
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NOAA Government Spaceweather site is down. Why is that? Also Live Viewing of Asteroid Flyby

The NOAA Spaceweather site is down.

The main page comes up, but when you try to go to any information links - there is nothing there.

Try clicking on links there..... Nothing - also notice the last date of updates 11/6/11

Then go to

Look at the X-Ray Solar flare data on the left.  I always click "more data" and it will show me a graph of solar flares, which is through NOAA.  But click on that....... goes no where - server not found.

Were they hacked?

It seems odd the site is down when a very large asteroid is flying by today.

Here is a site you can watch it live:

They have a count down clock until flyby - at this moment it is at 2 hours and 52 minutes.

So WHY is NOAA down on such a day as today, with the largest asteroid close fly by since, who knows when?


UPDATE 3 PM EST.  NOAA is NOW back up.  FYI - I had called a few people to have them test the site, besides me... those people had confirmed the site was not working for them either.   I had wanted to make sure it was not just my computer and connection, before I had posted this.  


  1. works fine for me = ) I also look a few times a day...I would be annoyed too.
    Be Well

  2. NASA= Never A Straight Answer
