
Friday, September 16, 2011

SILENCE On French Nuclear MOX Plant Explosion! There is NO more information, except for the original story! WHY?!

 France - Marcoule Nuclear Plant

I have been searching and searching for updated information about France's Marcoule nuclear site explosion, which was identified as being a MOX fuel site.  France has claimed it was an industrial explosion and not a nuclear explosion, but it happened at a MOX fuel producing part of the nuclear power plant.

MOX fuel is TWO MILLION TIMES WORSE than normal Radiation! It is Plutonium!

I have a post about it here, the post has many updates regarding Fukushima, but look down the post and you will see the over all information about MOX fuel.

I would like to know why France has not released more information about the explosion and why isn't the media reporting on it?  The media  reported on it the day it happened and then there has only been silence.  This time "silence is not golden!"

France is the most dependent on nuclear energy than any other country in the world and that includes Japan.  The country of 65 million people mostly have their energy from nuclear plants.  Is that why they are keeping silent about it?  They have too much invested in nuclear energy and they don't want the people to freak out?

I wonder what France's real records are on their nuclear power plants?  How many radiation leaks have they had in the past, how many nuclear accidents that have never been made public?

Look at this search for information I did, there is NO updated information, the date on every article is from September 12th and nothing since. 

Here is a media story of "Fact box - French Nuclear accidents in history"

They only have 5 ever happening in history:

from link:

The following is a brief history of recent incidents at French nuclear sites:

June 2011: A minor and fairly common incident that involved internal leakage at EDF's Paluel 3 nuclear reactor was reported by French investigative website Mediapart, knocking 2 percent off EDF shares briefly.

November 2009: A fuel assembly rod got stuck in the pressure vessel at EDF's Tricastin plant in southeast France, raising the risk of an accident. A similar incident took place in September 2008 in the same reactor during refueling operations. It took two months for engineers from EDF and French energy group Areva to stabilize the position of the rod and proceed with its unhooking and removal.

July 2008: Thirty cubic meters of a liquid containing natural uranium was accidentally poured on the ground and into a river at Areva's Socatri site in southeastern France. The spillage happened while the tank was being cleaned at the complex, part of the Tricastin nuclear site, which houses four nuclear reactors. The pure uranium was much less dangerous than enriched uranium, but France's ASN nuclear watchdog rebuked Areva for mishandling the accident.

December 1999: A massive storm provoked the partial flooding of some reactors at EDF's Blayais plant in southwestern France. Many nuclear opponents said the flooding nearly caused a major catastrophe because it briefly cut off power at the plant.

March 1980: An accident at EDF's Saint-Laurent nuclear reactor in central France caused two fuel rods to melt, seriously damaging the reactor and causing the most serious accident in France's nuclear history, classified as level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale which runs from zero to 7.

Are we really suppose to believe there have been only 5 minor problems at French nuclear power plants since 1980?  Considering that all the governments and the IAEA knew that Fukushima had actually melted down the first day and then said the explosions of the reactors in the days following were only hydrogen explosions and not the fuel rods.  Then 2 months later all of them admitted KNOWING the reactors had actually melted down but lied and hid that fact!  So now we have a country that is more dependent on nuclear energy than any other country in the world, are we really suppose to believe the explosion was just a "small industrial explosion"?  

So if it was a small industrial explosion in France, why aren't they releasing pictures of that small explosion and why aren't they reassuring the people and proving it did not release plutonium or radiation into the atmosphere?  Why is there silence?  When ever there is silence, that is when I know something much bigger is happening than what has been stated!  

The MSM is just disgusting!  It is amazing how the Today show every day this week, has had it's main stories about one missing person or another and even digging up the Casey Anthony information.  There is no real news about what actually is impacting everyone in the world.  They don't mention the meltdown happening in the Eurozone.

What is also sad, is most people prefer it that way.  They would prefer hearing about a micro news situation, compared to a macro news situation that impacts all.  They keep their heads in the sand.   



  2. WOW Anon Thank you! So there have been higher radioactive readings down wind from the French nuclear power plant and yet the media is silent? Not one media outlet has the balls to investigate or write about it?! 10 times more radioactivity being reported from France, from what your link says.

  3. You are rught, they are always tell lies
    Liars Lie

  4. Sarkozy, if you and your greedy little people totally destroy the waters needed to make champaigne, I am going to be very angry with you. Snap out of it!!! Get hep! No nukes. Find another way. Poverty isn't that bad if you have champaigne.

  5. You kind of have to grab any REAL news when you see it...
    It can disappear pretty quickly. I believe this is the new MSM tactics.
