
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Largest and Longest CME ever recorded from Sun on June 7 2011 - Expect Large Quakes and possible utility disruptions, if Earth directed

Yesterday the Sun released it's largest and longest CME (coronal mass ejection) ever seen. When you watch the video from NASA Stereo website, you will see it started at 6:40 UTC and did not end until after 1pm UTC. That is a lot of fiery material spewed off the sun.

A German paper is warning everyone that cell phones, electricity etc. may be going down due to it.

Spaceweather says it will hit the Earth on the 9th of June.

On NASA'S Integrated Space Weather site - it shows it as not being Earth directed but being directed away from Earth.

So now the question is..... is it Earth directed or not?

This is an excellent site for all kinds of information all in one place.

Let's hope the CME was not Earth directed, as it would hit us very hard and who knows what the Magnetosphere would do.  There would be large quakes from this. 

This video is great of the CME - as it shows the different camera angles and how it was seen from various perspectives.

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