
Thursday, December 29, 2011

CNN setting it up for the Election Fraud about to be committed in Iowa? Proof, They have Lied and have used fake polls before. Now everyone is using their "Romney is surging and ahead in Iowa Poll" I challenge Iowa to video tape the count they plan on doing in secret

Drudge and Huffington Post seem to be touting CNN's Poll today about how Romney is surging in the polls in Iowa and winning the polls.

I am saying I believe it is all Bullsh**!  I believe they are lying as they have done multiple times and they have used fake polls before to show Ron Paul at 0 in winning debates, because their polls had Paul at the top in winning in the debates.  I have a few posts about all the debate fraud polls committed by MSM.
Here is the CBS debate poll
Here is the CNN debate poll
Here is where CNBC wiped out their poll
All above post from from Ron Paul winning debate polls online.  There were many more polls taken down by MSM outlets.  Fox and O'Reilly had polls up and took them down or hid them when Ron Paul won them all.
They have all lied or hid the real information due to Ron Paul being ahead.  Why the hell should anyone believe them now? 

Here is the proof in a video - you just have to watch the first few minutes to see how CNN lied about polls.  Yet all the media is using CNN's poll today to say Romney is ahead?  I say BULLSH**!

All the media is lying and Huffington Post (owned by Time Warner - so essentially a MSM outlet now) and Drudge who should be real alternative media are not.  They are towing the line of those who want to control the election and always have their puppets in office.

Here is what Huffington Post has on their main page right now:

Here is what is on Drudge right this moment 12/29/11 11:05AM est: they were using the CNN poll linked earlier saying Romney was ahead in Iowa.  The alternative news are trying influence the voters right now - to get Romney nominated.

The media is lying about Ron Paul and those who control Iowa's elections are now going to count the votes secretly!

In other words because they know Ron Paul will win they are having to commit ELECTION FRAUD by counting them in secret!

I challenge the Iowa committee to count them in an undisclosed location but being VIDEO TAPED the WHOLE TIME!  Show to the world voting fraud will not be committed against Ron Paul!

Every media outlet is against Ron Paul, even the so called major "alternative media" outlets.

It is becoming where all of them are controlled in what information they release.  So those who only read the major alternative media sites are still not being fully informed.

I have complained about Drudge not informing their readers about the 1031 indefinite detention of U.S. citizens.

The media is lying to everyone.  The officials in the individual states will commit voter fraud of which I have no doubt.  They are going to get their "man" in who they control and is a puppet to the elite.  Romney won't release his tax statements and he shredded all the information from him being governor when he was leaving office.

In my opinion people need to start getting in front of their local state elected officials who are actually accountable to us and start demanding laws of the state that live by the Constitution and Bill of Rights of which our country was founded.

We do not have people in D.C. who represent us anymore.  We have people who represent the banks and big business.  People are waking up to that fact little by little but not fast enough.

I am stating I believe everything MSM and the major alternative media outlets are putting out all lies about Iowa and Romney being ahead in the polls!

I believe they are going to commit election fraud in Iowa and in the states following Iowa and votes for Ron Paul will either be thrown out or given to the "elite's 1% man" Romney.  
I believe there are more people for Ron Paul than for the other GOP candidates.

I am asking people to challenge their local election committee to video all counting of the primaries and caucuses to prove there is no election fraud happening.    


  1. Vote fruad is coming, but the tide is turning and the rage is building.
