
Monday, July 15, 2013

People and Media Upset over a Not Guilty Verdict.... But NOT over the Government Spying on everything they do against our Constitution???!!!

I have to highlight something very glaringly obvious....

People are so upset in some arenas about Zimmerman's Not guilty verdict and are protesting and blocking the highways.  The media is so beside themselves over it and the celebrities and famous personalities are all over twitter about it.......

Yet...... WHAT ABOUT OUR ORWELLIAN GOVERNMENT???!!!  What about NSA spying on everything we do?  What about how all Androids have a NSA backdoor code?  What about Bill Gates and Microsoft providing the Government all encryption codes for their software to spy on our computers?   What about drones spying on us through the air?  What about the lawlessness of the government who has shredded every constitutional Amendment we have?  What about our Bill of Rights?

SERIOUSLY!!????   Where are people's brains these days?

Why aren't people realizing the purposable division and hate being created by the media and government?

Why haven't people taken to the streets over that?

I noticed the police are allowing the spur of the moment protest on the streets of various cities around the country for the "Trayvon" cause.  Yet, if people did spur of the moment protest against the government... they would be put in jail and the protest would be stopped due to "Not having a permit to protest."

Where is the justice..... where are people for STANDING UP FOR THE COUNTRY and What is Right?  Standing UP for TRUTH and Stopping the Orwellian society that is being created?

Look at how they are persecuting Snowden, when he has had the guts to STAND UP for ALL OF US!   Where are the People.... protesting for Snowden to be allowed to travel to a country for safe haven?   Where is the support for Snowden on the streets for telling the Truth?

Is it because the media is not flaming the emotions and in fact are trying to put out any fires of support for Snowden?

Don't people then realize how the media is nothing but Propaganda for the government and those who control?

I wrote about how Shocked I have been at the media and their coverage of the Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict and how literally Appalling the overt race baiting is from them.

Where are emotions for Truth and our Rights?

Don't you think that something that affects all of us and everyone in the world is more important that one person who was defending himself against an attack?

So where are the Protests for our Rights and our Freedoms?  That not important enough?


  1. It's called divide and conquer.

    Or, as this ole redneck also suggests, the "sleight of hand" division.

    Constructed to pit one mass group against another, they take our concentration off of their dubious deeds, falsely manufacturing some outrage via their owned media outlets, propelled more by their owned government lick-spittle lackeys which seem to be revered by the cooing masses.

    The outrage of one group over false accusations pits the defense of another group causing everyone to look at something OTHER than the lying, thieving culprits who are orchestrating the take-down of this country.

    It is a classic play from their 2,000 year old (or more) playbook.

  2. As Rush said people forgot about how MSNBC doctored the 911 call and inserted the word "black" into the conversation when Zimmerman said it looks like this person is up to no good, making it look like he said this black person is up to no good, when that is NOT what he said at all!

    SHOCKING betrayal from a news source. Totally incorrect and even CRIMINAL in nature.

    Simply put the MSM CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED!

  3. This is what we get when we throw God out of our government, schools, lives, etc. Can't expect much less. My opinion.....this will escalate....
