
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ron Paul's Push to Audit the Fed, is now becoming reality. It passed his committee, enough to pass Congress too.

Ron Paul is Awesome!

He has now achieved something that was near and dear to his heart.  Getting the Federal Reserve audited!

He has now accomplished a Huge part of that.  It passed the Oversight committee on Weds. June 27, 2012.  It also has 257 co sponsors in the House, which is more than enough to get passed and approved there.

What the problem is the Senate though.  Being Democrat controlled they don't want an audit of the Fed.

Ron Paul is living up to his promises unlike any other elected official.  All the others lie about everything and then do as their masters tell them to do.  At least Ron Paul is not controlled as all the others are.

From article:

One of Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) lifelong policy goals is on the brink of becoming a reality.
In a nearly unanimous voice vote on Wednesday, the House Oversight Committee approved a bill that would require the U.S. Federal Reserve to conduct a first-ever complete audit of its books and divulge details about its monetary policy discussions. The bill is expected to be taken up by the full House of Representatives sometime next month.

It says Rand Paul is the one who introduced a bill in the Senate.  Now that is all I need to hear.  It may not go anywhere.   RAND PAUL IS A SELLOUT AND IS NOW CONTROLLED BY THE SAME MASTERS AS THE REST OF THEM! 

If there is one person who absolutely has to lose his next election it is Rand Paul!  That man has got to be kicked out of office now.  He is a traitor and betrayed all the people including his father.

But Ron Paul has gotten the audit the Federal Reserve a huge jump forward.  The pressure needs to be put on the Senate for pushing that bill through!


  1. The show ain't over til the fat lady sings.

  2. Great post Sherrie. I love reading your take on things...probably because I agree with you on most points. Keep up the good work! I agree with your take on Rand but am also very dissapointed about Ron's slow reponse to criticism and tacit approval of Rands catastrophic decision to leave his base. Anyway, keep on plugging!
