
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Michigan - Governor Dictatorship and Communism in Full Speed and Full View! U.S. is becoming Communist in Federal and State Levels! Michigan Police Tech. scans all electronics - everything on Phones!

 Did our Forefathers sign the Constitution for naught?  At what point will "We the People" stand up for our Forefather's Ideals for the Nation Under God which they founded?

I don't agree with how Rachel Maddow will say "Left versus Right". I don't believe there is a Left or Right anymore. I believe all in elected office have the same agenda: POWER! Giving the Power over to corporations is being done by both the Republicans and Democrats! Both side have a communist agenda, they just play their parts, it is the same people controlling both sides!

The Republican Governor of Michigan is not even hiding his communist agenda or Corporation takeover of the state in the least! He has taken away elected officials powers on the local level and is now even taking over a public park and giving it to a corporation to build a high end golf course and luxury homes!

People need to understand the left and right that the media plays up, is all BullS*&^! They are all the same, it would not matter who got in office anywhere, when an elected official is bought and sold by the same corporations and banks they do as they are told!

When will people WAKE UP to the fact we have NO CONSTITUTION ANYMORE! It has been taken from us in the Federal Level and the State Levels are now working the communist Agenda in!

Besides the fact the Governor of Michigan has become a dictator in taking elected officials rights he has now allowed unconstitutional grabs of all technology information off people's phones by the State Police during simple pull overs!

Portion of Police being allowed to Scan all technology without warrants!

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

ACLU seeks information on Michigan program that allows cops to download information from smart phones belonging to stopped motorists.

CelleBriteThe Michigan State Police have a high-tech mobile forensics device that can be used to extract information from cell phones belonging to motorists stopped for minor traffic violations. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Michigan last Wednesday demanded that state officials stop stonewalling freedom of information requests for information on the program

"Complete extraction of existing, hidden, and deleted phone data, including call history, text messages, contacts, images, and geotags," a CelleBrite brochure explains regarding the device's capabilities. "The Physical Analyzer allows visualization of both existing and deleted locations on Google Earth. In addition, location information from GPS devices and image geotags can be mapped on Google Maps."

Rachel Maddow's complete Expose of the Michigan's Governor's Communist Agenda!

Edit - Detersbb left this link in a comment below - it is the Executive Order taking over Benton Michigan for "Financial Reasons" and relieving the Mayor and all the Elected officials of their duties and enacting a dictatorship for the area! Thank you Detersbb!


  1. What is with this idea that cutting taxes (giving money to) for RICH people is moral, but giving unemployment (giving money to) to WORKING CLASS people is immoral? Giving RICH people MORE of what they already HAVE (money) is GOOD, but giving POOR people what they DO NOT HAVE (money) is BAD? What COMMUNIST came up with that? Please explain to me why RICH people have to be given MORE so they will have "incentive" to work, but POOR people have to have their wages/money CUT in order to --have incentive to work? LESS then 46% of Americans have jobs!!! LESS then 46%!!!!
    BY DAVID WESSEL Wall Street Journal 04/20/2011
    U.S. multinational corporations, the big brand-name companies that employ a fifth of all American workers, have been hiring abroad while cutting back at home, sharpening the debate over globalization's effect on the U.S. economy.The companies cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million, new data from the U.S. Commerce Department show. That's a big switch from the 1990s, when they added jobs everywhere: 4.4 million in the U.S. and 2.7 million abroad.In all, U.S. multinationals employed 21.1 million people at home in 2009 and 10.3 million ...
    So TELL ME how "SMART" your tax cutting for the RICH is.
    the Rich HAVE MORE, more property, more food, more possessions. Therefore they benefit MORE from Government services via Police protection, etc. They benefit more from the being in a SOCIETY. Therefore they SHOULD pay more taxes, to pay for their extra BENEFITS.
    As Warren Buffet stated:"There is a CLASS WAR going on alright, and WE (the RICH) are WINNING".

  2. SNYDERLY WHIPLASH is PAYING for a $1.8 BILLION tax credit to Corporations ..... by REDUCING unemployment six weeks, and STEALING from PENSIONERS.

  3. Excellent-excellent post.

    If you have face book please use the friend option to help me keep up with your posts.

    In any event that you again for posting this video and commentary.

    The link to the executive order for benton harbor's financial dictatorship is viewable at:

  4. So if you want to steal secrets from a business competitor just bribe a cop to pull him over and scan everything off his phone. Depending on what you find, maybe you can blackmail him too. Maybe you can get some credit card or bank account numbers and really clean up.

    You would think this would make some of the governor's pals nervous.

  5. holy crap you guys, your gov't and police are out of control there, so sorry to hear it folks.
    Hey you a$$ holes in control there:
    Spend all the money you want on those vacation in michigan TV commercials, I'm not going anywhere near the place now.

    Peace, truth, justice and prosperity in-spite of those who obviously would have it otherwise.
