
Thursday, March 3, 2011

This is My Kind of Lawyer - George Babcock Tells MERS lawyer "Fight Is ON Against the EVIL Forces of the Banks"!

Who would not like a lawyer like this?  Passionate and determined!  My Kind of Lawyer!

George Babcock in Massachusetts writes a letter to a bank/MERS bank attorney letting him know, under no certain terms to "Bring it On"!  He calls the banks "Evil Forces, behind the actions of the bank/MERS attorney"!

The letter says:

Dear Mr. Harmon,

Please  be advised  that  I have been retained by Mr. Conley  regarding  the notice of illegal foreclosure  you mailed  to him on February 4, 2011. The chain of title to this properly and  the note is like a walk down  the yellow  brick road.  Is Harmon  Law the Wizard of Title? You display  extreme  indifference to the law by noticing a foreclosure  on this property. As you know,  I take great pride in defending my clients  against  the evil forces that guide your actions. Mr. Conley  is a personal friend. It is my intention to be even more pugilistic in this matter.  It is disgusting  and  I will make sure  that whoever  violates  his property rights is knocked out of the ring. No TKO’s will be accepted. A full  fledged,  right cross to the chin of the beast.

I look  forward to a response although  I am quite certain  you will not engage me as is your habit. Send your minions that  I may  lay waste  to them before me.

I hope  that this letter  is circulated  as has been your habit in the past. I like my enemy  to know  that I am at its doorstep.

Very  truly yours,
George  E. Babcock, Esquire

Wouldn't it be nice if all the attorneys who work MERS cases for homeowners took the task to heart and not just as a case?  The passion is what makes the difference between a good lawyer and one who just wants money for defending a homeowner. 

We all need lawyers like this who really understands the foreclosure fraud and takes it personally!

But what we mostly get is lawyers that only see money as the motivation and not the passion of uncovering the layers and layers of fraud of the banks in foreclosing on people when they have already defrauded their investors and are simply going down the line to defraud all.

Any other passionate lawyers out there like this?  If so Please stand up!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that was a FABULOUS start to this morning! We are off to the courthouse...
