
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bill O'Reilly - Message on "Black" Conversation that everyone needs to hear! Also I was approached by a security person this weekend, I did not attack him.

I am not in the least a Bill O'Reilly fan.  In fact I don't like him as he skewers the facts as all media personalities do to fit their agenda.

But, this time he got it exactly right!

This is a video everyone needs to listen to, due to how the media and Obama are trying to start a race war in this country and implying African Americans are victims.

The facts are African American's need to raise themselves up and start having "family" units and stop listening to the "gangsta" music.

This last weekend I was at a university, where my niece is going.  We were looking around when we were approached by a security person for the University, wondering what we were doing.

We simply explained we were looking around and why.  We did not attack him for asking us what we were doing, though he had followed us up to a building.

Were we profiled?  Did the security person have a right to ask us what we were doing?  Would we have had a right to attack him and bang his head on the ground and try to hurt him for asking us what we were doing?

So.......  the "excuses" and those trying to make Trayvon Martin a "victim" for Zimmerman approaching him are all part of a race war they are trying to start.

Who hasn't been approached at one time or another by a security person wanting to know what they were doing?


  1. This is the very first time that I have heard Bill O'Reilly say anything that was truthful. This subject is a very important issue and Bill nailed it. There are a lot of good black folks out there being destroyed by the bad ones. Keep spreading the truth Bill and I may even become a fan of yours.

  2. Good post Sherrie, and it's good O'Reilly gets this right, but what he did not mention in his rant was the TRUE CAUSE of drug addiction in Detroit and everywhere else: THE CIA and their bankster/criminal psychopathic elite handlers CREATING these drugs in the first place, from growing poppies in Afghanistan to funding and supplying logistical and military support for Drug Lords the world over (such as Myanmar's Kum Sa, the Zetas, various mafias, etc., extending all the way back to Vietnam as my late friend and former DEA agent told me years ago.) Get the CIA and their cronies out of the drug making business and these drugs will virtually disappear.

  3. I agree with what Pedregal said before me. I did not really follow the whole story and trial that closely but since I don't live in a cave it was impossible not to be exposed to it. In your short narrative above and in O'Reilly's broadcast both indicate that Zimmerman approached Martin but that was not established in the trial. It was Martin, who after seeing Zimmerman following him then turned, confronted and attacked Zimmerman.

  4. There are a lot of good black, white, jew, asian, middle eastern folks, that are being destroyed because of the racist ideologies called Zionism and Fascism which are promoted endlessly by evil banker jews and their lackeys who fund the evil whites and jews to further the goals of their "for profit" criminal terrorist ideology.
    I will not listen to their lackeys, even if you or someone is of the opinion that they got it right once or twice. Because they are racist fascists beholden to war, once you ignore that fact and start promoting such inhuman media messages you are just another shill for fascist racist propaganda and counter intelligence propaganda.

  5. O'Reilly Is Mere Superficial Part Of The Cultural Problem-Complex

    O'Reilly, as usual, only goes far enough to serve the agenda of FOX News, which in turn, serves the globalist, CFR/Trilateralist/Bilderberg agenda, O'Reilly's purpose being to instigate, promote, and encourage race-war, O'Reilly and FOX doing it fm the "right" (ho ho)--in contrast to MSNBC or CNN, for examples, who do the VERY SAME racial instigation, but fm the "left."

    O'Reilly tries to instigate the whites, pretending he's on their side, the leftists pretend they're for the non-whites.

    And overall, note the large program, as by United Nations, is AGENDA-21 "population reduction"--GENOCIDE.

    Meantime, observe, as Alex Jones ( pt.s out, there's poison Fluoride in the water supplies, GMO foods, poison food additives like aspartame, MSG, and many others, people being forcibly vaccinated w. toxic vaccines, school-kids and adults being forcibly drugged, these drugs often too powerful and un-tested, not to mention the wide-spread radiation poisoning (like Fukushima, worse than Chernobyl), as fm military depleted uranium, poison "chem-trails" destroying ground-soil, etc.--this has all been done DELIBERATELY.

