
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Warning I have received this week from two different Former Government Officials (One top rank Military - One Intelligence Officer)

I am going ahead and writing about some conversations I have had this week with two different individuals.

Both are former government officials.  One was a top ranking Military official and another was an Intelligence Officer.  I confirmed both were who they said they were after they had contacted me originally.   I have not written about them on this blog or our conversations, as we will discuss current events etc on the phone.  They have never given me any "top secret" type information (FYI - for any govt. officials reading this).   But they do give me what is real or not real when events happen.

 Both had contacted me awhile back and I was very leery in the beginning.  I did not know if they were trying to get information about me etc.   But after a short amount of time I found they were both genuine and sincere of their contacting me.

This week both of them have contacted me and have been giving me "warnings."

Two things from past conversations with them about current events:

First they have both told me "Sandy Hook was a false flag."  Correction "Black Ops"  It is to get into the mind set of people that their children are at risk it is the psychology of fear for the masses.   Also the intelligence person said that the Dorner thing, something was really not right about it and he believed the manifesto was written by a few different people due to the way it read and how it was written.  We were not able to get into a long conversation about it so I really can't say much about that here. (He did say that Dorner will be killed because of what he knew about LAPD)

Second, I was told all the listening into people's conversations and reading of the emails, people don't really need to worry about that.  The intelligence officer said "Yes, they are, BUT they don't give a Sh** about all of our opinions.  They care about money.  They are paying attention to the big corporation phone calls and emails and to know who is making a big money deal with who, so they can make money off that information."  He said "The rest of it is boring to them and they couldn't care less what people think.  It is all about money."  He said all that is going on from the top down is not about money, it is simply about Control of the people.  They have more money than they can ever spend it is the control and power and making downtrodden slaves of the people.

He told me....  Officers that are in government agencies (FBI etc) right now, know the truth about 9/11 and the Oklahoma bombing but they don't say anything and evidence proves the truth that has never been released (especially with Oklahoma).

The warnings both called me about this week has been about the break down of the U.S.  They both said it is coming this year, with an estimated time of 6 to 12 months at the longest.   They both told me the most important things people need to do right now is to have food, water and something to protect that and your family with.

They have both stressed that to me this week, individually.   I had mentioned to both that we had expected this in 2008 and 2009 and it didn't happen so people were weary of those type warnings.   They both said "It will happen this year."

I am not writing this to "freak" people out or to cause "fear or panic."  In fact the intelligence officer said one time to me "Giving predictions just gets people upset and if it doesn't happen they look at you as a fool, if it does happen they won't ever remember that you gave that warning out in the first place."

The Former military officer sent this article from SHTF to me this morning with the subject line: "Warning Report"

Report: Realistic Urban Training is DHS and DOD “Conducting Desensitizing Exercises”

Small Portion:

Preferring to remain unnamed for obvious reasons, he told me, “DHS and DOD are conducting desensitizing exercises all across the U.S.,” he paused, then added, “we’re being prepared for mass civil unrest in major U.S. cities.  DOD will be expected to help – when we’re requested.”I asked if there was a timeline for expecting civil unrest in our cities and why should we expect it to begin with.
I was told that there were many reasons, but that the continued devaluation of our currency, the predicted history-setting prices for gasoline this summer and the continued gun control debate are forming a perfect storm of civil discontent.  When this storm hits, it will most assuredly produce mass casualties.  When does DHS expect this to happen? This summer.

I am going ahead and writing about this and I will simply say:  Do what feels right to you.  Watch what is going on and see if the current events hint to a break down this  year where getting food won't be as easy as it is right now. 

They have said the food part will be because there will not be fuel to get the food to the stores and the shelves will be empty.  

So again... I am simply passing along information about "Warnings" I have been given and both were very somber and serious about the warnings when they called me.   

It will be up to all of us individually to decide if the warnings have any meaning to each of us and take actions of various sorts if they do. 

OH... something else...the Military officer said "A new government Will be born from this and that it is going to be a difficult time... but it will be a Good government and a government that is suppose to be for this country." (one that is actually BY the people - no more "elite"  at the end of our last conversation. 

May we always be guided by Truth and Higher Intelligence as we go forward.  


  1. The intelligence officer said "Yes, they are, BUT they don't give a Sh** about all of our opinions. They care about money. They are paying attention to the big corporation phone calls and emails and to know who is making a big money deal with who, so they can make money off that information." He said "The rest of it is boring to them and they couldn't care less what people think. It is all about money."


    Not sure if I can use simple html here. I am still so naive. I don't think I've ever thought of this angle on the whole surveillance issue. Maybe I've thought about specific instances of it, but never thought of it as a main thrust of large-scale surveillance. I always forget just how much some people love money. (Not to be all saintly here. I really like a lot of the things money can buy, and wish I had more of it. There are just a lot of other things I value that tend to keep that desire in check.)

