
Friday, May 20, 2011

Fast Track to No Rights, No Recourse, No Freedoms. It is now here. Literally we have NO rights left!

There has been so much negative news about what is really going on in the world, it has been hard to comprehend.  I have had multiple stresses in my life in a short amount of time, as many others may have been having.  Besides my friend passing away, and her being buried last Wednesday (May 11th), my beloved cat died and I buried her this last Wednesday (May 18th).  I had not expected to have to bury two important souls in my life, one week apart.  I am not comparing losing my friend to losing my cat, they were both emotional situations.  I tried to save my cat, as it was a heartbreaking situation and she died in my hands.  My friend was someone I loved so totally and completely. 

The emotional stress has been tremendous.  Then reading all the things happening around the world and especially in the U.S. has been so draining.

I have to say, I started this blog to try and make a difference in people's lives.  My goal in life is to help others in many forms.  It is a mission to try and "save the world and humanity".  Sounds corny I know, but there is a drive within me to do for others and help others and try to bring truth out.

I don't feel I have made that difference.  I have published truth as I know it, but it seems, I may just be preaching to the choir, per se.  If we are not doing anything about what is happening and it feels like humanity is being locked down more and more from those in control and who are at heart, very evil.

The news has been so disheartening, yet people are not standing up and the MSM does not touch the real news, they only put stuff up that is all distraction.  I could care less about Schwarzenegger, yet the morning shows for 1 1/2 hours this week will only have info about it.

Where is the news in informing people that the Supreme Court has now ruled the police can invade and search a home without a warrant?


The Supreme Court gave police more leeway to break into homes or apartments in search of illegal drugs when they suspect the evidence otherwise might be destroyed.In the past, the court has insisted that homes are special preserves.
In her dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she feared the ruling gave police an easy way to ignore 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. She said the amendment's "core requirement" is that officers have probable cause and a search warrant before they break into a house.
As Alito said, "The 4th Amendment has drawn a firm line at the entrance to the house." One exception to the search warrant rule involves an emergency, such as screams coming from a house. Police may also pursue a fleeing suspect who enters a residence.

Then you have the case where Tennessee Police are stopping cars just to take the cash from the people driving them.  They are searching without warrants and confiscating the cash on the drivers and there is nothing the people can do about it.  How is this being allowed?  How can we have gone so far down the rabbit hole  that the police are now legally robbing the people?  


Another thing, now the governments of the world are out right censoring videos and information people can put out. Youtube censors videos about demonstrations etc. per government's request. 


In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and remove videos that show protests and other examples of citizens simply asserting their rights, while also deleting search terms by government mandate.

The latest example is You Tube’s compliance with a request from the British government to censor footage of the British Constitution Group’s Lawful Rebellion protest, during which they attempted to civilly arrest Judge Michael Peake at Birkenhead county court.

Yet another bit of information, with the fact that the U.S. hit the debt ceiling so the Treasury dept. took the Federal Workers Retirement savings.  They are suppose to have to pay it back.  BUT we know how good they are about being financially sound!  Those who work hard all their lives to save and try to have a decent living after retirement may find the U.S. government wasted all of their money!  Funny that MSM is staying far away from this bit of information!  This is just sickening to me.  Yet... are people yelling and screaming over it?  Are those who are having their money taken, standing up?  No.... everyone is just sitting back quietly as the Fed. Govt takes their money to give away to Wall Street and the banks. 


Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told Congress he would start tapping into federal pension funds on Monday to free up borrowing capacity as the nation hits the $14.294 trillion legal limit on its debt.
The Treasury will issue $72 billion in bonds and notes on Monday, pushing the nation right up against its borrowing cap at some point during the day, a Treasury official said.

Of course we have the foreclosure fraud that is still ongoing and is sickening how the politicians are making sure the banks are protected over and above the people.  Tennessee (yeah again) has passed where the banks can foreclose after one week of a notice instead of 4 weeks.  The bill was supported by the banks and the elected state officials passed it for the banks.  They have fast tracked foreclosures in the state, so the fraud will be covered up faster.


By allowing lenders to reduce the number of foreclosure notices they publish in newspapers from three to one, the legislation would either do little more than reduce fees collected on the back end from homeowners or hasten what consumer advocates say is an already too-speedy foreclosure process in Tennessee, depending on who you ask.

There is so much more and I have been at that point of just being overwhelmed and feeling that people just don't care and don't really want to know about it all.  That is what has gotten me so wound up also.  How is it that people want to be blind to the fact we don't really have any rights anymore?

We don't have rights to privacy in our home - the police can now search at will - we don't have rights in our cars - again the police can search at will.

What the F*&^ is happening and why the fast track to our bill of rights being lost?  Why has the Supreme Court ruled against the Constitution and Bill of rights?  

Now the next questions are.... WHAT can we do about this?  Personally I am so tired of it all.  I feel the chains now around my neck, I feel the prison of which we live in, here in the U.S.  It is real, we are all imprisoned in our countries.  We are spied upon from the air, we are in a police state with no recourse or consideration for our Constitution or Bill of Rights.

