
Monday, November 7, 2011

IAEA Lying for Israel and the U.S. to invade Iran? Proof IAEA has lied before.

Considering the IAEA has lied multiple times over and over again regarding Nuclear incidents around the world, always protecting the nuclear industry.  Why would people believe them about Iran?!  Remember Bush's famous "State of the Union" address before the U.S. went into Iraq about them getting 'yellow cake' from Africa?  It was a complete Lie!

The IAEA no doubt has gotten pressure from Israel to make what I believe is a False claim of Iran making a nuclear bomb.  They have tried this for years and then real intelligence has come out that NO Iran is NOT making a nuclear bomb.

Last month, Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, reported that Iran was operating 3000 uranium-enriching centrifuges capable of producing fissile material for nuclear weapons, but he said inspectors had been unable to determine whether the Iranians sought only to generate electricity.

IN AN embarrassment for the Bush Administration reminiscent of the "weapons of mass destruction" saga in Iraq, the National Intelligence Council has reversed its earlier assessment that Iran is intent on developing a nuclear arsenal, declaring that Tehran had halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003.
"We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003 Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program," the assessment by the body grouping 16 intelligence and security agencies said on Monday.

So in 2007 - Bush and Israel were ready to invade Iran on the basis of LIES from IAEA about Iran, but the intelligence community said "Hold on - there is NO evidence of Nuclear bombs being made in Iran!"

Do you doubt the IAEA would LIE?   Well here are absolute - proven lies from the IAEA about Fukushima.  Remember we now know Fukushima had melted down within 24 hours after the Earth quake and the explosions were the fuel rods exploding and the amount of radiation leaked immediately was tremendous!  Yet this was all hidden for months by TEPCO, Japanese Government and IAEA.

Here are links of the lies:

Lies on Fukushima in June - not admitting meltdown happened.

Radiation dose rate measurements observed at four locations around the plant’s perimeter over a 16-hour period on 13 March were all normal, the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a statement.  An explosion shook the Fukushima nuclear power plant Monday, injuring six people, but officials said the reactor container was not breached and there was no major rise in radiation.

Based on information provided by Japanese authorities, the IAEA can confirm the following information about the status of Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 at Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant,” the Vienna-based said in its statement early Monday.  “All four units automatically shut down on March 11. All units have off-site power and water levels in all units are stable. Though preparations have been made to do so, there has been no venting to control pressure at any of the plant’s units.”

At unit 1, plant operators had been able to restore a residual heat remover system, “which is now being used to cool the reactor. Work is in progress to achieve a cold shutdown of the reactor,” the IAEA said.
“Workers at units 2 and 4 are working to restore residual heat removal systems. Unit 3 is in a safe, cold shutdown.”

Do you see how the IAEA outright Lied about Fukushima?   We now know they knew Fukushima had melted down immediately!  They were and still are protecting TEPCO and the Japanese government and all nuclear facilities around the world.  They promote nuclear energy!

Here is an article out of Israel saying the IAEA says "Iran only months away from nuclear bomb."  

Here is the U.S. article where the IAEA says "Iran is making a nuclear bomb." 

Crucial technology linked to experts in Pakistan and North Korea also helped propel Iran to the threshold of nuclear capability, they added.
The officials, citing secret intelligence provided over several years to the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the records reinforce concerns that Iran continued to conduct weapons-related research after 2003 — when, U.S. intelligence agencies believe, Iranian leaders halted such experiments in response to international and domestic pressures.

Notice how they threw in Pakistan and North Korea as helping Iran for good measure?  Yeah, they want to invade those countries eventually too, so they are starting to set it up.

Would it be any wonder they are Lying now about Iran?  Of course not!  They are controlled by those who want to control Iran.  They are told what to report.  They even refer back to 2003, yet that was proved false as far as 2007.

When Israel bombs Iran and starts yet another war with the U.S. supporting them it will be about control and invading another country for their resources and not for the safety of the world.  In fact the safety of the world is in danger due to the War mongering of the U.S. and Israel.

Think about it..... the U.S. has invaded How many countries now in the last decade?  The U.S. is the only country that has been invading and taking over other countries.  When will people realize this?  When will people realize the media and government spews lies over and over again regarding countries and the reasons the U.S. is invading them?   When will people think for themselves and realize - the only aggressive countries in the world at this time are the U.S. and Israel with their buddies at NATO?

EDIT - to add 11/8/11

Where is the IAEA on Fukushima right now?  Where is the honesty of what is happening?
Seems Twitter is fast and furious about hundreds of Fukushima workers who have died but their bodies are hidden.  Seems hundreds have not had any contact with their family in a long time and the families can not find out any information about them.

Another addition:

Sarkozy says Netanyahu is a Liar.   Makes you wonder if he is saying that due to Israel and IAEA saying Iran is building a nuclear bomb.   Seems Obama doesn't like Netanyahu either.   Mind you, I don't like those two leaders (actually all three leaders) much at all, but to use the word "liar" that is a strong word.   So, does this have anything to do with Iran?


  1. I find it very highly probable that Israel will nuke Iran and then make the claim that all the Nuclear Fallout has come from the destruction of the Power plant at Bushier instead of the REAL cause of the fallout.....ISRAEL'S NUCLEAR BOMBS!

    This will be no different than the massive propaganda claims that the nuclear fallout at Fukushima was caused by the destruction of the power plant there instead of the real cause, a nuclear bomb detonated ten kilometers off the Fukushima coastline.

    The reason this makes more sense than the "Official" version is that had an earthquake under Fukushima, the tsunami would have flowed AWAY from the coast and NOT towards it, but, the tsunami flowed towards the land thus indicating that the source of the wave or tsunami occurred at sea.

    To make it easier to rationalize, think about it like this; If a major earthquake were to occur on the big island of Hawaii there wouldn't be any tsunami warnings for the island but every opposing coastline would certainly have warnings because of the simple fact that water will naturally flow AWAY from the point of disturbance like dropping a rock in the water, the water flows away from where the rock was dropped.

    So, Israel will naturally make the claim that the source of nuclear fallout was from the Bushier nuclear power plant explosion and NOT the nuclear Bomb(s) dropped on the facility.

    Also be prepared for world war three after Israel nukes Iran which China has already given warning that any attack on Iran or Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China itself, so, GET READY PEOPLE!

  2. The aim is World Government. Without it, we will all find our own way without world businesses like McDonalds etc!

    Give generously! Many rich Americans require a fresh injection of foreign capital.

    Sending the refuse of their cities abroad to pillage other countries is one way to do this. Allowing their banks to destroy your middle class is another!

  3. Ban the bums. Israel works for the Britannia alliance of The City of London(the Rothschild banks) and the grand patron of all freemasons, their figurehead, the queen of England. If someone is a freemason, they are loyal to England and NOT the U.S.. One World Government, my ass. Britannia all over again. Whitey genocide and all.
