
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Open Letter to All Elected Officials and All who Are Heads of States/Countries around the World

This is an open letter to all elected officials and heads of states/countries around the world.

I want to write this letter to all of you who have been entrusted with leading the people of the world.  Though there are billions of us than there are of you, you were chosen either through elections or through your own power in getting to where you are and to be leaders of the people.  Being a leader of the people, is a big responsibility.  It is a responsibility to the people first of all and the Earth.  To do what is right for all concerned and not just a select few.

I sometimes wonder if you truly understand your responsibility in the position you are in.  I sit and wonder if you take that responsibility as serious as you should?  Do you feel the weight on your shoulders in what the people have entrusted you with?  Do you fully understand you are the people that are suppose to make the correct and best decisions for the people and the Earth?  Do you feel your responsibility is to the people on a whole or to a select few who simply want to use you, as you are the means to their ends?  Do you weigh the responsibility to the people ahead of the corporations and banks when you are making life and world altering decisions and laws?  Do you take into account the basic freedoms all people have a right to?

I am asking these questions, because of what has been happening in this world that has been facilitated by all of your actions around the world.

  You are not the beginning nor are you the end of those who attempt to control every aspect of people's lives and trying to chain them up in every way right now.

I don't know if you have noticed, but people are feeling those chains tighten.  They are feeling them around their neck and they do not like it.  Many places around the world people are reacting and they are either reacting but standing up peacefully (Egypt) or violently (Greece, Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc).

What is amazing is the people in the U.S. are sitting back and letting you totally tie them down with chains.  They are not reacting at all to all the laws that chain them.  I guess that is due to all the drugs you dump in the water, like fluoride and such.  You, elected officials always sell a bill of goods you have no intention on keeping to the people, you promise they will do all kinds of things and positive changes.  But as soon as you get in office, the promises go by the wayside.  It seems you have people above you that actually dictate laws that are for the benefit of the few and not the many. 

I believe as time goes by more and more will wake up and feel the chains, even though they are drugged through many outlets. 

The media works with you all.  The media concentrates on division of the people, they pit one "thought" against another, hoping people will feel anger at those who think a different way.  If there is one thing I have learned and realized over the last years, it is all a charade.  All of you are playing a game, you keep the people divided but all of you elected are not really divided, you serve those who control even you and make sure you do their bidding.

I ask you, is it not time you the elected officials and heads of states start actually thinking about doing the best for the people?  We are at a point in history, where you can make a difference by changing who you work for.  You can make a difference in billions of lives, you can make the difference with what is going on with the Earth and lessen the contamination that is happening.

How can you do that?  You can start being honest about who you have actually designed laws for.  You can be honest about what is actually happening in the Gulf of Mexico, in how toxic it is.  You can hold BP accountable for the corexit and toxins they have dumped in the Gulf to hide the amount of oil that had been leaked.  You can hold TEPCO accountable and make them disclose all that is and has happened at Fukushima.  You can tell the truth to the people about the radiation that is being released and going around the world. 

You may think the people on a whole are dumb, deaf and blind to what you are doing, but the reality is...... they are not dumb deaf and blind.  People are stressed out and do not know what to do and how they can make a difference.  The situations are so depressing to them, yet they don't know what to do and feel helpless to stop it. 

I believe the people have the power, I believe people through standing up in a peaceful manner can make a difference, starting with one!  I believe we will find a way to make you listen to us and pay attention to us, through our peaceful actions. 

I ask all of you, to think about your families, to think about the Earth, to think about the responsibilities the people have entrusted you with and how you have handled those responsibilities.   I ask all of you to please take your responsibilities to heart to the people and the Earth.  Start taking action in trying to stop the needless wars over money and oil.  

What has gotten me so frustrated is the LIES, LIES LIES ALL of you tell or you hide the truth!

The Truth of Fukushima is that the reactors were melted through just days after the Japanese quake on March 11th.  That fact was hidden from the people throughout  the world.  The fact that huge amounts of radiation made it to the U.S., yet the U.S. government took radiation networks off line as soon as they registered high radiation.  Those were and are blatant LIES!   WHY?  Why do you keep lying and hurting the people, why is it you hide the truth from the people?  A truth that people have a RIGHT to Know and take preparations to protect themselves?  WHY?  I don't understand, because you are suppose to be "For the People" not against them!

Also in the U.S. all the elected officials and judges of the country have now literally taken every one of our constitutional rights away!

The new bills in Washington D.C. - one will allow the military to hold U.S. citizens for the rest of their lives without trial if they are deemed a threat or even question the government.  

I ask those in Congress and the Senate of the United Broken States, where are you?  Why are you ALLOWING a Constitutional law to be broken by Obama?  Why are you NOT holding him accountable for an ILLEGAL WAR in Libya??????  DO YOUR JOBS, The people hired you for!  PROTECT OUR CONSTITUTION!  Stop the aggression against a country that has done nothing to us!  We the People DEMAND our constitution be UPHELD!  Besides Libya, now Obama has authorized the U.S. bombing the people against the government in Yemen, as of June 8th 2011!    My God...... where are you people?  How in the world are you allowing all of this? 

Another thing about our constitution....... ARE you really going to ALLOW the UN Small Arms Treaty?
Did you know that would take away the U.S. sovereignty and our constitution 2nd amendment?    You can NOT allow this!  

The list keeps going on what all the governments are doing around the world.  It is so mind blowing that it is all being allowed by those of you, who are suppose to watch out for the people's best interest.  At what point did you sell your souls?  Because your souls ARE sold, you are ALL on the dark side!  I feel sorry for you!  Did you ever have good intentions for the people?  Was there a point you thought you wanted to do good for the people and found that is not possible when you got into office?  What was that point where you began working for the evil/dark side?  Can you remember?  

