
Thursday, December 1, 2011

SENATE discussing U.S. Citizen Detaining Policy on CSPAN RIGHT NOW! Updating as who speaks

UPDATE 12/2/11 - 7:42AM - Solution to the Treason...
Update 12/2/11 - 9:09 AM - My email to my State Representatives

12/1/11 - 11:30 AM EST



Leahy - Said it would be TREASON by the U.S. Senate

12:21 PM Feinstein - Saying the Detainment of U.S. Citizens has to be taken out!  The military can NOT be on the streets of the U.S.!  She has an amendment to take out U.S. citizens on U.S. soil from the Levin/McCain bill.

12:25PM  Levin is about to Speak - asked the vote to be delayed until 4PM not at 2PM - He wants to SPEAK to everyone and convince them to KEEP IN U.S. CITIZEN DETAINMENT!

McCain with Levin NOW - Saying he wants to speak before the vote too!

12:31 pm est Ayotte - R - NH - Saying Detainment is NEEDED!  She is behind the Levin/McCain U.S. Citizen detainment!  Against Feinsteins amendment that takes out U.S. citizens being taken by the military!
Saying We have to protect America and not give U.S. Citizens more rights inside the country than those who are outside the country!

12:38 pm est Feinstein speaking again.... saying Ayotte is NOT correct!

12:40 pm est - Graham from S.C. - He is using the shoe bomber as an example as Ayotte did - Saying U.S. Citizens ARE TERRORIST!  Saying Times Square bomb - was a U.S. Citizen!   Says the military have taken an oath to defend us, so they need the ability to judge who are terrorist (military commission)  - proud of Federal Courts is saying normal law enforcement is not able to get the terrorist.
Can Not prevent military from holding a U.S. terrorist!

Intelligence community needs to be able to hold U.S. Citizens!




Graham is now talking about Waterboarding and torture - saying U.S. Citizens are taking up arms and helping the enemy!!!!  HE IS SAYING HOME GROWN TERRORISM IS THE BIGGEST THREAT THE U.S. FACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levin - is now questioning Graham about U.S. Citizen detainment!  Graham saying the only people are the ones who have to worry are the ones who are affilated with El Queda!!

Wait......  REALLY?  Did he not just say "HOMEGROWN TERRORISM FROM U.S. CITIZENS IS THE U.S. BIGGEST THREAT to the country?"  Now he is changing WHO would be targeted inside the U.S.!  Now he is negating ALL he just said!  

 12:55 PM Levin is talking again - trying to convince everyone what a GREAT bill it is.... both him and Graham have team tagged up for it right now!  

12:59 Levin is saying the U.S. can keep a U.S. Citizen as a terrorist.  Saying it can not be in Civil Courts but military courts.  

Says U.S. citizens are legitimate targets as terrorist!  Says U.S. not protected if can't get U.S. citizens on U.S. soil!

Graham is teaming up 

Asking Levin "Do you agree with me that U.S. citizens have been terrorist and have had plots to blow up places in the U.S."  That they have aided Nazis?


Graham is now saying Homegrown Terrorism is a BIGGER PROBLEM THAN ANY OTHER TERRORIST NOW! 

Levin Just Agreed to that!

1:04pm - Levin now Saying U.S. Citizens are Terrorist!  They can not have their hands tied to only U.S. Citizens abroad!

Levin saying - We can not assume that any terrorist is not a U.S. citizen - and should be subject to military detention!

1:08 PM Graham and Levin still discussing it back and forth saying HOW U.S. CITIZENS ARE TERRORIST!

Graham just called the U.S. a BATTLEFIELD!

Graham is saying he doesn't care how someone is held - they want to gather intelligence.  To say they can't gather intelligence from U.S. Citizens makes the U.S. unsafe!

Both Levin and Graham are still going back and forth on how U.S. citizens are terrorist at 1:11PM

Graham is saying it is a war that they are trying to fight! 

1:14PM Levin is saying the military does not patrol our streets and nothing is in the bill to say they can.  Says it would be a crime for the military to police within the U.S. -  Now Graham is asking "Do you know why it was created, for the military not to patrol the streets?"  Levin told him to explain

Graham is saying after South was reconstructed no one wanted the military to have power on the streets......

Saying....  if there  is a terrorist on U.S. soil...... then it is perverse for the military NOT TO BE ABLE TO GO AFTER THEM!  Saying Americans are COMFORTABLE WITH THE MILITARY FIGHTING TERRORIST AT HOME!  

