
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bizarre: Knoxville Tn. High School, half year long "Zombie Pandemic Project" and Idaho Zombie/UFO drill April 27th.

The Idaho Zombie/UFO crash drill is happening on the 27th of this month.  They have taken the information off the website it was on, when it began getting a lot of attention.   But it is still being held and a video about it, is below.

When I was doing some searches on other subjects I came across this information on a Knox County High School website.

The Hardin Valley Academy in Knox County, Tennessee has a Zombie Pandemic Project for the whole school.

This was based on a "virus" or something contagious being released from Oak Ridge Laboratory, which is just miles from the school.  The students have to figure out the solutions to the Zombie Pandemic.

Oak Ridge is where uranium is enriched and it is the science lab area for the U.S. government for nuclear and other experiments.

In my opinion, it is completely bizarre for a High School to have a Zombie Pandemic.  They state it is to make it fun for the students.

There are 4 academies that are part of Hardin Valley.  The STEM, Liberal Arts, Health and Science, and Business Law and Public Affairs.  They all had their assignments for the Pandemic and all of them are due this week.   

The Stem Academy had to do this as part of the project:

THE STEM ACADEMY:   Your battalion projects will focus on at least ONE of the following issues.  Within your 22 platoons (advisories), use the D-SCHOOL ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS to address at least ONE of the following issues:

·         Design and create:  an apparatus for containment, zombie-proof houses or buildings, zombie traps, a mechanism to reverse zombie-ism, a syringe that would deliver vaccine safely and effectively, a survival kit, a remote microchip to control zombies, a weapon to destroy zombies, a tracking device to collect and analyze data on zombies, a transportation plan to evacuate zombie laden areas, anti-zombie robots, or a mechanism that will address other issues created by the Zombie Pandemic.
·         What technology or science can be used to defeat the zombie pandemic?  If it cannot be defeated, how can technology be used to institute other options, for example colonization?
·         Design an apparatus that would aide in daily living, i.e. the production of food, the movement of people and products safely, the security of water resources, etc.

The Liberal Arts had to do this:

THE LIBERAL ARTS ACADEMY:  Your group’s project will focus on at least ONE of the following issues:
·         As liberal artist we have a responsibility to the global community and humanity.  Develop a plan that would allow you to provide badly needed services to your community, the nation, and globally.  What will your role be in making the world better and serving others?
·         How do we preserve our humanity through the Zombie pandemic?  What will society look like during and after the pandemic? What do we save from our current societies?  What do we let go?  What lessons did we learn?  What items and characteristics become valued within Generation Z?
·         How do ethics break down when dealing with survival?  Examine whether there be absolute right and wrong decisions.  What will society’s new “zombie ethics” look like?
·         How can grammar, rhetoric, and arts be used to bring about awareness and preparedness?  Create a “survival guide” with specific details, directions, and suggestions.
·         What art (either visual or performing) may be created from the conflict?  How will it reflect the emotional content and historic relevance of the conflict?

The Health and Science had to do this:

THE HEALTH SCIENCE ACADEMY:  Your group’s project will focus on at least ONE of the following issues:
·         How did this start? How can the spread of the virus be contained?  What precautions should communities take that have not been affected?  What do you do with the infected people?
·         How will the medical community respond to the Zombie Pandemic:  ethically, prioritization of tasks, treatment alternatives, communication of health concerns, prevention and response strategies, vaccinations, triage facilities, etc. 
·         After the Zombie Pandemic, what lessons did the medical community learn?  What methods would be instituted in a post-pandemic hospital?  How will medical care be different if we win?
Notice the "IF WE WIN" above.

The business Law had to do this:

THE BUSINESS LAW AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS ACADEMY:  Your group’s project will focus on at least ONE of the following issues:
·         What is the government going to do? How will laws change during this emergency?  What laws remain?  How might laws be enforced?  Who is going to enforce them? How might communities provide order and protection?
·         What lines of communication will be used?  What will those look like?
·         Will money, as we know it, be the vehicle to exchange for goods and services?  Will we be forced into a barter system?  What will that look like?
·         What businesses will be able to survive and/or thrive in a Zombie dominated world?  Create a business plan for such a business.
·         How did our government allow this to happen? Create government propaganda that would be used during the situation.  What would it convey?  How would we communicate it if traditional technological means are disabled?
·         How will food and water be procured and distributed?  What kind of utilities will be available?  How do you secure these survival services?
·         How will the economic face of the globe change?  Who will be the new economic powers?  Why?  What happens to the former powers?


All of the documents have this information for each area of the school:

Competition/Contest:  On April 3, students will present their projects to their advisory.  These products will be judged upon completion.  Advisory teachers will then select the best representation of their academy.  Winners from each Advisory will be awarded for their efforts, creativity, and understanding of the academy purpose.  On April 10 and 17, each winning advisory representative group will present its project to the dean and administrator of the applicable academy.  From those presentations, the top three from each academy will be determined.  Those top three will then present a final time in the week of April 22-26.  The entire school will be able to see the products created by their peers during the following Advisory, May 1.

I actually find this very interesting as more and more "Zombie" pandemic drills are happening in  the U.S.  This school is close to Oak Ridge and they began the project in January.   Both of these accumulating in the same week is interesting too.   So, what is the deal with useing "Zombie" as the drills instead of pandemic of another sort?   The government has had "Zombie" drills in the recent past too. 

Here is the information about the Idaho Zombie Apocalypse happening this week, on the 27th. 

How many other schools have had a half year long project about a Zombie Apocalypse?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rand Paul is a FRAUD and another Obama! He has committed Treason against his Father and Now U.S. Citizens. I have NO Respect for him at All!

First I believed in Rand Paul when he ran for the Senate in Kentucky.  I supported his run and win.

Then during the 2012 Presidential election when he committed Treason and was a traitor against his father by endorsing Romney, I never listened to another word he said until his epic filibuster..

He redeemed himself in my eyes when he accomplished the epic 13 hour filibuster which I actually watched more than half of.  I was thrilled he was standing up for all of us and the country. I became a Rand Paul supporter once more.

NOW.... he has committed treason against the U.S. people and he has nullified his epic filibuster by going directly against it.

Rand Paul says at 2:30 point of the video below "If someone is coming out of a liquor store with a gun and $50 dollars I don't care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him."

WTF???!!!!  REALLY???

You - Rand Paul..... Don't Care if a drone is JUDGE JURY AND EXECUTIONER of someone ROBBING a store?   So someone should be KILLED for robbing a Store?

How Dare you..... believe drones should KILL people during a crime instead of letting a jury of their peers convict them!!!!   Also, who is to say the real robber didn't toss the person out with the gun, no one knows what the real situation is, until evidence is completely provided in a COURT ROOM!

You are not a TRUE Constitutionalist and you are a traitor, Rand Paul!!

I hope the people of Kentucky Vote You OUT!  I will NEVER support you, We can not TRUST you!  You are a true politician.   Not trustworthy, a player of the game and I have NO respect for you!

It is sad that all politicians in Washington are against the U.S. citizens.  There is not one person there who is really for our freedoms and liberty now.   We have lost our country due to allowing the politicians to do as they have without people being more involved from decades ago in what they were doing.

They are all owned by corporations and big business.   They are all puppets on a string that are controlled by their masters.  None of them are there for us, they are there for money and power.

We need REAL people in D.C.!  We need to somehow get all those asleep that are willing to vote for the same old tired and controlled D.C. official to see the light.  We need everyone of them out and vote someone who is not controlled and won't be bought in!

It is so frustrating that we don't have any real representation in D.C. and people we thought were on the side of the Constitution and Bill of Rights were/are just pandering for votes and selling the people down the river to the slave masters.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jim Sinclair on King World News "Switzerland Bank Refused A Wealthy Person their Allocated Gold Stored" People's stored Gold at Banks not there.

Besides the countries that are trying to get their gold back from New York and London, wealthy individuals are beginning to want their gold.  I have a feeling they are going to want it even more now.

On King World News, Jim Sinclair told Eric King yesterday, a wealthy and affluent person Jim Sinclair knows, wanted their allocated gold, they had a Switzerland Bank storing for them out.  The bank has outright refused to give them the gold, saying due to "Anti -Terrorism and Anti -money laundering laws."

That is the excuse banks will give people no doubt in the future if they want their money or anything else stored.  I believe this will eventually get to safety deposit boxes.  We already know bank accounts are at risk now.

How many very wealthy people have gold stored in banks that is suppose to be allocated for them and they have been paying storage charges on?   How many are going to try and get their gold out and be told "No, sorry."  So... the banks will have the money for the gold, the gold and charge the customer storage fees every month for that "gold" but will never be able to see it or touch it?

The banks are out of Gold!

I believe things are going to get very interesting now.