  2. hi Sherrie,
    thanks for this I beleive these reports are the truth as i scan the articles I get a feeling things are coming to a head soon we are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best , I sincerly hope a "good govt." is coming out of the termoil, keep us informed as I trust your reporting to honest. Leo.

    1. good government?! Bahahahahaha! wake up people, we do not require RULERS!

    2. If we all loved and feared God, God would be our ruler. In this world all men continuously think evil and are self-seeking, so yes, there would need to be some sort of order/ruler. I'm all for having a ruler - Christ.

  3. I don't know but I believe that "they" will make it happen in winter when less people would be willing to go outside.....but.... 13-80 days appears on my mind monitor.

    This is Ponce


  4. I like your work Sherrie, but everything is "in the next few months".
    I've been reading that line for 8 years now...

    1. I agree and I said that to them... let me put it this way which I did not include in the article. The military person told me, he had just gone out and purchased 400 pounds of rice and beans and he told me that is what I should get as it will last and you can live off of it.

      Yeah it gets old.... but we did discuss the psychology of it all and how people who did prepare a few years ago and nothing happened, won't do it now.... those who are at the top, know how to work the people.

      I did not put this out as a "siren" but want people to do as they feel. I am passing along information that did not originate with me but with people that were VERY serious about it and in giving me this "warning."

    2. Yes I agree Sherrie, We have to pass along what we have and leave it up to others to do what they want with the info. One of these days soon IT will happen and (I feel like it has begun!!) we have done our job as watchmen to warn. Thanks for this I passed it along to my people and we are there at the door! Again thank you for your work. Been following your stuff for years. Not said much though. Thanks, Harleyroses

  5. This could be true and I hope it is, if it means that there are people who still care about others and decency. On the other hand, there are some that leak disinfo and are fed the BS and repeat it, thinking it is on the level. There are a few things that are given 1) Whatever comes from the government or MSM is false and intended to deceive 2) The USA is being systematically dismantled by the government and their affiliated forces 3) The evil that is all systems both in the USA and globally, is going down but it won't be fun for us and it will get very ugly 4) We are being goaded into becoming violent, so the ringleaders can be singled out and taken down. 5) There is no fix for the deep trouble the USA is involved in 6) Great suffering will follow for the populous.

    1. Yep and that was a conversation I had with both of them in the beginning. I told them others have contacted me before about "information" and I researched and found they were full of sh** and they were trying to give me dis-info to make me look bad if I put it on the blog.

      I was very cautious with them and I flat out told them both it would take awhile for me to fully trust them.

      I know how it works and how dis-info is fed out so you give out the bad info and ignored after that.

      I will tell you, with all sincerity... I believe what they have told me because they are sincere and they are no BULLSH** people from my discussions with them.

      Also... I want every one to do use their own critical thinking and it do what they feel is right for themselves. I have put this out because if it helps one person than it is worth it.

    2. Here is how to weed out bad disinfo-- if it is given and then destroys your credibility- simply NAME the source who lied to you and shut him up forever- and restore your integrity. You cant affiliate with liars in any case and so would lose nothing. The conman would be deterred from peddling his fraud in future to other trusting souls.

  6. Dimon cfr bond collapse, china gas/oil ussa/canada, gold russia no debt, $85b /mo confIdence, camps desense, timing of gun register due + 2, in-fight aristocracy + tyranny, dont bet on red, south border, desperation to maintain, bye-bye bush.

  7. The 33 year anniversary of the completion of the Georgia Guidestones is on March 22. 3-22-13.

    1. I went there a couple of years ago to check them out.

  8. It doesn't require deep military sources to understand what's happening outside our own doors. Things are bad. They are getting worse due to massive government intervention/screw ups, and the whole shebang will implode, sooner or later, under the weight of its own putrid bloated corruption. Asking 'why?' before preparing is like waiting to buy car insurance until after you crash. Historically, economic collapses take most people by complete surprise. I used to live in south America, and saw firsthand when the central bank of Venezuela devalued their money back in the mid-nineties. It happened on a weekend, so folks woke up Monday worth half as much as Friday. People complained, moaned, marched in the streets, and in the end, had no choice but to adapt to their new reality. This pattern was repeated numerous times in the ensuing years, until their money became so worthless Chavez traded it out for a new currency, the 'bolivar fuerte' (or "strong bolivar") . It was the same worthless fiat scrip with three fewer zeros. Last week, they gave that one a 46% devaluation too.