I can't frickin believe they are allowing Levin and Graham to just discuss this like they are!  NO Americans on a whole DO NOT WANT THE MILITARY ON U.S. SOIL!

Graham is saying the Military has to be able to be able to pick up "enemy combatants on U.S. soil!"  Asks Levin "Don't you agree?"

They are pretending to be behind the constitution - BUT then they are saying "These are the reasons WHY it has to be this way."  Which changes the constitution and the rights!  

1:26 PM Both Levin and Graham are still tag teaming - they are talking through two sides of their mouths!
Saying people have a right to go to court - if detained!  Each year an individuals case is evaluated - if they are a threat or not!

Graham is saying "I COULDN'T BE MORE PROUD OF THIS BILL!"  Saying Military HAS A Right to get Terrorist on U.S. Soil!

Saying how much he appreciates working with McCain and Levin!  Says how wonderful they are!

FINALLY another has gotten up Graham and Levin Finished! 

1:28pm -  Sen Manchin - D - WV - OMG - he is talking about Tax Cuts...... not about the detainment bill!
Still talking about tax cuts, not mentioning detainment - 1:37 PM   At least he mentioned only 9% of the people approve of the Senate!  :)

Saying VOTE for Feinstein Amendment to TAKE OUT U.S. Citizens ON U.S. soil to be voted on at 2PM at bottom of the screen- BUT I heard McCain and Levin saying they wanted it at 4PM - Still not sure when the actual vote will be.

1:41PM - Another Senator joined Manchin about the tax cuts to be voted on.... nothing on detainment

Now yielded back to floor 

Nope... though Yielded they are still going on about the tax cuts.   - Manchin 

1:44 pm Now yielded once again back to floor
1:44PM - N.J. - Menendez - D - talking about Iran - WANTS sanctions and saying need to sanction the bank of Iran.   Saying Iran getting nuclear weapons.

1:49 PM McCain Talking on floor - about Iran, asking Menendez questions about Iran!  Saying it is a compelling argument about Iran.  Saying Iran's conduct threatens U.S. and the world!
1:55 PM Wants to GO After the Bank!!!  Funny enough... it is one of the last NON Rothschilds bank in the world!  Saying Iran building WMDs!  Gosh where have I heard that before!   The amendment is to TAKE out Iran's Central Bank!

1:55PM  McCain asking - how good will the bill be against Iran.....?

1:56 PM yield back to floor
Kirk( R) - Ill. - talking about Iran too... says Iran's bank needs to be sanctioned...  Iran getting nukes - need to stop them.

1:59 PM yield back to floor

McCain now on floor - Says Iran is HUGE Threat to the World!  China is unwilling to help reign in Iran!

yield to floor

2 PM - FINALLY - another against the Levin/McCain Bill

Udall - (D) Colo. -Wants to adopt Feinstein amendment -


voting right now!

2:19pm still voting... but I am hearing NO more than Yes in accepting the Feinstein bill to take out U.S. citizens being detained.  

IMO - This is one of the most important votes in the history of this nation!  Our Senators will either commit Treason against the people or stand up for the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the U.S.! 

2: 28PM est Vote complete

45 YES!

I will provide a list of the Senators who have committed the Treason when I can!


So..... I guess the Military will be coming for all missing fingers people - and make sure you don't buy too much at the grocery store, as they probably track people by their grocery member cards and will think you are buying more than 7 days of food and the military will be on your doorstep! 

It all sounds too bizarre to be real... but it seems we are living in Bizarre times!  As for Graham saying people don't have to worry.... Yeah how many millions are on the "No Fly list" now... even 5 year old kids!  

EDIT TO ADD - 12/2/11 - 6 AM - Here is the video from CSPAN of the debate yesterday and what I was transcribing above  (you can see their transcript under it on CSPAN and see what I wrote above they have the same thing... scroll down on it and you will see they use the same wording)
The debate starts around the 1 hour and 45 minute mark on the video below and goes until the 5 hour and 5 minute mark.

