
Monday, March 5, 2012

"Buy An Ounce- Give an Ounce - Lets Get Physical"


We know the manipulation of metals has been happening for decades.  The manipulation has been good for everyone who previously had no clue it was going on before the whole economic melt down began.   People have been able to buy metals at a manipulated price all these years.

The expectations from experts at this point is the manipulation will continue unless people get active and start buying the physical metals on the market.

What is the best thing you can do for another?  Give them something that is of real value and will help them in the future.

Helping others understand what is happening and how to protect themselves in the financial crisis that is now occurring is something we should all do.

Spending a little money on an ounce of silver for yourself and for another would be a great service to all.

You can buy 1/2 ounces, 10th of ounces besides one ounces of silver.  Buy various sizes and give them as gifts as needed.  Also think about asking your children about them getting silver for an allowance instead of dollars.  What a great way of showing your Love for your child, by giving them their future as an allowance!

So ... who is with me with this movement?


corresponding story - last weeks dump of paper contracts and Max Keiser - Buy an Ounce and Crash JP Morgan.  

Update 3/6/12 3 Pm - ***** Special Note*****  People have contacted me about buying the coin shown above exactly as it is with CFTC  on it.   I contacted a friend and the coin is real and a limited amount were minted.  My friend is talking to that mint to see about them minting more, since he is friends with the mint.   If  you are interested, as it seems some people are in acquiring one of the coins, please contact me.   If there is enough interest, my "silver" friend may be able to get a limited quantity minted again.

 Please contact me if you would be interested in buying one of the coins, so a list of interested can be given to the mint to help convince them to mint a few one more time.

Update 6 PM - they may mint 250 of the coins, this is not set in "silver" yet, but getting closer. :)   I already have an email list of people going, that would be able to get one if they are minted.  

sherriequestioningall                                        at                               yahoo                                .com


  1. ME! What a great Christmas/Birthday present. A 1/2 ounce of silver would look MUCH more impressive than a Starbucks card.

  2. You Tube "Mark Dice tries to sell $1100 one ounce gold coin for $50; no takers"

    He spends all day and can't get anyone to believe him or trade physical cash for a gold coin without absolute proof it is real.

    The price of gold is mainly driven by the sale of paper certificates, they can print endless amounts of paper and sell gold many different ways while tying all the paper to other tangible goods for credit lines. MF Global proved that the market is totally unregulated now and when push comes to shove the physical gold in storage becomes the property of financiers, not the paper owners. That is before we factor nationalization potential by governments. How far down could gold drop? Since it is tied to paper how much is rigged inflation by market makers and traders? What happens if gold goes into free fall?

    1. He was proving that People are idiots and are asleep in that video. That was the point. Did you not get that message from the video? If gold goes into Free fall from more paper manipulation than the people will have a buying opportunity. But considering all that they dumped last week on the market to smash it, it still did not stay under the $1700 support. Read about it, there are a ton of metal sites that you can research the support numbers and what is really happening. They are losing control.

      Also question.... what happens when Greece defaults this month? Have you prepared for that event and have protected yourself and insulated yourself for a paper money crash?

  3. I try to buy 10 0unce's of silver every month,after i went to one web site ,

  4. People in India and China have been doing this for a long time. Now, people in Russia can participate, in buying silver and gold bullion, too. Foreigners get it. They understand the power of owning pure physical silver and gold bullion. This may be the only thing Americans can do, to keep themselves, their family and friends, and the entire country, from going any further into debt-slavery to foreign Central Bankers.

  5. where to buy the physical silver, gold or copper? who to trust?

    1. Metals getting hit this morning big time. Where to buy?

      Look on Craigslist, go to Flea Markets there are also some sites online. Don't buy from Kitco though. They are part of the "establishment" take a look at Nadler always down talking Gold. It is because they have a paper metals pool. So they don't want people to take physical. Also their prices are much more than elsewhere, once you add shipping and insurance.

    2. There are many good sites online. I personally use Provident Metals for most of my online transactions. Good spot over prices and fast shipping. I've made numerous orders through them and have never had an issue. You can also check out Gainesville Coins. I've used them a few times and the service has been good. I personally stay away from Apmex as their spot overs tend to be on the high side.
      Hope that helps!

  6. What group of people said gold was valuable? We REAL valuable things, are : Love - Air - Clean Water - Food - Land - Shelter -Community.

    As Human Beings, THOSE are the valuable things.

    Before sone strange grouops came along - Human Beings got along VERY well, without the metals. Which by the way, the masses, don 't know that mining POISONS the land and water.

    1. The masses don't know that chemtrails, Monsanto, and numerous other things the govt and big corporations do are what is poisoning the air and water. Do people believe that the BP oil leak is over and that the gulf is all cleaned up? Yep, they do. Yet the corexit that is still being poured in the gulf every night to keep the lakes of oil under the water is and has been poisoning our oceans. Do people believe that Fukushima is okay now? Yep to that too. Yet it is in worse shape than it has ever been and releasing huge amounts of radiation constantly, poisoning our air around the world and the land.

      All that you mentioned is valuable, I agree and the way to keep those valuable items is to protect yourself with "Buy an Ounce Give an Ounce". That is a way of showing Love to others.

      Our world is what it is and through waking up and protecting ourselves and helping others protect themselves we can get through these times.

      Buy an Ounce Give An Ounce - Show your LOVE to others!

    2. C'mon with this chemtrail stuff. I've heard enough out of people at Occupy LA. If it happens get out of the way! Nobody told you to move to rural area where they have these and frack making your water undrinkable and where somebody could kill you and nobody hear your scream.

      Its not about protecting yourself, its about making a profit off the Government's foolish monetary policy.

  7. Hi Sherrie,
    Where is the best place in NZ to buy physical in very small quantities like one ounce at a time? Prices on TradeMe are high (not to mention the fact that they aren't reputable dealers so easier to get duped).
    Can you just rock on up to a dealer on the street? NZ Post only sells numastic silver coins, no bullion.

  8. I like this one better -

    and this one -

  9. for Aussies but they also ship overseas.
    Or just buy direct through Perth Mint.

  10. Try Get on his mailing list and you can often get silver rounds for NZ$46-47 per ounce delivered, which is a decent price in the world if you look around.