The interview of Sinclair is at KWN.

People need to see the writing on the wall.  Anything you have in the bank, the bank can and will refuse you, when you want it back.  Get out of the banking system!  They are more desperate and what is yours, is theirs!  

I have not been able to find if Texas is able to get their gold from the N.Y. Fed, since it was announced they wanted it back in March.

We know that Germany is not even able to get 70 tons of the 300 + tons of their "allocated" gold from the Fed for 7 years.

Chavez of Venezuela was very smart asking for his gold back a couple of years ago.

Remember those who delay will lose out, those who act first win as Chavez did.   He will probably be the first and last of someone who won in getting their gold from the Fed or a Central bank.

I will say... if you have anything in a safety deposit box at a bank, get it out.

The government has now through "anti terrorism laws" can confiscate any safety deposit boxes without warrants or real reason and they can keep all items in it, including gold and silver and guns.

According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that “under the Patriot Act” the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make “periodic and unannounced” visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of “selected safe deposit boxes.”
Further, the DHS “shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence” any of the following items “bar gold, gold coins, firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature.”

I will say again:  NOTHING IN THE BANKS IS YOURS!  NOTHING IS SAFE IN A BANK.  You will be keeping anything there at your own Risk!  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

My interview of David Morgan Silver-Investor - Confirmed U.S. banks will go Cyprus. Paper prices separating from physical. Get metals while you can!

David Morgan,  spoke to me this morning about the Federal Reserve Governor Jeremy Stein, coming right out and saying the U.S. will do as Cyprus if needed and take the creditors (depositors) money so a bank will not fail.  Your money in the banks is not yours it is the bank's money and when you signed the signature card, you acknowledge that.

The blue print has been established.

Great last minute interview with David and he provides Very Important information.  He points out Everyone needs to protect themselves, immediately.  The Physical market is tight now and getting tighter even in the U.S., get gold and silver right now while you can.

He says the U.S. citizens need to Wake Up and get smart and informed NOW!

UPDATE - 10:15 pm CONFIRMS everything Jim has said.. Zerohedge about gold and getting hard to get physical. 

Jim Willie - Golden Jackass Information from his April Hat Trick Letter: Physical Gold Premiums will be $500 or more in the near future, Silver 40%. Dealers Sold OUT Now

Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass and writer of the Hat Trick letter is allowing me to publish a little of his April subscriber Hat Trick Letter.

Jim emailed me this information today along with an article (and link) about physical gold and silver being bought out and major dealers do not have any for sale now.

Here are a few paragraphs (with his permission of publishing here) from Jim's April Hat Trick Letter for subscribers only:



A client close to the gold trade in Dubai United Arab Emirates has offered to provide a regular update on the DBX gold price. My hope is to be updated almost daily, but that is asking too much, since he is busy running an office. The premium reading is like an EKG for a man suffering a heart attack with monitors attached. He wrote on Friday and again on Saturday, shooting updates. He wrote, "No more physical Au available in Dubai. The big refineries tell people they might be able to fill orders for 100 kg bars in a week or two, but they might not be bound to the screen price. Premium now $18 over spot Gold price and rising (on Friday). We shall see $500 over spot not before long. Investment grade Ag is already trading at 40% over spot if you want physical in volume. Saturday here in DXB and the premium is now $25. There is no physical anywhere. Now the premium is $30 (one hour later)." 

For newbies, Au means Gold and Ag means Silver. Some simple math permits one to conclude that a $500 premium could arrive in fifty days if it comes at $10 per day. My belief is that the full premium will come more quickly, as the jumps will tend not to be linear. The traders in control of scarce inventory will sense the injustice and smell the destination of a true valid Gold price!!

The defiance against the criminal power jockey bankers will be visible in the open very soon, with public statements and calls for lawsuits and prosecution. Worse, the events and premium rise will be accompanied by direct formal action taken against thefts of Allocated Gold Accounts. Watch the German story, since the political response by their Parliament has begun for repatriation of their national account held (sold) by the New York Fed. The latest chink in the armor is a BAFIN investigation against Deutsche Bank in Germany. Several high level officials wish to avoid prison time, which motivates them to sing in a chorus tune. They are providing information on the $79 trillion in D-Bank derivatives, which permitted them to do illicit balance sheet extensions in the past. It is all tied to gold and the malfeasance behind the gold account management.


Jim had sent me the below about physical demand of metals being off the chart.  

