
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eric Schmidt (Google Exec Chair) Selling 42% of his Google stocks. Knows what's in Obama's Exec order of Internet control?

The executive chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt is all of a sudden sellng 42% of his shares of stock.  The sell will be worth $2.5 billion.

This is coming ahead of Obama's Executive Order he is set to sign tomorrow 2/13/13 that will be a "Cyber Security Bill."  Of course we all know, it is not about security it is about control of the internet.


Google‘s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidtis set to unload a sizable chunk of his Google holdings, according to a regulatory filing.
An 8-K filed with the SEC Friday indicates that Schmidt, who previously served as Google’s chief executive, will sell up to 3.2 million shares — he owns 7.6 million — a stake worth slightly more than $2.5 billion at Friday’s closing price of $785.37.

Watch for any other internet company executives selling a lot of their stocks too.  

You just have to wonder if they know something we do not.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being always the first to know and to share the information.....
    Just wnt you to know you are appreciated!
