
Thursday, December 20, 2012

CERN Finished 2012 colliding, saying "So Long Thanks For All the Fish" Also HAARP Strong Signals

Two things.

One CERN finished their 2012 colliding of particles and have supposedly with a new milestone with the last colliding they just completed, but they don't say what that milestone was exactly. 

When they finished, they said "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish" as their parting words. You can see that on the left bottom of the picture as the last sentence.

 The final beam of the three-year proton run at the LHC is dumped, with the phrase "So long and thanks for all the fish" from the control team (Image: CERN)

Edit to add... I just looked up the meaning of that phrase.  Which I see it is bizarre in many ways, to use that as their "goodbye" considering the words of it.  

Here are the words the dolphins sing at the end of the movie "The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy"

Dolphins: [singing] So long, and thanks for all the fish / So sad that it should come to this / We tried to warn you all, but, oh, dear / You may not share out intellect / Which might explain your disrespect / For all the natural wonders that grow around you / So long, so long, and thanks for all the fish! The world's about to be destroyed / There's no point getting all annoyed / Lie back and let the planet dissolve around you / Despite those nets of tuna fleets / We thought that most of you were sweet / Especially tiny tots and your pregnant women / So long, so long, so long, so long, so long! So long, so long, so long, so long, so long! So long, so long, and thanks for all the fish!/ If I had just one last wish / I would like a tasty fish!/ If we could just change one thing / We would all have learnt to sing!/ Come one and all / Man and mammal / Side by side / In life's great gene pool!/ So long, so long, so long, so long, so long / So long, so long, so long, so long / So long, so long and thanks for all the fish!

Here is the video of the song:

 Let me say I believe December 21 2012 (tomorrow) is the start of us going into the Daylight part of the Milky Way.  It is about the energies of truth and Love coming through as we finished our 26000+ year on the "dark/asleep" side of it.

In saying that, I also believe there are complete psychopaths that try and control every single bit of what happens on this Earth.  They try and keep people in a prison matrix.  They are afraid of what will be happening on the other side as we become more and more "awake."  I wrote about it yesterday and there is a video that really is a must watch to understand the cycles.  That is the end of the Mayan Cycle and what all the other ancient time calendars have also pointed to for tomorrows date.

 The elite have corrupted the 12/21/12 information just as they do everything.  They put more disinfo out there to keep people in confusion, worry, fear, etc.   Yep, I still try and figure out what is real or not and it is very confusing to me at times.  But I also listen to my inner self in what feels right or not too.

So... knowing that tomorrow is where we really get into the higher frequencies of the Universe, do I doubt that those who don't want to lose their grip on control will do things to make the "doom and gloom" event happen?  NOPE.  They are total and complete psychopaths that don't give a sh** about anything but themselves.

So.... I glanced at HAARP this morning to see what was going on there.... Funny thing our Sun is quiet and there have not been solar flares etc happening, but there is a very cool pyramid shape area of sunspots right now.  There is no big threat of a sun flare or anything.. the sun is very peaceful and is expected to stay that way for days.

Here is the picture of it right now with the pyramid on it, which is super cool to me:

 What has me a little concerned is the fact that HAARP monitors are strong, when there are no sun flares or anything to cause that right now.  Yet.... it seems HAARP really has something going on.

Here are the various HAARP charts right now:

So now my question is.... What the Hell are they doing right now and where are they directing it?

I went to the "heat" map of the world and could not find any heat at all showing up on the map.   Here is the latest map on the site and it was from last night:

So unless the absorption map is not working right now... the other HAARP information does not make sense to me.

If there is one thing I do know and have learned..... it is " I don't trust the psychos that believe themselves as better than everyone else and have a psychopathic thought to control everything."

In writing that, I also believe completely that the light can not be stopped.  Light always over takes darkness and darkness can never overtake light!

My question is right now.... What is HAARP doing and what are they trying to accomplish?

1 comment:

  1. 14.01.-10.02.2013 CERN is planning to collide lead nuclei at the LHC. In this series of experiments they expect to exceed the previous temperature record which was four trillion degrees (250 thousand times as much as the temperature of the sun at its core!!) and obtain quark gluon plasma as the state of matter which it had in the first moments of the Big Bang!

    BUT REMEMBER that matter is energy Е=mc2,
    and that the cause of the Big Bang is not known to experimenters.

    This means that such an experiment may provoke a side issue, a fundamentally new, previously unknown phenomenon, namely: the chain reaction of decomposition of matter of the LHC plasma together with matter of the collider and of the Planet where it is embedded, and this could lead to the release of enormous energy Е=mc2. In case the aforesaid occurs, there will be a local Bing Bang on Earth, and the Earth will INSTANTLY fall apart into asteroids.