We are in the midst of experiencing two of the most radical weeks in the history of the precious metals markets. Paper prices for gold and silver, those prices determined by the fraudulently managed commodities exchanges (namely the COMEX and the London Bullion Marketing Association – LBMA) and regulated by the equally corrupt and complicit Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), have been driven into the basement.
Simultaneously, the available physical supplies of precious metals, especially silver, have suddenly nearly disappeared. Some of the most extreme shortages for silver in memory have caused premiums for all types of bullion and coins to skyrocket. Nearly all major wholesalers in the United States, and for that matter the world, are completely out of stock for smaller denominated silver rounds and bars, with no projected delivery dates in sight. This phenomenon is a worldwide event.
Here is a brief overview of the extraordinary world events highlighting the tremendous surge in precious metals demand.
Last week, the highly reputable Business Standard of India reported that there are “acute” shortages of gold in southern India. Reports the Standard, “Major jewelry manufacturing centers in southern India are facing an acute shortage of gold ahead of the wedding season despite the industry’s claim to have seen a record import of the yellow metal last financial year.”
US ex-patriots living in Bangkok are reporting that gold dealers in that city are completely out of bullion products other than minor amounts of jewelry. These reports are stating that there is not one ounce of gold bullion available for sale! Dealers are taking orders but these are limited to 2.5 ounces per person.
Gold demand is surging. China’s domestic gold consumption is outpacing its internal production 5.5 to 1. China’s mining output was up 5.8% in 2011 but its domestic consumption of the yellow metal increased by 33%.
Hong Kong
Reports from Hong Kong have seen line-ups out the doors of precious metals dealers. Dealers are reporting massive buying with almost zero selling. Some dealers are reporting that they have sold more gold in one day than they normally do in three months with walk-up clients buying over a million dollars in gold with cash and taking it out the doors in gym bags!
Dutch Bank Shuts Down Gold Deliveries
Possible major shortages of its clients’ deliverable gold has forced Dutch megabank ABN Amro last month to dramatically change its custodian rules. ABN Amro announced March 24th that it “will no longer allow physical delivery.” Hysterically, ABN Amro account managers attempted to soothe their clients by saying, “You need to do nothing” as “we have your investments in precious metals.”
Major German Auto Manufacturer Hoarding Silver
It is being reported from Switzerland that a world famous German automaker is now resorting to storing thousands of pounds of .999 fine silver for perceived future shortages. The company’s purchasing manager has been quoted saying, “For some metals, like silver, there’s no such thing ‘just in time’ delivery anymore.” It has further been reported that this company is buying every available ounce it can in preparation for severe world shortages.
Switzerland to Buy a Stunning 1,000 Tons of Physical Gold?
A political movement inside Switzerland has acquired one hundred thousand signatures towards new legislation to eliminate future gold sales by the Swiss National Bank as well as to require the Swiss government to buy back immediately one thousand tons of gold that it already sold. If this becomes law, it will have a significant impact on tightening world gold supplies.
United States
16% of US Annual Silver Production Vaporized in Mine Collapse
A massive landslide at Rio Tinto’s Kennecott mine in Utah, on April 12, 2013, has wiped out five million ounces of annual silver production and five hundred thousand ounces of gold production. Taking into account that the US Treasury requires all US Eagles be manufactured exclusively with US mined gold and silver, the extreme shortages of these products can only increase.
US Mint Reports Massive Silver Sales
The US Mint reported that it has sold one 1.645 million ounces of Silver Eagles through the first six business days in April, bringing its 2013 total to an extraordinary 15.868 million ounces this year. This is on pace to completely crush the current annual record. Because of unprecedented demand, all dealers are on very tight allocations with almost all retailers as well as major wholesalers completely out of stock. Earliest expected shipments are at least 4 – 6 weeks out!
US Mint Gold Sales Setting Monthly Records
In April 2012, the US Mint sold 20,000 ounces of gold bullion coins. As of April 16th this year, the US Mint has sold over 50,000 ounces of gold and the month is only half over!!
Precious Metals Sell/Buy Ratio Going Hyperbolic
An unofficial but reputable survey of US bullion wholesalers is reporting a sales to buy ratio over 50 to 1. There are no forecasts for this to ease any time soon.
Huge Wholesale Premium Increases
Unprecedented shortages in silver have resulted in huge premium increases for silver dealers at all levels. Premiums for US Eagles and Canadian Maple Leafs have jumped $1 in the last week.
Premiums for “junk silver” are completely off the charts. It has been reported to us that buyers in areas such as northern New Jersey are paying an incredible $9 an ounce over spot for pre-1965 US silver coins. As far as we know, this may be the highest in history. Wholesale premiums for “junk silver” have risen 2,000 percent in the last six months. Most importantly, there is almost none to be found anywhere. Some dealers are taking orders with three months waiting time.
Zero Inventories at Major Private US Mints
Two of the largest silver bullion fabricators in North America, A-Mark Precious Metals of Santa Monica, California, and the NTR Bullion Group of Dallas, Texas, have just notified their retail dealers that they have suspended sales of most of their silver products. A-Mark has announced that it is ceasing taking orders for all its one ounce, ten ounce, and one hundred ounce rounds and bars. There is no projected date for resumption of sales!
Retail Coin Stores Completely Out of New Stock
It is being reported to us that the majority of local retail coin dealers are entirely out of stock of any silver products. Our unofficial surveys reveal almost no customers selling where buying requests are reaching a frenzied level. The silver shortage situation is fast approaching the extreme level currently experienced in ammunition sales. Basically, neither can be found!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is becoming patently obvious that world citizens are waking up fast to the inherent risks of fractional reserve private central banking, and the extreme threat that burgeoning government debt means for them. Wise people everywhere are no longer looking for yield but are seeking safety in ever increasing numbers. And, they are looking for it hard and fast. What they are finding is the ultimate safety for wealth protection, namely, gold and silver.

