With the Supreme Court ruling this morning that Obamacare is legal and the mandate will stay, shows the Supreme Court ruled yet again for corporations.
The facts are, they ruled to make people give money to insurance companies and they ruled that the people are going to be Taxed on the mandate. So we won't just have to give all we make to corporations but of course to the government too. They seem to be where they don't want the people to have any left over money at all. They want to keep the people as slaves to their taxation and corporation profits.
What I am concerned about also is the fact that in the Obamacare, every single citizen has to be chipped by March 30 2013.
I also have a question about this.
All those illegal immigrants who are not having to pay mandatory taxes and paying insurance corporations, are they still going to get free medical care? What will be put in place to make sure they pay?
We have now just gotten another nail in the coffin of the U.S. and I don't believe there will be millions of Americans willing to go along with this. Will this be the "straw that breaks the camel's back?" in the form of people rising up and saying "Hell NO."
Are they going to come to houses with Swat teams if you refuse a chip? I WILL NEVER GET CHIPPED! Yet it is mandatory!
Would you link to or copy the relivent text of the bill that requires the chip?
Sure - page 1001 (how do you like what page number they put it on?) kind of funny using "11" for the page number. of the bill here:
Here is the section: - see the implantable device-
20 ‘‘National Medical Device Registry
21 ‘‘(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national med22
ical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the
23 ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and
24 outcomes data on each device that—
25 ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and
VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:43 Jul 15, 2009 Jkt 079200 PO 00000 Frm 01000 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H3200.IH H3200 jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with BILLS
•HR 3200 IH
1 ‘‘(B) is—
2 ‘‘(i) a class III device; or
3 ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable,
4 life-supporting, or life-sustaining.
5 ‘‘(2) In developing the registry, the Secretary shall,
6 in consultation with the Commissioner of Food and Drugs,
7 the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
8 Services, the head of the Office of the National Coordi9
nator for Health Information Technology, and the Sec10
retary of Veterans Affairs, determine the best methods
11 for—
12 ‘‘(A) including in the registry, in a manner con13
sistent with subsection (f), appropriate information
14 to identify each device described in paragraph (1) by
15 type, model, and serial number or other unique iden16
17 ‘‘(B) validating methods for analyzing patient
18 safety and outcomes data from multiple sources and
19 for linking such data with the information included
20 in the registry as described in subparagraph (A), in21
cluding, to the extent feasible, use of—
22 ‘‘(i) data provided to the Secretary under
23 other provisions of this chapter; and
24 ‘‘(ii) information from public and private
25 sources identified under paragraph (3);
You people must want oBamacare. You act like he is god lawmaker when he is in FACT a usurper along with Congress and the Supreme Court.
ReplyDeleteWhat they have done is UNConstitutional and we the people have a right to redress and rebuke them (Publius Huldah) and if they don't listen you have the right not to obey them.
All their laws, if it exceeds the oath they took to uphold and keep the Constitution are thus NULL AND VOID!
Our ability to obey them only hinges on if they keep the law which is based on a higher law (Publius Huldah). Otherwise we are breaking the law with them, see???
Thanks Sherrie
You are welcome. I just got the comment on, because I have been gone working all day. There is a delay when I am not at the computer.
DeleteYou have not looked at the actual bill that passed both housed of congress. It is not the 3200 one that you refer to, but the 3500 version that actuall passed. There is no provision in the one that actually passed if you check it out.