brought up the Black Lives Matter connection.  Of course if it had been someone who had been pictured with a confederate flag at one time, he would bring that up.

Information is still coming in about the shooting, but those are two things that really stood out to me after reading just those two articles too about it.  I wanted to bring those two oddities to people's attention.

I want to send my thoughts and condolences to all those who have been impacted and have lost their lives from this horrible and senseless tragedy.  No one should take another person's life.  I feel for the families involved.

I am not down playing what happened, I am simply asking questions about what I read and the things that don't make sense or is strange about it.  

Update:  The New York Post has now taken out the information about the cell phones being confiscated.  But I had pasted and copied what was written before.


  1. ...don't worry Sherri...many of us are asking the same type of

    ...first why was he still living with mommy at 26...???

    ...second...what and how much meds was he on...???

    ...third...why would he ask someones religion...???...only mooslims do that...before killing them... the anti-gun berserkers...yours, mine, and others questions don't matter...

  2. I'm seeing comments all over the net that are very similar.It goes like this."I have a relative or friend who goes to that college and you can take my word for it. This isn't a hoax!" Another strange thing eh!

  3. Anyone else notice the passage about cell phone confiscation has been deleted from the above linked NY Post article??

  4. doesn`t anyone question the obvious influence that the other contributors on the forum telling him to do it had on the act,who were they ,isn`t there a strong possibillity that he was coached into doing this by people pretending to be his peers but working for some organisation ?

  5. Reasons for phone grab. I would say looking for pictures of the dead and wounded. If your son or daughter were killed would you want pics of their dead body all over the internet? Also pics or video of the shooter, no need to give him more publicity. Also maybe looking for video/pics of the police officers engaging the killer. No need to show police tactics to other cowards.

    1. Suuuuure TROLLLL - we ALL KNOW it was another jew HOAX.