As I have stated before, Jim gives real information that everyone needs to know about what is really happening in the physical world of Gold and Silver.   

Edit to add - My Interview of David Morgan- this morning 4/20/13 about Silver and the U.S. will Go Cyprus per Federal Reserve. 

UPDATE - 10:15 pm - CONFIRMS everything Jim has said.. Zerohedge about gold and getting hard to get physical. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

MSM - NRA "Supports" and behind Mass Murders and blames them for Boston bombing. Patriots are Terrorist

This is simply OUTRAGEOUS!   The MSM is saying the NRA is behind Mass Murderers and bombers and they are even blaming the NRA for the Boston Bombing.

Lawerence O'Donnell of MSNBC has outright blamed the NRA for the Boston Bombing and says they "Support" Mass Murderers not just of guns but of bombs too!

They are saying Patriots are Terrorist and anyone who believes in Freedom, Gun Rights and the Constitution is a Terrorist and possible Mass Murderer.


Pictures of Ron Paul in Knoxville by Franklin, a Professional Photographer. They are Awesome!

Here are pictures from the GOP Lincoln Day dinner with Ron Paul in Knoxville, Tn. on April 12th, 2013.  A professional photographer: Franklin, took Fabulous and some of the best pictures  I have ever seen of Ron Paul.  Franklin's information is below.  Video I took of Ron Paul and Truth he revealed.

Please contact Franklin about reproducing the pictures any where else on the internet. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pictures from Obama's Press Conference after Gun Control FAIL - Priceless Biden expressions Pouting

Obama had a Sandy Hook father introduce him for his speech after the Senate failed to pass the gun control bill.  Reid, from my understand was forcing the vote, believing he had enough to pass it.  Otherwise he would have not brought it to the floor.   Biden presided over the Senate vote, believing it would pass, I need to find video of it and his expressions.  Reid voted against the bill ONLY for procedure reasons, to be able to bring it on the floor once more.

The father, said they will not go away and they will fight on for "Sandy Hook Promise" for gun control.  He vowed to fight on and eventually win the fight for gun control.  

What is absolutely Priceless is the faces during the press conference.  Biden was hilarious the whole time with his arms folded and appeared to be pouting like a 10 year old who didn't get their way.  I Love his expressions, so I had to screen capture them!  

Obama was one teed off person.  :)  He made a mistake during his speech.  He said,  "If action by Congress", it wasn't a Congress vote, it was a Senate vote.  

He was reading off the screens, so I assume this was a speech he had planned on making after the Congress vote and that is why the mistake was made on his end.   It was a pre-planned speech, obviously.  

Here are some screen captures of the press conference, they are Awesome!  The People WON today, but the White House is Pissed off about it!  I LOVE IT!

Sandy Hook father introducing Obama

VICTORY For the People today!  But this White House will keep going until they can get the second amendment wiped out!

The big question is.... Will Obama put together Executive Orders on his own now, to take away our Rights to bear Arms?