    Endless government easing, bail outs and war will not magically resurrect our economy, period. The first thing to prepare is your mind set: Please understand we are not unique; this sort of thing has happened many times around the world, but it's an entirely surviveable thing. So to answer 'when', it is the moment you realize all this and get to work on your own "insurance policy", whatever form it may take.

    1. Perfectly stated,h5mind. The details of the demise of the US have become almost irrelevant. This system and this country can't be saved. In fact, its already collapsed. We're operating on pure perception, smoke and mirrors.When things go bad in an irrecoverable way, you and only you are going to be responsible for the safety and well being of yourself and your family.Prepare.

    2. @ AnonymousThursday, February 14, 2013 at 6:35:00 AM EST

      “Here is how to weed out bad disinfo…” Good DO’ing. Thank you.

      Truth ALWAYS gets out. NOThing hides in the Morphic Field. Phi is the Key.

      Trust your precognitive (morphic field related via Chestahedron) Heart.

      Chase Phi. BeautyPhi. WiFi now WiPHI. So say the TREES (yOur Fractal Lungs!)

      Tree = Taking Responsibility for the Earth and the Environment.

      “Remember yOur Lungs and the Air we breathe”, says the Lorax. The Right-Brain Ineffable is Here.

      Cannabinoid = 369. Magic Numbers irrefuted, IRREFUTABLE, …

      Sprout Cannabis Seeds (hemp) For Food.

      Grow Cannabis medicine for Fukushima (et al) DISease.

      Stop Suffering the machine and the parasite.

      Military-Industrial-Corporate-Government = MACHINE.

      Money (the IDEA of money) is the PARASITE. Forget about money. Saint Germaine Gold…

      Build yOur Machine with Phi Harmony. HarmonyPhi.

      Learn: ABHA 1251. Vortex Based Math.

      SoveReign So Ev Reigns
      May Peace Prevail on Earth.

    3. @GBCR: If you aren't on drugs you need to be. Sherrie,with all due respect, why do you allow gibberish like this to be posted?

    4. GBCIR

      Yeah I take the same DMT you ARE making and taking.

      Don’t blame the messenger – educate yourself you’ll see Dr. Sheldrake, et al are way closer to Reality than the ignorAnt majority. That’s all changing though. Such is the reality the Morphic Field and tipping points.

      Don’t get upset with those that want to ENSURE YOU GET ANOTHER BREATHE.

      IF you don’t see the Trees as an extension of your lungs then you really don’t get it… Yet.


  9. Why did they choose you to give this information to?

  10. The moment US attacks Iran, Russia, China and the other 180 nations of BRICS will start selling oil for gold (/gold backed currencies). The $ will quickly fall like a comet into the sun.. I-NATO knows they are bankrupt and cannot afford a long war, so may decide to go for WMD blitzkrieg.
    They need a period of chaos in the streets to instill fear and hunger in people so the military can come in an save the day and issue everyone microchips. (Like the movie "Contagion")

  11. Hi Sherrie, this is the first time I have seen your blog and will be bookmarking it.

    I woke up a few years ago, right before the crash of 2007. I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop now for 5 years. It seems like every month there is someone else who has "someone on the inside" that has told them something bad is getting ready to happen. I have been prepping for a while and will continue to do so regardless.

    The part that really made me question all of this was the comment that a "New government will be born". What? And WHO decided that and how? Sounds to me like your informer may already have a place on the inside of the "new" government. And how does he know it will be better?

    Just brings up a lot of questions for me.

    Regardless, thanks for putting it out there.

  12. Sounds like bullshit to me. Why would they contact you?

    1. You can think of it as you will that is your choice. Why they chose to contact me? I asked that. They said they have read my blog so they contacted me. I won't try and make you believe anything, everyone needs to use their own discernment.

  13. A good government will come out of all this? Bullshit! Maybe you were contacted by those people and maybe you werent but if you for 1 second try to say that something good will come out of this you're full of crap.

  14. The US will fragment, just as our society is fragmented politically (and economically), our political boundaries will change. Many Americans will not go quietly into the night, food or no food, we fed ourselves long before these socialists came to power and we'll feed ourselves long after they are gone. Either way the best preparedness is to be ready to move to where the Liberty minded are going to be concentrated. If it's BS then you have yourself some useless food and gear, if not you'll be too busy surviving to remember who told you to prepare.

    1. just remember we have the law on our side no matter what illegal law these commies pass, they will be the enemy and the battlefield will be the entire U.S., no place for them to hide and run. any military or police who side with this evil lawlessness will also be treated as a traitor to the constitution and their breach of oath of office which is a hanging offense. We will have no liberal judges presiding over any cases , period, they will gone or jailed determined by the level of their treason. they will all stand before civilian boards for trial.

