
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

German Constitutional Court takes Power away from Merkel, says Parliament is Superior.

Wow the courts around the world sure have been busy this week and the past one.  First Egypt's court dissolved the parliament there and then Pakistan's Supreme Court kicked out it's  Prime Minister.

Now the Constitutional Court of Germany has ruled that Merkel has over stepped her bounds and she can not keep giving bail outs of the rest of Europe and not give details to the parliament.   

It says the Parliament is superior  in rulings than Merkel.   It looks like the ruling has possibly put the ESM at risk of being ratified in Germany too.

This is going to throw Europe into chaos, in my opinion.  There will be no more free flowing money from Germany which has been the country that has provided the bailout money.  Considering Spain and Italy are just going into crisis mode and needing money fast, there are going to be some wild rides coming up.

Article - translated to English:
D is eutlich the judgment of the Constitutional Court on the political voice of the Bundestag.  A unanimous slap for the Chancellor , which is known to prefer the quiet reigns, bug-proof closet out.  And like the MPs considered Kopfnicker like that should approve without opposition in the Bundestag and uninformed, what in the Chancellery of her and her main power brokers Ronald Pofalla was once again concocted.

The imperative for future policy operations has consistently expressed the judgment: Saying what's wrong and what is just is, as soon as possible. . And this is especially important for international agreements such as the euro rescue ESM . For its cash, the citizens must pay this year alone, 8.7 billion euros of taxpayers' money.  What could be justified in view of these sums, let Parliament and the people in the dark?

  Anti-democratic arguments

The opponents of transparency has often used anti-democratic arguments First, it is more efficient when political decisions are sometimes waved through in small bodies. Second, it would be even more difficult to achieve international agreement, if any should be informed and the secrecy is no longer guaranteed. But what kind of cynicism!  Only the stupid MPs is a good deputy?  And only the stupid people is a good citizen?
. Since the judgment of our constitutional judge does really well.  The Bundestag may a say again, apply the established democratic rules of our Constitution.. The future it could also again be clear who we need to assign responsibility for various "bailout" that are being set almost every week somewhere.

Only the Parliament, then the Chancellor's Office

. As such, it was high time that the specific form of caricature of government has met with opposition from the Constitutional Court.  The Basic Law does not exist for arbitrary disregard of the political sphere.  A Chancellor would actually follow it more carefully than any other participating political institutions, because it finally puts her oath of office on it. And we do not want to be governed by and on peaks that operate infinitely far away from our daily lives. . Considered democratic, the chancellor's office is subordinate to the parliament clearly.  The Chancellor should also be in support money finally take note of.. We do not want to be governed by Gutsfrauenart. The state authority emanates from the people.  Again remember, Mrs. Merkel?

I do believe things have just gotten more interesting in Europe now.  I don't believe this will go over well with those countries that are needing money desperately.

I found an article out of Australia about it also. 

Germany's constitutional court has ruled the government failed to inform parliament in good time about negotiations last year on the eurozone bailout fund.
Tuesday's ruling does not halt plans to put the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in place next month but requires the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel to brief parliamentarians sooner next time.
Both chambers of parliament are scheduled to ratify the ESM treaty and the eurozone fiscal compact on June 29.
The case was a win for the opposition Green Party, which charged that parliament was not quickly shown documents about last year's bailout talks. Green Party whip Volker Beck said the opposition had to turn to Austrian colleagues to find out what was going on.
Under the German constitution, the parliament in Berlin has to be kept informed "comprehensively and at the earliest possible point of time and continuously" about negotiations at European Union (EU) level.
The court ruled that Merkel's government did not brief parliament properly last year on the state of talks over the new eurozone rescue fund, the ESM, or over negotiations on the "Euro-Plus Pact" requiring eurozone nations to coordinate economic policy.
The 500 billion euro ($A624.54 billion) ESM is the permanent successor to the existing bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility. Judges said the opposition should have been shown the ESM treaty draft by April 6 last year.
The decision was "another important building block in a series of decision by the Federal Constitutional Court to strengthen parliamentary responsibility in the framework of European integration," presiding judge Andreas Vosskuhle said.
The court has repeatedly slammed the executive in Berlin for not submitting enough to legislators.
"The briefing has to enable the parliament to exercise early and effective influence on the decision-making of the government and must take place in such a way that the parliament does not end up in a rubber-stamp role," Vosskuhle added.
Germany's government and opposition came close last week to reaching a final agreement to jointly ratify the ESM treaty and the fiscal compact, which the government insists on passing as a package. The legislation requires a two-third majority to pass.
As part of the bargain, the Merkel government has now promised to fast-track the introduction of a financial transaction tax in Europe if a minimum of nine member states agree.
Germany's opposition Social Democrats (SPD), who did not participate in the case, welcomed Tuesday's ruling.
Thomas Oppermann of the Social Democrats said: "This is another embarrassment to the government. They have been losing one case after another."

Now, will this cause Germany to be the first country to actually leave the Euro?  Considering it has been said that they have been printing Deutsche Marks and have them in the ready.


  1. I believe that once before Germany had a Chancellor, who pretty much ignored the Parliament.
    That did not turn out too well as I remember.

  2. Actually, this is very good news.

    The EU is bad for European people. It was created by the criminal bankster and big business cartels for the sake of helping big business (through senseless deals like making sure milk from the Netherlands is sold in Bavaria while Bavarian milk is sold in the Netherlands), and to abolish democracy (the major power in the EU is the entirely unelected EU Commission).

    Goverments have often abused the EU to push through measures they knew their population would never support - by taking their idea to the EU instead of to their people, then getting it approved by their fellow crooks, and taking it back home with the comment "we really don't want to do this, but it's the EU's ruling, and EU law outweighs national law."

    Merkel is the worst of the worst of the bunch. She is giving undocumented bailouts to other EU countries not because she wants to help those countries, but because the countries owe their excessive debts to (largely German) banks, the very crime cartel that put Merkel in power.

    The best thing would be for Greece, Spain and all to leave the criminal EU while they still can, and declare bankruptcy and/or devalue their currency so their debt can be paid off easily (no problem repaying a $1 billion loan if the currency has been devalued so an average worker makes $10 billion per hour).

    Not only would that put the banksters in their place (they are to blame, after all - their pure greed for more and more interest is what caused them to make unsustainable loans in the first place), it would help the countries free themselves of the grip of EU cartel organizations and parasites like the IMF.

    Look at Iceland - they dealt with the crisis properly, and they're recovering better than any other country.

    The sooner the EU collapses, the better.
    For all people of Europe. Except the criminals who own the politicians and banks.

  3. Show courts?

    Show trials

    I assume you know?

  4. Different topic but a heads up

  5. Spot on mate could not have said it better myself!