    And all of this horrific, genocidal mass-murder and poisoning is enabled by the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) legalized COUNTERFEITING scam which gives nearly God-like power to those very few who buy politicians & judges, & own & control the mass-corp. "news"-media, all the large and most of the smaller corp.s, public edjumaction, and most tragically, the est. Christian churches, etc.

    So u see, it's all part of a large worship of DEATH within a culture/empire of LIES LIES LIES which Christ warned against, esp. in Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ standing for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts or ideals (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

    So I suggest people brace themselves as it's just going to keep getting worse, in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, long as folks continue to accept US Dollar as payment for goods & svcs. Ron Paul is certainly right when he urges we must "end the Fed," but that's just necessary part of the beginning of any possible recovery.

    There's going to have to be other things happen too--like REMOVAL of the satanists and anti-Christs behind this horror and psychopathology--the people fighting for freedom and rights according to original US Constitution, lowering of taxes and removal of idiot "regulation" of otherwise free market--and this isn't going to be easy, is it?--as we all know.

    But we all KNOW we CAN'T SAY WHO it actually is behind all this raging satanism and anti-Christianity, can we?--that wouldn't be politically correct for our dear metro-sexual culture would it? Ho ho ho So good luck folks, be sure to pray hard.

  6. Sooo glad somebody can stand up and tell the truth about The Issue. It's a freaking elephant with neon pink polka dots and yes, the Black Caucus dances around it with blinders on. But then again, look at their ages.

    What really gets me is the fact that there's all this so-called boycotting going on in Florida and yet, why can't that much action take place on really important things like passing legislation which states what a parent's rights are(or are not)? The UNCRC(Conventions for the Rights of the Child) is a freaking disaster.

    Sherrie, do some research on that. This has been going on for years now. They've tried attaching it to bills here and there, parts of it, lines of it. If it passes, we're well and truly fucked.

    There is an organization( which is fighting the UNCRC, in all it's forms, one of which is a bill which concerns disabled children which is how the UN plans to slide into the US sideways with the complete UNCRC. It is insidious!!!!

    PLEASE do some research on this and get the word out! If parents had protections which were written in law then this would benefit the kids all the way around. County education boards wouldn't be able to push parents around like bullies, neither would doctors.

    Parents feel locked into a system where the government tells them what to do with their kids. Yeah, a rare minority will fight to homeschool. But what about the rest???? It's infuriating that the information isn't out there so that parents can fight for their children!!

  7. The problem is that blacks have especially believed the lie from soaps and sitcoms that attraction is love, and once you are "in love" then you are supposed to "do" something about it. Let me explain.

    The most common source of problems in relationships is that the couple misinterpreted their mutual feelings of attraction as love. This normally results in the couple trying to keep up appearances after the attraction fades, and wondering where the love went.

    It is important to know that attraction is an emotional feeling that fades over time, while love is a promise that has nothing to do with attraction. Love is a promise to do 4 things. For the man:

    1. To accept everything that he knows and does not know about her now.

    2. To accept her regardless of what happens in the unknown future as they both age - for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness or health for as long as they shall live. Even if she is later disfigured by an accident or crippled by illness, he promises now to accept her.

    3. To forgive her later. Since neither of them is perfect, they depend on each others' forgiveness.

    4. To encourage her to improve. This 4th one gives purpose to their relationship - otherwise it will get boring.

    If they are both ready to make and keep these promises to each-other, then they are ready to love. When they keep them, they demonstrate their love for each-other.
    After they formally make their promises at their wedding, they complete or consummate their promises with sexual intercourse. Every time that they subsequently have sexual intercourse, they reinforce their promises – it is truly a wonderful and
    mutually satisfying experience.

    The problem is that if they have sexual intercourse before making their promises, then he shows her that he is capable of justifying forsaking her for a younger and shapelier rival when she get older. If he is able to restrain himself when his attraction for her is at its highest, then he shows her that he is capable of resisting the rival that will inevitably come.

    Source: Attraction is a feeling. Love is a Promise. by Grenville Phillips, president of Walbrent College – 15 years of pre-marital counselling with no separations or divorces to-date. (
