
Friday, September 16, 2011

Scientific FACTS about Elenin and Why it could be a dangerous Comet for Earth! It is about the Science of the comet, not all the conjecture of it. Elenin consist of Hydrogen Cyanide

Please watch this video to get informed about the Comet Elenin. It is the science about Elenin not the disinfo. These are the same people who have uncovered the information about Nibiru through science and are the ones who originally released the South Pole Telescope leaked images of Nibiru information of why the images were/are real.

I am not saying I agree with all the portions (at the end of the video).

I am not releasing this for people to freak out over either. In fact, this information is the science of the Comet. It does refer to the Hopi Blue Kachina. I will be inserting a more "Spiritual" video from the Hopi about their Blue Kachina prophecy. I am doing that, so people don't freak out and they understand we are all where we need to be and there is nothing to fear.

Here is a Spiritual aspect about the Hopi Blue Kachina and the fact it means that when ever it does come it will herald in the "new" and much better world for man kind.

Please remember what the word Apocalypse means! The meaning is actually "The revealing of TRUTH!" So we should all hope for the Apocalypse - for truth to be revealed. The churches, government, media, movies corrupted the word for people to be afraid of the Apocalypse. BUT don't be - know the real meaning of it. I posted about it and my own spiritual understandings here.

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