
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is Awesome News!  

HSBC has suspended ALL Foreclosures, it is not something they announced but it is a fact they seemed intent on hiding, as it was declared in their annual SEC financial report they filed on Monday.   

Isn't it extremely funny how Main Stream Media is not mentioning this fact?  Wow you would think a bank suspending ALL foreclosures would be a news item. OH, wait of course, what am I thinking...... Charlie Sheen is much bigger news and much more interesting than a bank that is not foreclosing due to so much fraud in the past.  

Portion from article:
HSBC Bank USA and HSBC Finance Corp. have stopped all home foreclosures until further notice and may face unspecified regulatory actions or fines, after regulators found “certain deficiencies” in servicing and foreclosure procedures, HSBC said in government filings Monday.

The disclosure by HSBC, buried deep within its annual financial report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, marks the first time HSBC has admitted to a foreclosure moratorium in the wake of a legal and paperwork crisis that swept the industry.

HSBC is a mortgage servicer which is a MERS bank member.  MERS had sent a memo out to all of their member banks, that no foreclosures could be in MERS name anymore.  They did this due to the New York ruling against MERS and the fact they have no rights to transfer the mortgage.   Also servicers stopped foreclosing in their names, due to rulings that they are not the owners and can not foreclose, that is why it switched to MERS name as nominee to foreclose. 

Is there any wonder HSBC suspended foreclosures?  They can't foreclose because they are not the owners and now there can't be foreclosures in MERS name, due to them not having rights as nominee.  Now, my next question is how can any of the banks from Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs/Litton Loan and the list goes on and on, take foreclosure action on anyone?  Will they go back to the servicer being listed as the foreclosing entity?

Will they have to go to each Trust that the MERS mortgage is in as the foreclosing entity?  But then if they do, will that not then open the Pandora's box that mortgages were put in multiple trust?

There are some states trying to take action FOR the bankers - One is Washington State.  It seems the state ELECTED Government officials are trying to pass a bill SANCTIONING The banks FRAUD!  I just came across it today - so those in Washington State - you need to contact your government officials and tell them - THEY WORK FOR THE PEOPLE NOT FOR THE BANKS!  

Then there are states like Arizona and Georgia who are passing bills to protect homeowners against Fraud!   They are/have passed bills where banks can not foreclose through fraud.  


  1. How do I find about my lenders that even they hold my title or the trustee

  2. You need to go to the court house and get every bit of paperwork they have on your property including any assignments.

  3. I live in Prince Edward Island Canada, my parents are dealing with a forecloser on their house, because they said they are far behind, but for example, they paid 10,000 but 8,000 of that is for interest and only 2,000 of it went towards the loan, to me that sounds like fraud!! Am I rightÉ

  4. My home was sold under HSBC Bank on October 4, 2011 I'm a disabled women without legs since 1996 When I bought this home ! I am also a rape survivor !This city of Philadelphia sherriffs office not only sold my home ! But since this fraudulent loan was given to me to sign in 2007! I got no help through city or state !I still Only talked to 3 people from City about home !They say I have to move ? Yet No one has told me or helped me??? Find some where to live other then 2 applications for low income apartments ! Community Legal Services here in this city ! Is threating me to hurry up and find a place to move yet they are supposed to be working with The none profit company Liberty Resources ! Yet no one Has mailed me anything or returned my calls in the last 4-6 months ! Only spoke to Legal services 5 times total last time was told I cant help anymore did my job stoped injection !Now on friday 4-26-13 This so called free lawyer left A very disturbing message on home phone ! What ? He was so nasty ! Message saving to report to BAR ASSOCATION! He said on phone,, Time is wasting what am I doing about moving? We have been boarding you ? I must not have a clue? His words ! Then said I dont know What you're stadus is For youre situation is But we are running outof time since we filed the motion ? I have no idea what motion >? Or wth this man is talking about >? Never received a letter a notice nothing from them or city or state or anyone involved Since October 4th 2011!
