
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pictures From Solar Eclipse - What is that light source on left? Screen Shot from Slooh video

Here is a screen shot I got from Slooh during the November 3rd Solar eclipse.

It appears as if a comet is by the Sun, which we know ISON won't be by the Sun until November 27th.  But what is that light source up to the left of the sun?

It appears to be emitting it's own light.

Here are pictures in contrast


  1. ok... i saw a light to the left of the sun...yesterday...nov. 4rth. around it was a rainbow -like entity, because we were heavily chemtrailed. this was later in the afternoon, till sun down. it never dissipated, nor did the haze change it's structure. it just hung out next to the sun as it set... i couldn't stop watching it... but i have no camera, so i just made my 20 year old son watch with me...for a witness like event. he was perplexed also.... i wonder what that was...

  2. I used to laugh at all the people screaming about Planet X or Nibiru. Now... hmm...

    I'll make sure I take a look several times tomorrow to see if I can catch the same phenomenon. We've had heavy cloud cover lately so I'm not sure how lucky I'll be.

  3. not sure if it is what you saw but Comet ISON is in the armpit of Virgo on the right and is traveling toward her belly as it approaches the sun. it would be in that general location.....


    Yup! It's ISON.
