The FBI is labeling the "Occupy Movement" as domestic terrorists now. They are doing this due to "foiled bombing" plots. But get this..... all those plots of bombing.... were by inside under cover FBI agents. So it was all a set up to stop the Occupy Movement.
One thing I would like to make clear. I believe all the misinformation of who is involved and behind the Occupy movement is ALL disinfo. This way people do not join en-mass. This way people stay away from coming together against the fraud of Wall Street. The amount of disinfo is amazing. The Occupy movement is by "The People" who are trying to stand up to the Fraud of Wall Street, especially since the SEC and Government will not.
Now the government will really keep people from joining together against Wall Street fraud, because if people do they then will be "Terrorists."
Is this another way they take away our Freedom of Speech (what little is left) as you are labeled a Terrorist if you stand up to the Fraud?
I just posted about how Matt Taibbi said the SEC is part of covering up Wall Street Fraud this morning.
Based on reports from several reliable sources, including alternative news sites, the FBI was actively involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing, the first World Trade Center Bombing (1993), 911 (at least doing what it could to destroy the trail of evidence and shipping most of the building evidence over to China under the putative direction of Michael Chertoff), and has been involved in virtually every "solved" attempted false flag terrorist attack of recent vintage, all of which have been characterized by major new services as "entrapment" of some mentally challenged or cognitively impaired individual, usually some poor Arab kid.
ReplyDeleteIt is not for nothing that Ezra Pound and his disciples Eustace Mullins, Ernest Hemingway and T.S. Elliot referred to the FBI as the "Federal Reserve Police".
If the shoe fits...
How can a whole movement be only one terrorist? Russia Today refers to them being accused of being "Terrorists" not "Terrorist". This seems like some sort of Texas/Oklahoma grammar phenomenon, along with calling people who notice it "grammar nazis". But that would stop if the muddled communication habits started getting people killed.
ReplyDeleteThere are better ways of being seen to be a badass rebel than leaving the "s" off the plurals of "ist" words.
If it was only one terrorist, you'd think it wouldn't be such a problem, right?
Clarity is important. Lack of it can easily get people killed needlessly when it gets real. Say TSHTF, and the enemy's name evolved to be an "ist" word, like, say "Federalist".
Now, say you were warning somebody that they were coming in morse code.
You're shorthanded. Every bullet and able-bodied patriot freedom fighter counts. The enemy is jamming the voice channels, and wireless intenet and mobile phones haven't worked for months. Terse messages by morse are the only way to talk over any distance.
The 10 metre CW rig crackles to life. In a steady hand comes the terse warning in morse code "Federalist Approaching from East". So, do you simply alert 1 checkpoint to load 1 pistol, or alert a whole garrison of irregulars to get ready to repel a mass attack?
Do you have to reply asking "how many federalists are approaching?" thus giving your transmitter position away?
Do you agonize about whether the radio operator might've been from Texas, Oklahoma, or Boston?
Hell no! You standardize the damn language!
The side that wins is the side that communicates clearly.
You don't think the govt spent $384million with Halliburton building internment camps for nothing did you? That's why "Jack" Napolitano was warning us against domestic terrorism. Ya know, those who would question what their govt is doing to them.
ReplyDeleteOWS is being used as a globalist tool in order to have Martial Law declared.George "Billionare" Soros funds them,Rothschild front-man.The age old plan of Ordo Ab Chao,I marched with them in the beginning,when there was a media blackout.The 33rd degree of Freemasonry has a motto,Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for-Order through Chaos!I saw OWS with my own eyes harass a bunch of missionaries in Union Square Saturday night,young girls were scared witless.The same occupiers who grumble and moan about "peaceful Assembly" were attempting to stop peaceful people from worshiping their God.I totally believe the U.N and Lucis Trust is behind them,QWS is calling for a international world government,just like Kissenger and the Tri-Lateral Commission.Fema camps are real and they await a reasonable amount of truther-Christion
ReplyDeleteI completely believe all that is absolute disinfo. By putting out that kind of information about the Occupy movement is what stops people from joining in it. Also, there are some that are in it just to cause trouble and they are agents hired to do so. Other wise the Occupy movement is being accused of this or that.
DeleteThe amount of dis info is astounding. I Support the Occupy Movement! I support standing UP against Wall Street and their Fraud! That is what it is all about! The people are standing up and that is what it is about.
Once again the Occupy movement has more in common with the O.G. tea partiers, remember during the last election when Obama supporters called them domestic terrorists? Are you getting the picture NOW??
ReplyDeleteGet to know the real federal burro of investigation (fbi) in my reports and drawings, and weep for your country:
ReplyDeletefbi to target: we intend to...
usa global posture:
fbi as mafia: