
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Here is a Question.... Since Germany seems to be really getting teed off with the U.S. now - NSA and Economics.... Will they demand all their gold back immediately?

The U.S. holds 674 tons of gold for Germany.

Germany has agreed to only get a portion (300 tons) of it's gold back from the U.S. through 2020.

But here is a thought and a question that could make things very interesting.

First we know that Germany is upset that the NSA tapped Merkel's cell phone and Obama lied  knowing about it.

Now it appears a public spat has begun with the U.S. and Germany blasting each other over their economies.  The U.S. has accused Germany of  dragging down it's neighbors today.  Germany fought back by accusing the U.S. of having high debt levels which are hurting the global economies.

It appears that friendly allies are becoming, not so friendly and going after each other since the NSA revelations.   At the link above you will also see a tweeted picture of a German politician in Russia with Snowden.

Germany is considering giving Snowden Asylum too.  (Which I wouldn't trust for anything.  They would turn Snowden over in 2 seconds upon pressure - war threats etc. from the U.S.  Putin has and will stand strong against the U.S.)

With taking all of this into account, my thought and question is..... would it be reasonable since Germany does not have trust in the U.S., for them to come out and demand all of their gold back from the U.S. immediately?  

If the openly public distrust of the U.S. gets any stronger, I would not be too surprised if Germany stood up for their gold and demand it all.

Germany has to know that the U.S. doesn't really have the gold anymore and that is why it will take until 2020 for them to even get 50% of it.

Just imagine the uproar that would occur in the financial markets.

This just a little thought that has come to mind and talk about a way of Germany taking the U.S. down without a shot being fired.... demand Gold and the U.S. isn't able to deliver it.


  1. Germany asked for it's gold back a couple of months ago and not only did the US refuse it
    also refused to let representatives from the German government even inspect it.
    Translation, it isn't there any more..

  2. Everyone should e-mail the Germans and encourage them to Demand All of their gold now!

  3. Deutschland, Deutschland Ueber Alles...

    Third time's the charm!

  4. Germany doesn't "own" any Gold. By Germany I mean the people of Germany. Nearly all Gold is owned by private groups who by and large own the banks. It would seem there is some manoeuvring amongst these groups as to where best their Gold is secure as the Fiat currency debt ponzi scheme collapses.
    I should imagine the story about the "German Gold" is a smoke screen to get the politicians off the hook and the sheeple confused.

  5. Jesus, what's the world coming to? Only one schistkopf with the Uber alles comment? And how come nobody is screaming "Nazi!" at every thing that moves?

    Oy gewalt.

  6. I wonder if this is not the REAL reason WW 3 will start. They keep saying Germany is one day to ATTACK and destroy America.
