
Monday, February 14, 2011

Tungsten UP 70% in value - David Morgan Video about Fake Gold and Silver Bars - How to tell

UPDATE 2/23/11 - FAKE Silver Coins/Bars/Ingots ARE on the Market!

Zerohedge has a chart up and a small blurb about Tungsten being up 70% last year.

If you aren't familiar with why Tungsten may be up.... well, it is the number one metal used to make fake gold bars. There have been many reports of fake gold.  There is a video out of Germany which verifies there are tungsten filled Gold bars on the market.  Watch the video and you will see when they cut the bar - it is tungsten as the core with a layer of real gold on the outside.

It is rumored the majority of the gold that Hong Kong got out of London was Tungsten filled, 2 years ago. Insiders of the metal business say "Yes, it is true".  This fact has been hidden due to many reasons and one is to keep the price down. 

Here is the video showing a Tungsten filled bar out of Germany

Here is David Morgan  of Silver-Investor discussing how Silver and Gold bars are faked and how you may be able to tell if they are.

With this information, who knows how much real gold is out there and who knows if all the bars in the Comex and London are real or fake. Also I won't hold my breath in thinking Fort Knox actually has real gold bars in it, if there are even gold bars there at all.  In my non-expert opinion only small 1 ounce gold or silver pieces is what I would try to get.

Let those banks and big commercial organizations get those large bars of metals.  I would not trust those at all.   Especially when you see the Tungsten chart - you know the Metal Exchanges and Central Banks are working over time on getting out as much metal (not saying what kind of metal) out to meet the Gold and Silver demand!

Also, Link to Red Alert issued by Roger Wiegand to his peers in the gold and silver fields through an email, about what his high inside sources are saying about Gold Confiscation.

UPDATE 2/17/11 - My Interview with David Morgan on 2/17/11 about the RED ALERT email and the possible issues of Fake Gold and Silver being on the market.


  1. I don't believe any of the "tungsten filled gold bars" nonsense.
    It's just a way for the Jews who create FRN's to keep the big boys from buying gold, nothing more.

  2. The video proves there are tungsten filled bars - there is no getting around that. If you don't think the banks and governments would put double or more the amount of gold there really is by using tungsten, then you must believe they are all working strictly for the people and not the banks.

    Buy small coins easy as that. Then you are assured of real gold.

    I wouldn't touch a big bar with anything - even if I had the money to buy one! I would prefer 1000 one ounce coins over a 1000 ounce bar!

  3. Even the one ounce coins are not safe any more.

    Lots of counterfeit ones showing up here. They showed how if you drop one it hits the counter with a thump and no ring. The genuine ones have a nice ring to them when dropped....

  4. The video proves that there is one tungsten filled gold bar and that there may be more. A vendor makes much more money on single oz gold than on large pieces. Do you see a motive? The only gold bullion affected by this, if at all, would have to be large enough for the fakery to be cost-effective, and small enough not to have a serialized handling history and provenance pedigree for the bar. If a person has the money to buy that much gold, they should also be able to afford an ultrasound scanner. The speed of sound in tungsten vs gold is very different, nearly double longitudinal, and > double transversal and extensional. i.e. you hit it and it sounds different!

  5. Of course there are fakes......if something is worth money and there is a way to fake it cheaper, you will always have people doing it. Greed is a powerful motivator.

  6. If you think of this counterfeiting business rationally, it would be akin to counterfeiting dollars. It wouldn't make much sense to counterfeit a $1 bill rather than a $100 bill. I think that based on this assumption, silver would be much less likely to be counterfeited than gold in any weight denomination.

  7. You could purchase an inexpensive mechanical device to unerringly detect fake coins:
    It relies on density: a 1oz coin of the right dimensions and weight can only be gold.

  8. The densities of tungsten and gold are so similar that you would need a very accurate detector for density. that is why tungsten is used to fake bars. It is not likely to use tungsten to fake coins, because coins are stamped from blanks. The tungsten bars can be milled and then plated with gold so that they can then be stamped. You wouldn't be able to stamp a tungsten blank and then gold plate it, not without some incredible machinery. Tungsten is just too hard.


    All this bullshit about being able to tell a real from a fake coin by LISTENING to it is, bullshit.

    Spend the money to get the Fisch wallets and you can't be robbed. I had to refuse buying a Krug just two weeks ago in Long Beach--dealer seemed crestfallen he might have been duped. And no, he'd never seen a Fisch before. Pay now or pay later...

  10. this is an interesting post on how to make and detect fake gold bars...