THANK YOU NRA!  Obama mentioned the NRA a few times!  He BLAMES THE NRA for the bill NOT passing!   

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

All MSM implying "We need to give up Rights for Safety and Security" after Boston. Video of Major Oddity of bombing coverage

I have listened to some MSM broadcasting of the Boston bombs.   From Fox News, NBC, CNN, they all are implying "We need to give up our Freedoms for Security."

Fox news had a man on saying that Israel is safe because of the security and the people in the U.S. are holding on to "individual rights" instead of being safe and secure.  He said a conversation will need to be started.  They were implying it was "Patriots" over and over yesterday and home grown terrorism.  Wolf Blitzer of CNN wondered if "Patriots had anything to do with it?"  They repeated "Patriot day" over and over again during that segment.  I understand Biden even said "I believe it may be 'Patriots' against any gun control."  They are trying to equate being a Patriot is being a terrorist now in the sheeples eyes.

They were saying they could go through any bags and purses that they wanted on the streets of Boston now without cause and that will go to other cities.  So there goes our rights for privacy and no search and seizure without cause.   Any excuse for us to become completely as the Nazi's were.

Someone had put this video on a forum.  Remember that MSM can create things live now.  It seems this video below shows some type of images being created/erased.  It is very odd.

UPDATED 12:30 PM The original video has been deleted for some bizarre reason.  I have COPIED IT!  When I get it up, I will put it here.  I am getting it uploaded.  

UPDATED 12:45 PM Here is the video, the original that has been deleted is still below.

UPDATE 9:30 pm BBC got into the act of saying "I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of those, so called Patriot Groups" He refers to a group who believes in the "Right to Bear Arms"

Here is a video showing LIVE views of items, being there and then not.

Original Deleted Video:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jim Willie Interview April 15, 2013. Real Physical Cost for bulk purchases over $2000 an ounce. People should be rejoicing end of Comex coming!

UPDATE - 4/20/13 - Information from Jim Willie's April Hat Trick Letter - Premiums and Dealers are Out of metals. 

I interviewed Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass and writer of the Hat Trick letter, this morning, April 15 2013 about the smashing of the metals.

He had emailed me this morning about it and that email and article is here.   He then agreed to do a fast interview as it is important for people to understand what is really going on.

He provided Awesome information as always and said those who purchase metals in bulk are having to pay $2000 or more an ounce for gold in the Asian markets.

He gives real information and is telling everyone not to freak out and to hold on.
This is a great interview especially for those who are concerned and watching the gold and silver prices drop.

People should be rejoicing as this is ending the Comex with the prices getting smashed as they are.  It is all paper that is going down there is no real physical involved.

Jim doesn't mince words and tells it as it is in this interview.

I have recording software that can only record in ten minute segments, so I am apologizing ahead of time for the cuts.  I have normally put them on different youtube videos at 10 minutes each, but I believe people prefer to be able to listen to it all on one video.

Here is Jim Willie no holds bar and giving the straight talk and information about what is real and what is not regarding the metals.    He also questions the Utah mining landslide and 'who' may have  been involved and was it really an accident?

Edit to add - Article: $20 billion in gold paper dumped.

Bill Murphy of GATA and Le Metropole, email to me this morning 4/15/13 about the Gold and Silver Smash Down

Bill Murphy the founder of GATA  and the publisher of Le Metropole, a subscriber newsletter emailed me back this morning when I asked his opinion of what is happening with metals.

Here is his email to me unchanged:

Hello Sherrie,

Black is White and White is Black in the gold world. The more bullish the situation is, the more they attack. Ever since the first week in October, when the price of gold traded $1793 and silver was $35+, the selling by The Gold Cartel/JPM has been the most intense I have seen in 15 years. Not one single day has gone by since then when they could not be spotted with one of their maneuvers.

This collapse has all been orchestrated with this collapse set in motion on Friday following the PM Fix when the physical pricing was over the day (PLAN B). In addition The Gold Cartel loves to attack on Friday. There is an 83.2% chance of gold being lower or unchanged on Friday because of what they do and when.
Gold was hit so hard by The Gold Cartel forces, it broke below key price levels and down from a massive base. After falling to $1501 on the Comex, it was bombed in the Access Market to $1477 (PLAN C). And on we went from there last night and today to below $1400.

As far as silver goes, my "smeller" has told me for some time JP Morgan was going to crash the market so they could cover more of their massive short position. Whilethe open interest in gold is fairly low, the silver open interest has blown into multi-yearhighs. Because of the strength in the physical market, super longs were taking JPM on.

