
Saturday, May 21, 2011

HAARP Data - Off the charts right now. Magnetosphere calm. Causing a Quake for the "Rapture" Day?

I have to wonder about what is going on.  I have not given two seconds to the "rapture" day information.  I believe that is all B.S. and scare tactics.  When the media hypes something, there is always a reason behind it.  It seems they have hyped this May 21st Rapture day.  To do that, they have to have the blessings to those in charge and doing their bidding.

This morning I have checked out 2 sites, to see what is going on with the Earth.  One is the Magnetosphere site.   The chart below shows there has been nothing going on and the Earth has not been getting hit by any flare or CME.  This is from right now - 7:30 am est. May 21st 2011.

This photo below shows the time and again shows a flat chart at the bottom.

NOW lets take a look at current HAARP data - that is happening right now - BUT does not match anything that could be coming from the sun, since it is all quiet - as shown above.

Here is the Magnetometer Induction chart - as of today - May 21st 2011.  I find it interesting it is so strong with the magnetosphere being so quiet.

Edit to add another HAARP chart below at 1:11pm est - Look at the energy coming out of it, over the last day and now.  That is very concentrated energy being Haarped out.  Where are they concentrating it?

Here is the Ionogram data from Haarp as of right this minute.  Again, I find it very interesting that it is so high, yet the magnetosphere does not show Ionosphere concentration at the poles.  This HAARP chart is literally off the charts right now.

From Haarp's own data, they show there has been nothing happening with the magnetosphere of the Earth for the last 2 days.

The VHF chart from Haarp shows something going on too.

I have inserted the main HAARP data page and the individual HAARP data pages to correspond with the pictures.  There are some other pages there, showing high readings from HAARP.

Now the questions are........  Why is HAARP showing off the chart activity when the Earth is quiet and not getting hit by any flares or CME's from the sun?  What are they HAARPing right now and for the past 2 days?  Is this whole "Rapture" stuff, actually an event planned to HAARP the Earth and cause huge quakes? 

I will say.... IF  any huge quakes happen today, I will have seen the data that caused the quakes and would not believe for one second it was from "God" or from "Rapture".  I would know from the HAARP data, they are they are HAARPing the Earth.  I will know it would be a man made (evil) event caused by those who try and control all people and not a natural Earth event.

The facts are there, plain and simple through HAARP's own data.  Scientist have confirmed, Japan was heated up over the quake zone for 3 days before the quake of March 11th, 2011. 
So the question is what caused that heating?  Was it natural or was HAARP involved that heated it?

Again, I believe this hyped Rapture B.S. may be a preplanned event if we get huge quakes today.  Those who believe they control the Earth and people, will want people to believe and put their energy in fear and confusion.  So, is today a planned day?

May your day be beautiful and filled with Love, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity!

Oh..... right now - CNN is playing up the Rapture info right now.  I turned it on to see if they would play it up - and they are!  They are saying "Today, may be their last day"!  WHAT Frickin BS!

It is a complete Set UP!  Do not believe God would be involved in anything today - if anything happens!  Do not fear the day - Live it fully!

Oh, I have been having terrible headaches the last two days..... is that being caused by Haarp?  Are the ear tones I have been receiving  been caused by HAARP?  Anyone else having terrible headaches, which are unusual?


  1. I like your information, you lay it out from B.S. to factual, many who post slant the views.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Very interesting, thanks for posting all of this.

  3. May I share your blog post with others on my Facebook page?

  4. Of course you can, Piercing.

    I have simply looked at the real data of what is going on to the hype of BS from the media.

    Haarp matches the media hype, where as the real information of the Earth's atmosphere and and stresses naturally occurring does not match. The Earth is not being stressed naturally right now, but it is being stressed through HAARP.

    Where are they HAARPing? That is the question.

  5. Sherie, how can I get a password for earth watchers? can I send you emails, then you post, I have information pertaining to many issues raised on the blog.

  6. Sherrie, I live in the New Madrid fault, and was a participant in the NLE 11 drill this week.

  7. Volcano in Iceland erupting again.

  8. Dave,

    You can email me at Sherriequestioningall at

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    I would love to hear about the drill!