Senators as they voted:

Votes by Senator
Name Voted
Sen. Daniel Akaka [D, HI] Aye
Sen. Lamar Alexander [R, TN] Aye
Sen. Kelly Ayotte [R, NH] Aye
Sen. John Barrasso [R, WY] Aye
Sen. Max Baucus [D, MT] Aye
Sen. Mark Begich [D, AK] Aye
Sen. Michael Bennet [D, CO] Aye
Sen. Jeff Bingaman [D, NM] Aye
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D, CT] Aye
Sen. Roy Blunt [R, MO] Aye
Sen. John Boozman [R, AR] Aye
Sen. Barbara Boxer [D, CA] Aye
Sen. Scott Brown [R, MA] Aye
Sen. Sherrod Brown [D, OH] Aye
Sen. Richard Burr [R, NC] Aye
Sen. Maria Cantwell [D, WA] Aye
Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D, MD] Aye
Sen. Thomas Carper [D, DE] Aye
Sen. Robert Casey [D, PA] Aye
Sen. Saxby Chambliss [R, GA] Aye
Sen. Daniel Coats [R, IN] Aye
Sen. Thomas Coburn [R, OK] Nay
Sen. Thad Cochran [R, MS] Aye
Sen. Susan Collins [R, ME] Aye
Sen. Kent Conrad [D, ND] Aye
Sen. Chris Coons [D, DE] Aye
Sen. Bob Corker [R, TN] Aye
Sen. John Cornyn [R, TX] Aye
Sen. Michael Crapo [R, ID] Aye
Sen. Jim DeMint [R, SC] Aye
Sen. Richard Durbin [D, IL] Aye
Sen. Michael Enzi [R, WY] Aye
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D, CA] Aye
Sen. Al Franken [D, MN] Aye
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D, NY] Aye
Sen. Lindsey Graham [R, SC] Aye
Sen. Charles Grassley [R, IA] Aye
Sen. Kay Hagan [D, NC] Aye
Sen. Thomas Harkin [D, IA] Nay
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R, UT] Aye
Sen. Dean Heller [R, NV] Aye
Sen. John Hoeven [R, ND] Aye
Sen. Kay Hutchison [R, TX] Aye
Sen. James Inhofe [R, OK] Aye
Sen. Daniel Inouye [D, HI] Aye
Sen. John Isakson [R, GA] Aye
Sen. Mike Johanns [R, NE] Aye
Sen. Ron Johnson [R, WI] Aye
Sen. Tim Johnson [D, SD] Aye
Sen. John Kerry [D, MA] Aye
Sen. Mark Kirk [R, IL] Aye
Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D, MN] Aye
Sen. Herbert Kohl [D, WI] Aye
Sen. Jon Kyl [R, AZ] Aye
Sen. Mary Landrieu [D, LA] Aye
Sen. Frank Lautenberg [D, NJ] Aye
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D, VT] Aye
Sen. Mike Lee [R, UT] Nay
Sen. Carl Levin [D, MI] Aye
Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I, CT] Aye
Sen. Richard Lugar [R, IN] Aye
Sen. Joe Manchin [D, WV] Aye
Sen. John McCain [R, AZ] Aye
Sen. Claire McCaskill [D, MO] Aye
Sen. Mitch McConnell [R, KY] Aye
Sen. Robert Menéndez [D, NJ] Aye
Sen. Jeff Merkley [D, OR] Nay
Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D, MD] Aye
Sen. Jerry Moran [R, KS] Aye
Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R, AK] Aye
Sen. Patty Murray [D, WA] Aye
Sen. Ben Nelson [D, NE] Aye
Sen. Bill Nelson [D, FL] Aye
Sen. Rand Paul [R, KY] Nay
Sen. Robert Portman [R, OH] Aye
Sen. Mark Pryor [D, AR] Aye
Sen. John Reed [D, RI] Aye
Sen. Harry Reid [D, NV] Aye
Sen. James Risch [R, ID] Aye
Sen. Pat Roberts [R, KS] Aye
Sen. John Rockefeller [D, WV] Aye
Sen. Marco Rubio [R, FL] Aye
Sen. Bernard Sanders [I, VT] Nay
Sen. Charles Schumer [D, NY] Aye
Sen. Jefferson Sessions [R, AL] Aye
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen [D, NH] Aye
Sen. Richard Shelby [R, AL] Aye
Sen. Olympia Snowe [R, ME] Aye
Sen. Debbie Ann Stabenow [D, MI] Aye
Sen. Jon Tester [D, MT] Aye
Sen. John Thune [R, SD] Aye
Sen. Patrick Toomey [R, PA] Aye
Sen. Tom Udall [D, NM] Aye
Sen. Mark Udall [D, CO] Aye
Sen. David Vitter [R, LA] Aye
Sen. Mark Warner [D, VA] Aye
Sen. Jim Webb [D, VA] Aye
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D, RI] Aye
Sen. Roger Wicker [R, MS] Aye
Sen. Ron Wyden [D, OR] Nay


  1. The not-so-honorable representative from AZ needs to be detained...

  2. 911 proved that the defence dept can't protect us against anything. Our military is being used to terrorize other nations. Now the gov't want to blame us for their f**kups. maybe we should vote out all incumbents who supported this bill.

