
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Video - Matt Taibbi on Viewpoint with Eliot Spitzer "SEC hiding and covering up the evidence of Fraud and ignoring Whistleblowers"

Short interview video but still powerful in information. Matt Taibbi blows the SEC out, saying they are hiding all the evidence of the fraud of Wall Street from the public and they ignore whistleblowers. They only go after small companies and they let the big companies go.

 Eliot Spitzer had him on "Viewpoint." Matt Taibbi revealed how Goldman Sachs accidentally released damning information about the illegal activities of Wall Street, 2 weeks ago. I wrote about it and said JP Morgan is part of the covering it up.

 Have you noticed how not one word has been mentioned about the information released by Goldman Sachs? Have you heard the SEC or FBI saying they are going to go after them? The answer is NO!

That shows the SEC does cover up the REAL Wall Street Fraud! The article he mentions he wrote in the video about the SEC being part of the cover up of Wall Street crimes is here.


  1. If you recall, when Spitzer was AG of NY,he was going after Bush for no investigating mortgage fraud. He wrote an op/ed piece exposing what was going on. Three weeks later hooker-gate came out. Spitzer was toast

  2. I have a hard time commenting on stuff like this anymore. Is there anything out there in the worlds of finace and governments that isn't corrupt?

  3. The issue that drives me mad is that banks create our currency and we don't question the advantage that it brings them and could bring to the people. People seem to think that the government creates our money, but they don't stop and ask then why does the government borrow money. The lack of interest people have for the topic makes me want to withdraw from politics completely and let things go as they will. It boggles my mind how people seem not to care that the thing they slave 40-60 hours every week to obtain is fraudulently created. Maybe they just don't want to face the implications of the situation or they understand so little about finance that they can't consider new information against an existing understanding.

    The core issue is the money fountain, where monetary value springs forth from the aether without requiring exchange or labor. There is no way to create money without that value, but creating a debt at the same time obfuscates that fact. The world has a debt problem, but they won't fix it until they realize that it is systemically unfixable. If money is created by issuing loans, then there is never more money than there is debt, because principal > principal + interest. With oil and other commodities becoming more scarce and thus expensive, one day there won't be enough people willing to take on new debt to increase the money supply enough to service old debt and sufficiently lubricate commerce. We need to change how money is created to fix this. Are we willing to push through our own ignorance and boldly question the financial magicians armed with a myriad of confusing jargon?
