
Friday, July 29, 2011

Crop Circles - July 2011 Circles From Crop Circle Connection. Awesome ones, also Funniest Crop Circle ever, ET smoking a Pipe (Confirmed Fake) - UPDATED - New Circle points to Aug 16th date

I find Crop circles fascinating and I go to Crop Circle Connector every few weeks.

Crop Circle Connector has pictures of the circles and then to get more information on any one circle, click on the comments tab at it's picture. 

What I also like about Crop Circle Connector is they identify Fake Circles made by man.

There are some very interesting ones made this month- this one is quite interesting as it shows a birth of something and the picture shows the Pineal Gland - with the figure of Melatonin. 

 I totally laughed over this ET smoking a pipe crop circle (FAKE). It is the Funniest Crop Circle I have ever seen!  The people that made it have a Great Sense of Humor!

The crop circle connector has confirmed it is a Fake, due to the plank board indents which are very obvious.

Here is there information on it being Fake. 

This one I find fascinating as it is weaved and it also matches information from the Video
"Secrets in Plain Sight". 

Secrets in Plain Sight is an amazing video, it is 4 hours long but it is worth watching.  It is about what is right in front of us and how buildings are placed perfectly in line around the world and the architecture of the world displaying the secrets of the universe.   I took a few days to watch the whole video by watching some of it and then getting back to it when there was time.  Youtube now saves the spot you left off, once you favorite a video, which helped a lot.  The video is inserted, but obviously if you want to watch it over a few days, go to youtube and favorite it. 

A beautiful Crop Circle that was just released today (July 29th 2011) on Crop Circle Connector:
The do not have comments about it yet, due to it being brand new.

UPDATE 7/30/11 - Latest Circle explained - points to the date of Aug 16th 2011.


  1. (crop circle conglomerate)
    April 22 2011 [to]
    time for salvation running out
    prepare thyself

    Barbury Castle (2),
    Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire.
    Reported 2nd July. [to]

    1 one sitting ready
    2 to blow trumpets
    3 sparks fly trumpets sound
    4 ballance measured
    5 ballance turn right spot
    6 resistance
    7 scroll was openend and is rolling
    8 pieces
    9 scroll is ballanced and connected
    10 eternity commencing

    Overton Down, nr Avebury, Wiltshire.
    Reported 18th July. [to]

    1 48
    2 seed
    3 planted
    4 ET see
    5 10 birth tear born stand high
    6 1 pass thru division
    7 those who know mind concieve
    8 666
    9 mark
    10 13/18 revolve/mark
    11 peril turmoil
    12 ET say/complete/man/rest/peace
    13 EYE SEETH you
    14 from depth open shock wave
    dragon pass thru
    2011 mark 3 at 18
    15 mark tear
    17 conquer peace lift up high
    18 [I] [THREE] New Heaven New Earth
    19 New Jerusalem
    20 Shine Like Star
    21 wihout city open
    22 Roll Is Called
    23 unknown+ unknown+ candlestick
    enter locked chamber

    Ending At
    Between Alnwick & Alnmouth, Northumberland.
    Reported 28th August.

  2. Jesus is coming soon morning or night or noon
    Trumpets will sound
    Dead in Christ shall rise
    Meet the Lord in the skies and be there evermore
    when the roll is called up yonder i'll be there

  3. RECIPE -1 IOTA AM Eternal One That
    sow 0 sound off Creator/create/ esti stamp
    seed 1st sound instance to letter/alphabet begin mon
    root 2nd text-letter/note-music letter/sound note tue
    tree 3rd apply letter/note instance to letter/sound/word apply wed
    actions/reactions to -------------------------------
    branch 4th build vocabulary to comunicate letter/sound/ build thu
    fruit 5th comunicate to sustenance/Grace language/labor/ treasure fri
    wage 6th sin/pick/ate death spent sat

    rest 7th reap/roll back restitution restart sun

    error error error error can't restart sat

    rightious 8th Glorify/CREATOR faithful/ play again eternity

    Thank You { LORD ALLMIGHTY}