  3. This is breathtaking!
    I cannot believe they're actually voting in such high numbers for this atrocity!
    Who is blackmailing these people?
    How much money have they been promised in some Swiss account? ( I do smell Zionists such as Levin, Harman, Lieberman and his patriot act and internet snooping attempts.)
    I'm NOT being sarcastic when I say this, but we must now buy lots of guns & ammo if we wish to protect ourselves from tyranny.

  4. One might think the greatest threat the USA has is all the crooked corrupt politicians and their traitorous actions such as this turds statement.

  5. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
    For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Zionist Israhell Traitors All of them, as not a one of them ever exposed the others or ever will. Your vote is your resignation as a free person and the acceptanse of their dominion of
    you as a slave to do their bidding.Forever.
    Dave Diesel * 81 *

  6. Taking into account that the Congress apparently represents Corporate America, plus that 1%, one has to admit that they are absolutely correct in saying that their biggest threat, and growing every day, is indeed those 99% US citizens, and they are indeed at war. Coordinated nationwide police crackdowns on Occupy movements was actually the pretext of this, so this is very logical and predictable next step. We are indeed at war with them.

  7. When Bush said about the terrorist "they hate us for our freedoms" he was telling the truth, we just didn't understand that he was actually speaking about himself and cronies. They struck us with shock and awe on 911 to push through the patriot act and have kept our liberty under attack ever since. Patriotic Americans should use every political means they have to remove these traitors from office.

  8. If you Americans accept this you deserve all you get.
    It is RAW fascism.
    It negates your constitution and the very fundamentals of a free society.
    You are terrrorising the rest of the planet - now you are becoming totally in every way, a militarised police state within.
    And you will let it happen.
    Get off your meds and flouride and show a little outraged dignity for once.
    100 million of you should march on Washington.
    Just turn on the telly get out the beer and gorge on a takeaway.
    And earn the contempt of the world.
    Handing away your rights on a platter.
    The US has degenerated into a vicious torturing bully. Now they are going to bully and torture you.
    Americans response. Yawn!! Whats on the sports channel?
    Whats more they will turn it up the louder when they come for folk like you, Sherrie.

  9. So.... are you saying I turn on the sports channel?

    I agree the people are being DEAF DUMB AND BLIND about what is happening in the U.S! They don't want to see it! They LOVE their TV and sports!

    Also.... why would they want to come after me..... I am just a sheeple like everyone else. :)

  10. Look if these fascists, Zionist scumbags succeed in declaring the US as a battlefield, we are totally screwed. If your on a battlefield and your the suspected enemy you have no rights as all. What's really frightening here is none of the major media is covering this. Will Keith Obermann or Rachael Maddow bring it up??? and if not WHY NOT ??

  11. The principal problem here is that Graham, is rumored to be a closet homosexual and pedophile. As we have seen with many of our politicians, those with significant skeletons in their closet (especially including Woodrow Wilson's affair while a professor at Princeton)are often used to commit treasonous and other repugnant acts in order to avoid being outed for their transressions. One could guess that Senator Graham, who poses as a heterosexual conservative Republican from the very conservative state of South Carolina would not like to have his alleged transgressions in Georgetown, D.C. called out by the press so he decides to play ball in other ways.

  12. I watched Levin tossing softball questions to Gen. Myers and other military as they lied through their teeth about 9-11. Levin is also close to Lubavitch, a fundamentalist and nakedly Jewish-supremacist sect. He and others are no doubt pissing themselves that the "cat" of 9-11 truth is out of the bag, and that it's not going to be "good for the Jews" when the Jewish-owned banks and Jewish-run Fed implode (or finish imploding) the economy and knowledge reaches a tipping point among the population that Israel was elbow deep in 9-11 and indeed probably the sponsor of the whole thing. Thus, people have to be intimidated. I feel quite sure that Levin is a flat-out Israeli agent. He certainly doesn't care shit for his oath to defend the Constitution.


