
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Video The U.S. Government, Considers those who have FOOD STORAGE for more than 7 days, Missing Fingers and have Guns are Terrorist! Rand Paul said "The U.S. Citizens can be taken to Foreign Prisons for those reasons!"

Rand Paul said the U.S. Citizens that have Guns and Ammo, more than 7 days of Food, Missing Fingers are considered TERRORIST by the U.S. Government!

I had no idea about that previously!

Does everyone understand if you sit back and are afraid of sticking your neck out for YOUR LIBERTY and YOUR COUNTRY and Everyone Else in YOUR COUNTRY, then you are condoning what they are doing!


I started a petition, the information  is below, but also on the right top column you can sign it from there!

See the posts I have made about this subject on the side column under "Popular Post"!

We can not allow a handful of people who serve their masters of corporations and banks to take away the founding fathers of this countries written Rights given to us!  It is the basis of the country!  

Treason is being committed by those who WE Elected directly against US!  WE NOW need to say '" NO MORE - YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO DO THIS!" 

Video of Rand Paul on the Senate Floor, explaining Who the U.S. Government considers as U.S. Citizen Terrorist!


  1. Yes, I've seen this and it's bad. People can't possibly be so apathetic not to realize how serious it is or can they.

    Lose the exclamation marks and people will take you more seriously, though. Seriously.

  2. Look if you have a developing cancer you don't cut out the spreading extremities you cut out the core. The whole concept of a sophisticated well organized global terrorism is a compete sham. Sure there are individual acts of terrorism. There always have been throughout history, but thats it. The 9-11 false flag operation made it possible for all this terror bullshit to spread like a vicious cancer. I think it's too late. The American people are too brain washed by Fox news right wing propaganda and customized sound bytes to do any serious critical thing anymore.

  3. And why would the Tea Party favorite Senators vote to allow this provision to remain? They all allowed it to remain by voting against the Udall amendment. I thought they were against Federal government involvement in our lives. This takes it to a whole new level.

  4. IMO, part of the problem is not only a lack of awareness or response, but a lack of due anger. Whether or not some will wake up is not going to be affected by a few exclamation marks. Frankly, the whole point of using them is to express strong emotion -- in this case, righteous anger. They act like a written inflection. Our problem is not just that too few notice what is going on; it is that most who do notice are not proportionately affected and do not respond with half of the passion, vim and vigor that we would have been seen across the board just 50 or 100 years ago. As a people, we take things far too calmly, thinking that measured, 'reasonable' response is a sign of dignity, elevation of mind, etc. That is fine and dandy, but when the house is on fire, as ours has been for a very long time now, subdued propriety is not only ridiculous, it is likely to leave many others in harm's way. In other words, a little excitement in saying what needs to be said is not a bad thing -- it is necessary to wake up the brain-dead/comatose among us. IMO, this problem is so enormous at this time, and we have been so immeasurably screwed up in our minds and bodies, I don't see most people waking up until the burning frame of the house, so to speak, falls on top of them -- in some cases, even that will not do the trick. Hold fast. Godspeed.

  5. The crimes of the bankers and large corporations and congress are too big for mere impeachment. And the military-industrial complex has looted trillions. The entire system is completely rotten to the core. Our personal freedoms are continually being eroded, and our country is increasingly resembling a fascist police state. The economy ITSELF has been stolen. As the economy crumbles, and more and more wake up to what's been perpetrated on us by the 0.01% (yes, one hundredth of one percent), the OWS movement will expand to demonstrations of MILLIONS. When the military is called in, and decides to join in (after all, they are sworn to uphold the constitution, right?), the revolution will already be over. We all need a fresh start, and a good beginning to our fresh start will be to use start arresting and trying the responsible criminals. This includes most of the current congress, as well as the president, and all the current and ex executives of the Federal Reserve, Goldman S., etc., etc., etc.... These criminals must be brought to justice!

  6. Didn't we (supposedly) used to have a seven-year supply of food for the entire nation? What does/did that make us? I wonder how much food is in the WH or the houses of the 'lawmakers'? Didn't FEMA ordered food for something like seven million not too long ago? Do we not have 'strategic' stockpiles all over the place? Bottom line: they are parasitic and hypocritical sociopaths, vipers, whited sepulchres who need to be taken out behind the woodshed and taught a few of the not-so-subtle lessons of life. They will never listen to reason, etc. That much should have been crystal clear ages ago.

  7. The Mormons are REQUIRED to stack up 1 year of provisions...are they targeted?

  8. Just remember......all of this insanity and criminal activity has a purpose. To convince you that your government is beyond repair. And it is. But only by design. Once you realize that and DEMAND something be done about it, the savior's on white horses will ride in and announce the only solution is to get rid of them and install the American Union as the only viable alternative. You will say thank god and cheer for this new alternative to the corruption you have seen and experienced. But it is a false solution created to corral you into the one world government created by the same people you want removed. The entire thing is a scam top to bottom.

  9. How could BO be impeached when the majority of members of congress support him?

    We need to vote-out EVERY member of congress at the next elections. We can purge the House of Representatives all at once next November along with 1/3 of the senate.
