
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Japanese Government "Not Sure if People have a RIGHT to Live Healthy Lives" When Responding to Fukushima Nuclear Disaster!

This is one of those moments where clarity comes through in how Governments around the world think of their citizens! Governments do not do things for their people, they do things for themselves and their controllers (banks, corporations).

On July 19th the Japanese Government had a little get together with the people of Fukushima City. The Japanese government has refused to help those who live near the Fukushima Nuclear Plant to evacuate.

Someone asked the Japanese government official: "Don't we have a Right to live healthy lives"? The official answered "I don't know if you have that right"!

I have to say, the Japanese government has come right out and said they are not protecting their citizens, where as all the other governments pretend they are looking out for their citizens when they are actually doing the opposite.

Watch the full video. But I warn you, tears will/may come to your eyes with the full realization of what the Japanese people are going through.

I have not been putting lots of what is happening in Japan on my blog. The reason is.... when something is so upsetting and yet there is absolutely nothing I or anyone who reads this can do about it, it is depressing to me and I read about it but don't want to post over and over again how sad it is!

BUT for the Japanese government not giving a SH*$ about their people and it is all about protecting themselves and TEPCO just makes me super MAD and Upset! They are willing to sacrifice their people for money and covering their own asses and their controllers (banks, corporations asses).

This video brought tears to my eyes especially at the end when the man is crying pleading with the official to take the urine of children brought to the meeting and test it. He tries to block them from leaving and blocks the elevator button in desperation, the officials ignore him. It is so sad and so hard to comprehend that government officials really don't give a care about their people! But this video proves it!

Watch this Video - Make it Viral!

Same meeting - a Woman PLEADS with the Japanese government to help those who live in Fukushima - the Asshole government official has nothing to say to her and looks bored and like he does not give a Shit!

The true effects will come out when babies are born deformed and people begin getting cancer at unheard rates around Fukushima and the surrounding areas. OH, but I am sure the Japanese govt will work to cover it all up!


  1. Everyone should see this video. So much truth in it. Imagine what it will be like when it is you, your children, your land. Governments have become all part of the same, whether Japanese or American, they still work for the same international corporations - like GE. Governments represent money now, not people. Therefore, in what seems a paradox, the peoples of the world need to unite to support each other in their efforts to assert themselves as nationalities. Whether it is the people of Japan or Ireland or Greece or Egypt or Spain or Iceland or America - particularly the people who just suffered from BP, we the people have a common interest in seeing all peoples restored as the legitimate beneficiaries of government. Global corporatism is destroying us all.

  2. Makes you feel ill. Japan has been destroyed.