    Mad Angel on FB

  14. Sherrie

    You are far too modest.
    You are certainly on their little list. You have a brain and the courage to spread the message.
    People like you are the first into fema camps - or for elimination.
    Have you not seen who was on the death list in Libya?
    Middle class and educated. Enemies of the NWO
    and its 'state'.
    You are not the sheeple.
    In this case you are part of the 1%.
    The one percent who will do your utmost to try to negate and oppose such fascist legislation.
    Sadly the 99% will pull out the beer and watch the sports.
    You know it too.
    The only thing that might motivate the 99% is hunger and cold and the telly going off.
    And marching on Washington?
    You're kidding.
    They will huddle in a queue and wait for the free soup made and handed out by the likes of you.
    Makes you wonder if they are actually worth the saving.
    Sorry to have to write it - but it is the truth.
    Thats why they think they can successfully turn America into a police state.
    Sheer total apathy and ignorance.
    Instead of gladiators and the circus the 99% feed on the blood of Serb,Iraqi, Afghan and Libyan children and can't get enough of it. Drooling over the desert course. The blood of Syrians and Iranians.

  15. ayes 45 nays 55

    amendment does not carry

    Mad Angel

  16. I know Mad - I put it above! Will the U.S. people STAND UP to this Treason?!

  17. Our founding fathers created a senate which was appointed by state officials. The people who brought us the federal reserve bank convinced the public it was best to elect our senators. What a mistake. We now have 100 prom queens running around the world on our dime and creating terrible laws. I see no reason to pay to have two senators from each state. One idiot under present rules is more than enough since they do not represent those who elected them. I see no reason why congress represents a district and they should be elected by the top vote getters of the state.
    We need to get rid of our congress and senate or they will continue to pass bad laws like this one. BTW a man with a pitchfork and hot tar is not a terrorist. He is a patriot who wants to save his government.

  18. I have just returned home from work and I find that my government just declared WAR on me and mine. What has this country become?

  19. do you know who the nay voters are yet Sherrie?

  20. Since the 'U.S.Senate' refuses to say out loud who did 9-11, and mention the massively destructive HAARPO attacks and 'weather derivative' fraud, and the intentional BP oil well blow out, which BP also did at about the same time in the Caspian Sea,and refuses to acknowledge the other fraudulent causation of other 'terrorist' events, it may be concluded that these idiots are out of control bondage freaks, or, because of the fantastic ability of internet news to broadcast within seconds of so many evil deeds, the Senate fears imprisonment for frauds, murders, and thefts against the American people.

    Eric Holder, jr. and the SEC have yet to put the fear of ram-ass prison into the mosquitos looting Wall Street. But they justifiably fear us.

  21. don't worry its a cartoon

  22. When US citizens become targets in this nation so too does the illegitimate governemnt. Every citizen must prepare for war.

  23. The military needs to detain the terrorist senators who voted against this.

  24. Mad as soon as I get the list I will put it up.

    I was not writing down the names as they called them, it was going too fast. Sorry

  25. For Those of you who belive that you Have any
    rights privliges or protection with anything
    or any document whatsoever including the
    constitution, bill of rights or anything that
    you signed or pledged to including the flag and your useless assinine vote, deceived you from the begining As all was / is your sworn pledge
    to their system and your obedience to their
    rules to your death and wherein you assented to
    kill for them. Didn't You ? NOW, for the best part, you believe that these lizzard headed
    Zionist Israhell traitors are accountable to
    the same rules as you are because they did the same as you But it IS the oath and promise they
    take and make behind closed doors amongst them
    selves that exempts them from your or the governments or Americas rules and all else
    that contradicts with Israhells global dominion
    forever and beyond the grave they will never
    do contrary or ever expose one another so help
    you Israhell on pain of death. Now you know why
    they must all go to Israhell to kisS the ring and and exchange vows. Not a one of them ever exposed the others who did not die for it.
    All of everything that you see of them is the
    deceiving matrix. Their god is Israhell,and they have no other religion than lies of omission,treachery, deceit, murder and all else as needed to accomplish their sworn mission.
    They are the plague of the universe. never vote
    again for them as it is your further assent to
    their domination. Remember, The best slaves are
    the ones who do not know they are slaves, even
    unto themselves.
    Dave Diesel * 81 *

  26. Jct: It's fascinating watching a Congress vote away civil rights and legislate a police state for all to see. Americans should be shitting bricks. Remember all the stories we heard about the Russian Police State, your turn! Of course, fixing finance with the Kucinich NEED HR 2990 bill cuts their power but no one expects the yankee booboisie to switch from the hacking at the symptom branches to the cause root of the tree of evil.

  27. General Myers, due to his taking part in the terrorist attacks on 9-11, knows what could happen to him if Ron Paul is not removed from the scene, and loyal American citizens back him up to bring justice and dignity to American government.

  28. Fix it mother f*ckers...

    What Have We Become...

  29. We have become SLAVEs to those who really CONTROL us. WAKE UP, Everyone!!!.... Here is the true extent of their CONTROL:...