    2. I concur, The Commies are up to the same thing they pulled in the overthrow of the Czar of Russia. Went over to Ammoland, and the NY state troopers union is laying out the same BS the Nazi's used at the Nuremburg trials, If we come and take your guns, we are just doing our job, blah,blah blah. I guess that leaves me to do the job I swore to in the Military, defend the Constitution!

  15. I appreciate the warnings about what might happen and this time it is probably true that the predictions will come true, everything seem to point in this direction.

    I would take the "sincerity " of the two sources with a grain of salt though. From what I understand pretty much all uprisings in countries around the world are secretly initiated by black spy-ops in order to press through ever more control of citizens and doubtless this is the case in this country as well.

    As in all black spy-ops the following new government will,be hailed as our savior, but in reality it will be run the same old elite forces who now have shift-shaped to get out of a bad situation . As they say:
    "Out of Chaos Order ". And they will make sure it is on their terms! We are in for some interesting times!

  16. any police officer or military personal who goes along with this evil scheme will be labeled a traitor and you will stand before civilian trial boards, no judges they will be gone and disrobed for their treasonous rulings, you have breached your oath of office and will be considered the internal enemy working for the ones who started this false flag war against its own citizens. and that includes you leaders also,you will be labeled a traitor.

  17. Very interesting Sherrie. Some folks can doubt your information but I would say to them, look around you.

  18. who are you for all of us to believe....even Steve Quayle and Alex Jones are wrong all the time....or at least on their time frame. Any one with common sense and critical thinking skills can see it is on it's way sooner or later....but to tag a time line to it is foolish

    1. Agreed! Same with the folks who kept saying 2012 as a timeline. It will happen when they are ready for it to happen. We are getting ready too.

  19. Ironically, its the part about "the goverment for the people" etc.. that gives just a touch of credence to ur relayed messege.. to me. Stranger than fiction kinda thing. If this is ur story or disinfo.. bravo!

  20. Maybe it all ties in with DHS Insider is saying..

  21. All the components seem add up this year. A currency war, tension between china and japan, what else, a natural spread disease? To make the global government gain more control?

  22. International jewry controls the world. Virtually any of the currently brewing crisis can be triggered at any time of their choosing. The likely scenario is gradual take-down of the peoples in all countries leaving jewish tyrannical power elites to enslave all of humanity. Jews are parasitical creatures that are the root cause (often secretly masked) for ALL the evils in the history of mankind. IsraHELL mossad and treasonous dual Israel/US top govt officials were mastermind for 911 WTC terrorism. See this video:

    Learn a lot more about these psychopath jew scumbags and understand what needs to be done to take back our world:

    1. I do not agree with blaming one group of people. That is what those at the top who try and control want. They want people to be divided and hate one group or another, due to their religion, culture, color, etc. Once we all realize we are ALL ONE and if we united in common purpose and goals of Peace and Love then we would conquer those who are the "Elite." Stop the hate of another religion, be it Jewish or Muslim or Christian, etc. As long as we stayed divided then they will win!

      STOP the religion Hate! We all Need to Unite As ONE - Which we ARE!

  23. It is not obvious that the 'Elite' is plainly jewish supremacist by nature? US govt is totally subservient to IsraHELL, that every war in that region has been for IsraHELL, is there any doubt to that?

    Look at the inordinate power American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC wields over all major US policies, domestic and foreign. Jews control the entire world financial/banking system, the major mass media outlets including publishing houses, the entertainment industry especially Hollywood, major multinational corporations, etc ... Even UN is their creation right from the beginning and they are the ones really in charge to this very day. Look at how IsraHELL gets away with murderous wars of genocide in Palestine and UN plays along with jewish zionist interest.

    Jewish politicians are leading the gun confiscation agenda via on-going series of real/staged false flag shootings. Take a good look at jewish control of American society:

    Yes, it is vitally important not to be divided against the one real enemy of Humanity! If jews win, all humans will suffer terribly for ages till that scourge of parasitic lying tribe is destroyed one way or another by the POWER OF TRUTH.

    1. if my choice is to stand with you, or stand with the Jews.. I pick the Jews in a New York Minute. you can get lost. Have you ever read the Torah? that is, the first 5 books of the bible.. i didnt think so. I am with Israel and with the God of Israel.
      i find it interesting that you refer to israel and 'murderous wars of genocide'.. regardless who started the wars, Israel won. They own the land. Why then, if Israel so easily defeated all their neighbors at once, do they not continue to conquer the middle east? the answer is, you are an idiot.

    2. I guess you never read the Talmud! They had Jesus crucified for 'contempt of Rabinical authority'. I guess you never heard of Zionism. defeated all their neighbors? I heard lebanon kicked their kike ass all the way back to the land they stole!