They are now paying the price for doing so.

It is all beyond corrupt. Could go on for hours here. For any Canadian readers of yours, suggest they watch the CBC documentary on Thursday night, The Secret World of Gold. It will explain a lot of what happened today and why.

All the best

Jim Willie the Golden Jackass, email to me this morning 4/15/13 about the Gold and Silver Crashing.

Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass and writer of the Hat Trick Letter emailed me this morning after I asked for his comment about what is happening with the Smash/Crash of metal prices.

Here is his email without any changes to me:

simple, and I dare you to post this !!
the Boyz want to kill demand by removing supply
the COMEX could actually shut down before long, like soon, dunno when
remember the lunatic BS monetary policy by the USFed
where they kill final demand by destroying the USEconomy ??
same artists at work
the divergence between the paper and metal Gold price is growing
it means the Western Gold market is broken
I have been forecasting the divergence for a long time, and it is here finally
huge precious metal demand growth, lower price, therefore corrupted (sorry, I dont fall for it)
looking forward here to the day when COMEX shuts down
it will come after they steal all your money in private accounts
if the Gold price is being pushed down, it is because the Bad Guys want to buy it from the Idiot Sheeple sellers
I try not to be a flippant a-hole
if you want the COMEX to be busted, then you must hope for a paper vs metal price divergence
the true price for large authenticated transactions is at least 15% to 20% higher than what COMEX says
I hear at least $2000/oz now, and at times much higher
I want a divergence to show up
I want very big coin price premiums
it means the Boyz are dying an unspeakably horrible death !!!
yet 90% of the dumfuk gold community is pissing and moaning like bonafide morons
they dont understand the gold market at all, after all these years
I have lost patience with most, since they are so so so unenlightened
but many colleagues I deal with and key clients are indeed enlightened
some stupidoes depend on the COMEX price for income, like total fools, some with leverage, even after MFGlobal
carry on
not meant as any insult to you unless you stare at the COMEX price all day long like a mesmerized rat
the divergence is absolutely killing the banking syndicate
they are committing suicide in front of our eyes, as the East is draining planeloads of gold from them
they want to kill Western gold demand, but they have killed their own big hollow reed banks
/ jim

Jim sent an additional comment to me in another email:

it is pathetically humorous what is happening in gold right now
investors should be rejoicing for the death throes of the big banks
instead they are pissing & moaning, when the bankers are preparing to steal their private accounts
the nation is populated by morons

I am also linking the most ridiculous article this morning from Bloomberg about the metals being smashed.  They are saying it is due to "The recovery of the economy and extended 'metals bear market!"  What a LAUGH!  Who would believe such B.S?  Goldman is advising people to sell.  

The turn in the gold cycle is quickening and investors should sell, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said April 10.
 “A combination of stronger dollar, Cyprus gold selling news and talk of quantitative easing ending later in the year all weighed on the price. We need some rationale back in the market before one thinks about getting involved again.”

As a perspective to all this "get rid of gold and silver talk being broadcast on MSM, we have the fact that I have received an email from a large dealer saying never before has it been where he could not get inventory of gold and silver, but there is no physical of the metals to be had.  Then look at this site, which is a large bulk metals dealer site, Tulving and you will see "SOLD OUT" for the silver and gold.

Edit to Add 1:15 pm - I interviewed Jim this morning about the metals smash.  here is the interview:


Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Video of Ron Paul in Knoxville Tn. April 12th 2013. "North Korea is Propaganda and Unemployment is really over 20%. U.S. government is lying" and much more

I was so thrilled to have seen Ron Paul in person.  He was a Rock star at the annual Lincoln day GOP dinner in Knoxville, Tennessee on April 12th, 2013.    There was a huge line to meet him at the beginning and end.  The GOP said the dinner had never had so many people before nor a long line as what happened that evening.   It really was the most amazing evening.  First to see Ron Paul in person and up close and to meet and be able to talk to so many awake and aware people in one room!  WOW - Totally Cool and exciting!

The place was packed and the dinner had sold out.  The room handled 850 max. from what the website says.  People drove in from the surrounding states to see him.

Ron Paul spoke over half an hour.  I was not able to get all the speech but I got most of it.  What I didn't get was the "solutions" to the problems in the U.S., which he said is to only elect those who are Liberty and Freedom minded for government positions.

