
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pension Funds underwater throughout U.S., Why aren't they buying Physical Silver (151% increase in one year)?

When I read articles as Zerohedge has this morning, on how the Texas Teachers fund needing 21% return to have adequate funding.   

I wonder who the managers are and if they watch and read the same information as I do?  If they were really astute managers they would have already done what the University of Texas has done, which is buy physical metals, especially silver.

Silver in one years times has increased 151%, I do not know of another single investment that has had that type of return ever!

How can anyone argue against Silver and Gold as investments, though governments do.  In fact if you remember in February the Dutch Government made a pension fund sell all the gold it had as an investment for the people.

Governments do not appreciate regular people being protected in pensions for the future in real currency and not in their games (stocks, bonds, treasury bills) they have created and manipulate.

I believe everyone who has a group pension fund from the private to the public sector needs to request the managers start investing in metals!  It is the only investment that is real, stocks and bonds are being manipulated up whereas metals are being manipulated to keep them down.  So what makes sense is stocks and bonds can fall a long way from their manipulations and metals being suppressed down will be going up.

This morning April 20th 7:30am est - the Silver chart from Kitco looks like this:  ( one sec ago it had 151%)

Apr 20 2011 7:29AM NY Time
Bid/Ask 44.72 44.74
Low/High 44.13 44.83
Change +0.76 +1.73%
30DayChg +8.62 +23.88%
1YearChg +26.90 +150.95%

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