All of you in top offices are now fearing the people, due to the uprisings everywhere.  You are scrambling to enact laws to make it illegal for people to stand up and voice their opinions.  All of you are enacting laws to shut down free speech and information through the internet.  You are working fast to do this, that is obvious.  

I would like to give you a hint.   If you respected the people and their opinions and their freedoms then there would be no uprisings.  If you actually did your job as you are suppose to and protect the people and this Earth, then there would be no demonstrations against policies and laws you are enacting.   

Do you fully understand this?  Can you comprehend.... the people were not against you, they had believed in you in the beginning.... it is what you have done that is causing the problems and the people getting angry!  Look at yourself in the mirror!  Don't blame the people for taking to the streets, YOU are the cause, plain and simple!  If you don't want people to take to the streets, then give them back their rights!  Give the U.S. citizens back their constitution, since there is nothing left of it.  No, those in the U.S. have not fully understood what is going on, nor have they taken to the streets in mass as other countries have done.  But..... if the elected officials in Washington keep clamping down it will be more and more obvious!

There are so many things happening.... it is almost overwhelming.   Just some of the unconstitutional things in the U.S.

Bank is able to get a Swat team to protect their interest - Swat goes after a defaulted student loan to a bank.
Who exactly are our police working for?  This is just like the Gulf Oil Leak - where BP was allowed to control government organizations and the police in the Gulf area.  When was it we turned our sovereignty over to private corporations?

The U.S. had that disaster which has made the Gulf of Mexico toxic and that huge fact is being hidden from the people. In fact blatant lies are and have been told to the opposite of the truth by BP and the U.S. government to hide what BP did.  The U.S. government is protecting a corporation over the people.  

Now Japan and the U.S. government have hidden what is and has really happened at Fukushima!  CNN reported the meltdown of 3 reactors right after the quake.    
The facts are the reactors melted through their containment vessels and are underneath, which is worse than any type situation possible!  Japan and TEPCO after 3 months have finally released this fact.  

Here are just a few links to the information.  

NOW, as of today, all the feeds to view Fukushima are off line.  WHY?  What is happening right now?  What more are you hiding?
I also ask all those involved..... how do you sleep at night?  When you knew the truth of radiation leaking from Fukushima being 3 times worst than admitted in the days after the quake..... you said NOTHING!   I would like you to know..... EVERY SINGLE Person in ALL governments and corporations who KNEW the truth..... Well you have the MURDER of who knows how many millions down the line from Cancer and how knows how many millions of children to be born with birth defects and deformations!  YES, YOU who knew the truth are DIRECTLY responsible............ You will be the one to take that with you for the rest of your life and answer to it when this life is over!  

What happened to ALL of you?  Please help us understand, why you hate the people of the world so much, you will lie, murder and cheat them for the corporations and banks of the world.  WHY do you prefer to go to war... then to tell the truth?  Why..............

I do not understand it at all.  I sincerely Don't!  I can't understand how a fellow man does not think of his other fellow men in trying to do what is right and best for them.   When I was asleep, I held those in office in high esteem and even considered running for an office, thinking I too would like to help my fellow man in that way.  BUT.. I became awake and saw ... those in office take an oath from the Evil Dark side while they are pretending to take it for the people.

There is much more I can say about what is going on.  Everyday there is something mind blowing about what all the officials have done against the people.  I have to say.... one day I believe the people of the U.S. will wake up one morning and say "WTF happened to our rights"?  When they do, they will react violently when it fully hits them we are living in a police state.  Those in office can only keep the line "We are doing it against Terrorism" for so long.  It will be a sad day when that occurs, as people will take to the streets in a manner that did not have to be.   It is NOT too late.... for all of you who are in office to rectify what you have done, before it gets crazy!  PLEASE turn around all those unconstitutional laws and start working for the people!~  Please hurry, because the straw keeps being laid upon the camels back and one day...... that last straw will be placed.................. 

BE the person, For the People, be that ideal you might have once had, before you got corrupted to the dark side, Be the elected official the People would like, not the corporations and banks!  Start doing for the people and the Earth!  Start being Honest!  Disclose the truth!  

One other thing to add...... START HOLDING THE BANKS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FRAUD!  THE JUDGES NEED TO START RULING BY THE LAW AND NOT ALLOW THE FRAUD OF THE BANKS!  But I know the banks are the ones who actually control all those in the judicial system (except for a very few).  I do put the judges in with this category of those who have sold their souls also.  They do not rule by constitutional law anymore nor by the law in the first place when it comes to protecting corporations and banks over the people. 

How sad is the state of our world...... Corruption is what leads, not morality, honesty, or what is right.   

Arnie Gundersen - CNN interview - Radiation many times worse than we have been told - they have hidden the real information. People on the West Coast/Seattle have breathed in at least 10 hot particles per day.

Something I did not know - Obama has rolled back Miranda Rights!


  1. Excellent post - I just wish those in charge would listen.


  2. Not to be "negative", Sherrie, but TPTB simply do not care that you/we are tired of the lies, frustrated, angry, etc. Even if the most eloquent, convincing letter were composed, and all the world signed it, TPTB would keep on keeping on, laughing at those who think such measures will bring about any meaningful change. IMO, they laugh at the peaceful "protests", too. The only way to stop perpetrators of endless, violent crime is with...force. We do not have the guts to risk ALL; until we discover some real courage, nothing will change. All the same, keep up the good work, ma'am. Godspeed :)