There were many "expensive tables" right in front.  I observed those people at times during Dr. Paul's speech.  Their looks and demeanor said it all!  They were not interested in "ending the Fed" nor hearing how all the past presidents, Democratic and Republican have gotten us into wars (Bush) we never should have been in and it was really about big business.  He said that the U.S is a welfare state but it is not really the poor, the money goes to but to the "super rich" banks, military industrial complex and other big businesses.  He said they are the ones who are really getting all the money from the people.  It is not the poor that benefit but the big business benefits from the welfare state of the U.S.  (that portions starts about the 22 minute of the video)  The system is bias against the poor it is destroying the middle class through inflation and the super rich are benefitting.

He spoke so much TRUTH, it was Completely AWESOME!

The bigger the government the more LIES they tell us!

He said that the whole North Korea stuff is propaganda and the U.S. is lying about it all!  He asked "Do you really believe North Korea will bomb the U.S?"   (at 27 minute mark) He says the U.S. is the one who stops countries from getting along and making peace with each other.  The U.S. invades countries for their resources!   He said the meetings they had in committees they were lied to by administrations. 

Listen to the video it is WORTH IT!  He says things that he has not said before, especially about current events: Unemployment (really over 20%), Presidents as "kings" in taking us to war.

Video of speech:  The lighting was terrible and the sound was low in the beginning but got higher as time went on.

Edit to Add 4/15/13 - Here is a better video of the speech gotten by someone else and with a better camera.

One guy had the most amazing car.  It IS a Ron Paul car.  I have pictures of it and after the dinner I was introduced to him, which he put the top down and let me get in it.

I will have more pictures of the dinner and of Ron Paul when I receive them from a professional photographer: Franklin, who was there and will email me.  He got some really amazing pictures of Ron Paul during the dinner.   I will put them up when I get them.

Here are the pictures I took of it.

Here I am with the car.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Obama intelligence insider "Obama, Agenda is to KILL the dollar"

An intelligence insider of the Obama administration said the Obama administration's agenda is to KILL the dollar.  

Obviously they are on their way of doing just that.

Between the BRICS beginning their own bank, outside of the World Bank and the IMF, besides making currency agreements between each other without using the dollar for trade.  The dollar is definitely on it's way out.

They are hitting metals very hard today.  There is a purpose for everything.  With the people in Europe getting their money out of the banks, the last thing they want them to do is buy metals.  It is a complete psychology game happening and the game is against the people of the world.

They want us bankrupt in every way.  They want us hopeless and dependant upon them.

Obama lied about every single thing he promised in the beginning.  He signed the Monsanto act last week, yet in 2008 he campaigned on getting all GMO food labeled as such.  He had the U.S. sign the UN small arms treaty yesterday, which will take away our sovereign rights of guns.  He obviously has an agenda to completely take down the U.S. and he is doing a good job at it.  That is the only job he is doing "destroying the U.S. in all ways.   The dollar, the constitution and the jobs.

There is a lot more to the article than what is below.  Yes, it was released on April 1st and I only wish this was an April fools joke, but it is not.

It will be too late when people finally wake up, the country is pretty much gone already.

Portions from article:

This week, I had a series of very sobering discussions with my highly-placed source within the intelligence world. 

 In fact, this single, seven word response clarifies everything, explains everything, and leaves little else to discuss: “We’re just going to kill the dollar.”

It is important to note the specificity of the word “kill.” Stated in the active voice, it means an unambiguously intentional and deliberate act. The murder of our national currency, the United States Dollar (USD), is the ultimate agenda to be implemented under Obama. To “kill” our national currency will subvert the United States and destroy it from within.

By its very definition, to kill our national currency is an act of high treason by those engaged in this activity. It undermines the very sovereignty and survival of our nation, and will have a life-changing impact on every citizen in the U.S. It will also impact every nation and the people of every nation on the planet, as the USD is presently the world’s reserve currency. It is an act that should result in the filing of criminal charges against the conspirators, a trial of their peers and if convicted, a death sentence. It’s that serious.

According to my source, we are past the point of no return. We will not be able to stop what is coming, but must be wise enough to prepare and “get out of the way.” The murder plot involving the death of the dollar did not begin with Obama, but he and other conspirators have accelerated the plans, plots and schemes for its demise.

As I detailed in my multiple reports about Benghazi, we are at war with Russia. After removing Qaddafi from power in Libya, the Obama-Clinton black-ops plan was immediately put into action.