I don't know about others, but it seems we have been fast tracked this year to a total clamp down.  Why is that?

At this point, I only have faith left.  Faith that there is a higher power who will have all truth revealed and that the people of the world are watched over.  I have to have Faith that somehow the Evil that has it's grasp on the world will be defeated.  I have come to realize there is real evil in this world.  I didn't use to believe Evil was in control, but now I understand it really is.  It feels like the war between good and evil is happening right now.  Evil has an upper hand in the clamping down of all people, but I have to believe and have faith that Good and Light and Love will prevail.  If I did not have that belief then I would not be able to go on in this life and try and do what small part I can to help the Good along.

Am I doing any good?  It does not feel like it, especially when I have been so down about what all is going on in the world, besides my own personal stresses and problems.

I sincerely wish, people would wake up to what is happening, but they just don't want to.  People just don't want truth, even when it is right in front of them, they would rather turn away.

What a sad state this Earth is in.  How much longer before the rubber band, being stretched will snap?


  1. It is world wide not just the US, soon even the MSM will not be able to ignore it.

    Keep on with fight you are an incredible inspiration.

    Don't forget Exposure is the key.


  2. Sherrie, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Insanity is doing the same action over and over and expecting a different result. We have been doing this time and time again electing the same cookie cutter pols from both parties and expecting something different. I read your blog daily and find it has a great slant on the topics that effect us the most. Keep it up! Rest assured you are NOT alone in your thinking and presentation of your breakdown of the news.

  3. You are shining a bright light in dark corners that men behind the curtain are doing their best to keep dark. Voices in the wilderness like your's are our country's greatest hope to return to sanity. You are to be commended for setting in motion the forces to dissipate the smoke screens.

  4. Love the blog, Sherrie. Look, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. We have to hit rock bottom before we can deal with where we are as a country. Denial is a very powerful tool the mind uses, and most of America is in denialm or they're simply being lied to.

    People are starting to wake up, and when they do, they're going to want to have honest, sincere reporting of the facts. That's where you come in. You are making a difference in people's lives. Saving humanity is a great goal, but the weight of that goal has a very high emotional price tag. Please be sure to take care of yourself at the same time you are trying to help others.

    This is going to be a marathon that lasts generations, it's not a sprint. We haven't even started the real crises yet. Once the dollar drops, people will have to deal with the world they live in. Until then, there's simply not enough evidence to counter the MSM lies.

    Please be good to yourself and take time off as much as you need. We love your writing and will continue to visit as long as you feel like posting.

  5. Sherrie,
    I felt the exact same thing... I HAD to step up and do what I could to save the world, no one else was trying. I tried everything I could think of to get the truth out. I got into politics, got on the State Central Committee and became a delegate to the RNC... Where I found that Ron Paul is just another character in this dog and pony show. So, I tried to get that truth out...
    I give up. People have the choice to live as sovereigns - kings and queens. They WANT a "leader." They reject being personally responsible for their lives, they want a hero to save their body and a savior to save their souls. I do not know what comes after death, but I can see that hell has come to earth.
    I have given up. I post a few comments here and there, but that is all. I made youtube videos and even other truth lovers would not support my videos... even you. Now even the choir has tuned out the preachers, no one is listening any more. There is no point is speaking truth, so there is no point in speaking.

  6. Sherrie, I have missed your blog posts and am sorry to hear of your losses.

    Do not despair! You are like the voice "crying in the wilderness" have no idea of the lives you may be impacting. Keep up the good work.

  7. Thank you, everyone.

    You have no idea, how much it means to me to get positive feedback as I have.

    If there is one thing that makes life full, it is knowing that we have a positive impact on others. I was not looking for "compliments" when I wrote this. I wrote it from my heart. Knowing we make a positive difference is what life is about.

    I sincerely Thank everyone! You have no idea how much better you have made me feel! You have made the difference in my life!

  8. Sherrie, please don't dispare. I realize that emotional stress can make you feel down and ask "what's the use?". I read your blog regularly and I love how you put the truth out there. You are a champion and a warrior among the sheople. I try to talk to people about the kind of things you write about but it seems that most just don't want to hear the truth because it is just too harsh and they want to believe thier government is actually looking out for thier best interests. Some are so nieve and just choose to stay blind to the sad truth. You ARE making a difference Sherrie and one day you will inspire us to stand up to the unconstitutional way we are being treated like what has recently happened in other countries. We will take our rights back and people like you will lead the way. Stay strong and may God bless and protect you.

  9. When and only when people have nothing to lose and are hungry will desperation be a motivating force. Worldwide this template is being played out right in front of our eyes in revolts all over the mid east and Africa. But until people avert their eyes from dancing with the stars and other simpleton entertainment designed to further numb you will any reaction be seen here. Prepare for violence and mayhem. All these other countries are the opening acts. We will be the headliner and it aint gonna be nice or purdy. Stay strong and on course Sherrie, there are a lot like you. I too am seen as a doomsday naysayer.
